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Archive through February 13, 2000

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St. Peter Mavimenus says: "Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian religion will be damned, as was Mohammed."

St. George of San Saba says: "Mohammed was a disciple of the devil, and his followers are in a state of perdition."

Pope St. Gregory the Great says: "We can no more pray for a deceased infidel than we can for the devil, since they are condemned to the same eternal and irrevocable damnation."

Pope St. Pius X says: "Those who die as infidels are damned. Who are infidels? Infidels are those who have not been baptized, and do not believe in Jesus Christ, because they either believe in and worship false gods as idolaters do, or though admitting one true God, they do not believe in the Messiah, neither as already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, nor as to come; for instance, Mohammedans and the like."

St. Prosper of Aquitaine says: "Where knowledge of the eternal and unchangeable Truth is lacking, there is only false virtue even with the best of conduct. For without worship of the true God, even what might seem to be virtue is sin."

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St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori says: "O ye atheists who do not believe in God, what fools you are! But if you do believe there is a God, you must also believe there is a true religion. And if not the Roman Catholic, which is? Perhaps that of the pagans who admit many gods, and thus deny them all. Perhaps that of MOHAMMED, a religion invented by an imposter and framed for beasts rather than humans. Perhaps that of the Jews who had the true faith at one time but, because they rejected their Redeemer, lost the faith, their country, their everything. Perhaps that of heretics who, separating themselves our Church, have confused all revealed dogmas in such a way that the belief of one heretic is contrary to that of his neighbor. O holy faith! Enlighten all those poor blind creatures who run to eternal perdition!"

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"There was a great commotion in the city of Glupov [Stupid], caused by the arrival of Dementi Brudasty, the new governor. The citizens were rejoicing ... They were already ... calling him 'our beauty,' 'our father' and 'our wise one' ... and kept going in and out of pubs, and in again." This quote is from History of One City, an acerbic satire on Russian life written by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin back in 1870. To many, things do not seem to have changed much in the city of Glupov.

Most Russians--62% according to the latest polls--are still enthusiastic about Acting President Vladimir Putin and the war in Chechnya, even though the military has suffered setbacks of late and Putin's plans for the country--apart from his promise "to rub out terrorists in the john"--are still fairly vague. Indeed, most people know as little about Putin as the citizens of Glupov did about Brudasty. Nevertheless, everyone from generals to governors to bankers to movie stars is lining up to pledge fealty to Russia's current, and very likely, future President.

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Parasha...oi blea Balalaika...
Privet shluxa :))) kak ti sedne seba chystvyesh proshmandovka :))) vse eshe mesechnie? eto pravdo shto kogda y teba mesechnie ti padla sresh vezde? 🙂
no ne boise eto vse proidet...tak shto davai soski k verxy u za raboty :)))

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MUHARBIK is right, ••••••• Turks were building my house too, well that's probably because of high living standards in Turkey 🙂
Turk you are ••••••• pathetic, who knows maybe same day you will work for me 🙂

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Happy-end for a Russian liberator: went crazy after returning to Russia from Chechnya, got drunk, and jumped from 5th floor...

(Win Cyrillic font)

"Ñåãîäíÿ óòðîì èç îêíà 4-ãî ýòàæà äîìà 43 êîðïóñ 2 ïî Îðàíèåáàóìñêîìó ïðîñïåêòó (ã. Ëîìîíîñîâ) âûáðîñèëñÿ 23-ëåòíèé ëåéòåíàíò 33-é áðèãàäû âíóòðåííèõ âîéñê, îêîëî íåäåëè íàçàä âåðíóâøèéñÿ ñ ÷å÷åíñêîé âîéíû. Âîåííîñëóæàùèé îñòàëñÿ æèâ, íî ïîëó÷èë ñåðüåçíûå òðàâìû - ïåðåëîì ïîçâîíî÷íèêà è óøèáû âíóòðåííèõ îðãàíîâ.  òÿæåëîì ñîñòîÿíèè ïîñòðàäàâøèé ãîñïèòàëèçèðîâàí.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ îí íàõîäèòñÿ â ðåàíèìàöèè. Êàê ñîîáùèëè êîððåñïîíäåíòó â Ëîìîíîñîâñêîì ÎÂÄ, íàêàíóíå âåðíóâøèìñÿ èç ×å÷íè âîåííîñëóæàùèì âûäàëè äåíüãè. À ðàíî óòðîì, îêîëî 7.30, 8 ôåâðàëÿ â êâàðòèðå 15 äîìà 43 êîðïóñ 2 ïî Îðàíèåíáàóìñêîìó ïðîñïåêòó ðàçûãðàëàñü òðàãåäèÿ. 23-ëåòíèé ëåéòåíàíò, ïî âñåé âèäèìîñòè, êðåïêî âûïèë è ñòàë êðóøèòü ìåáåëü è êèäàòü â îêíî ðàçíûå ïðåäìåòû.  ýòîò ìîìåíò ñî äâîðà âûåçæàëà ìàøèíà, íà ñòåêëÿííûé ëþê êîòîðîé ïîïàëà áàíêà, âûáðîøåííàÿ èç îêíà êâàðòèðû 15. Õîçÿèí àâòîìîáèëÿ âûçâàë ìèëèöèþ. Ïðèáûâøèå ñîòðóäíèêè ìèëèöèè ïûòàëèñü âåñòè ïåðåãîâîðû ñ âîåííîñëóæàùèì, îäíàêî íà ñëîâà ìèëèöèîíåðîâ îí ðåàãèðîâàë íåàäåêâàòíî. Ñîòðóäíèêè ðàéîííîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ ÃÎ×Ñ ðàññêàçûâàþò, íàïðèìåð, ÷òî ïîñòðàäàâøèé âñå âðåìÿ óïîìèíàë êàêèå-òî âåðòîëåòû, êîòîðûå ÿêîáû äîëæíû ïðèëåòåòü è åãî çàáðàòü. Ïî èìåþùåéñÿ èíôîðìàöèè, ëåéòåíàíò äàæå ïûòàëñÿ ïîäàâàòü ñèãíàëû ðàêåòíèöåé. Êðîìå òîãî, âîåííîñëóæàùèé óãðîæàë âçîðâàòü ñåáÿ. Îêîëî 11.30 ëåéòåíàíò íåîæèäàííî âûáðîñèëñÿ èç îêíà. Þíîøà óïàë íà ãàçîí, ïîêðûòûé ëüäîì, íî ïåðåä ýòèì óñïåë êðèêíóòü, ÷òî åãî êâàðòèðà çàìèíèðîâàíà. Ïðèáûâøèå íà ìåñòî âðà÷è êîíñòàòèðîâàëè ó ïîñòðàäàâøåãî ïåðåëîì ïîçâîíî÷íèêà è óøèáû âíóòðåííèõ îðãàíîâ. À ãðóïïà ðàçìèíèðîâàíèÿ ÎÌÎÍ ïðèñòóïèëà ê îñìîòðó êâàðòèðû. Æèòåëåé 9-ýòàæíîãî äîìà ïðèøëîñü ýâàêóèðîâàòü â ðàñïîëîæåííóþ íåïîäàëåêó øêîëó. Îêîëî ïîëóäíÿ áûëî óñòàíîâëåíî, ÷òî â êâàðòèðå âçðûâîîïàñíûõ ïðåäìåòîâ íåò - íà ïîëó âàëÿëèñü òîëüêî õîëîñòûå ïàòðîíû. Êàê ñîîáùèëè êîððåñïîíäåíòó Àãåíòñòâà â Ëîìîíîñîâñêîì ÃÎÂÄ, ëåéòåíàíò - ðîäîì èç Êåìåðîâà, â Ïåòåðáóðãå ó íåãî íèêîãî íåò. Êâàðòèðó ïî Îðàíèåíáàóìñêîìó ïðîñïåêòó îí ñíèìàë.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ âåäåòñÿ ïðîâåðêà îáñòîÿòåëüñòâ ñëó÷èâøåãîñÿ."

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Mi teba tozje ne vertolete otpravim s 5 etazja :))) bydesh syka letat' :))

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Davaite Balaliky na shashlik? :)))
xyili ona vse ravno starae u smorshenae dyra...da u rozja y nee prishavae :)))
Balalika xosh ya tebe yxo chechenskoe podaru? 🙂 ono blea pochti kak tvoe smorshenoe... 🙂

Ny otvet' shalava ya zje znau ti seichas sidish u plueshe na ekran :))) ryki cheshytsea otvet' che nebyd, toka mozgov-to nety otvetit' che nebyd :))
esli opet' sobiraeshe bybnit' to togda lydshe srazy zavali ebalo :)))

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Most of the Russians on this board are pathetic. I am honestly feeling sorry for them. They are seeking glory for Russia to gain some self-esteem, but not many good news around to cheer them. So they are plunging in deeper desperation.

I am feeling sorry for them, but certainly have no respect for them whatsoever. Why should I respect somebody who has no respect for themselves. Any person respecting themselves will start by being truthful to themselves. These people are so pathetic, they try to twist the facts, bully the people, or just go overboard with profane language.

But truth is the biggest weapon, and I'll continue to hit them with it, until they wake up to it.

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"""These were the visible victims of a sick and shrinking nation. Their desperation put a human face on the academic research of Professor Murray Feshbach at Georgetown University who foresees an APPALLING start of the new millennium for the Russian people. Feshbach projects a decline in the Russian population from 149 million in 1990 to a possible low of 131 million in 2015 as poverty, malnutrition, pneumonia, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS take a grim toll."""

Sad, sad, sad... If anyone of you think that this is pleasing to me is the biggest idiot. I am hoping that you'll open your eyes to the facts.

Russia forever fighting either to build or keep an empire. As they try to enslave other nations, they are damning themselves to slavery. The results of their folly is unmistakenly there, for any person with some brain to see.

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Some young Russians sitting near me at the ballet wore expensive imported fashions, while millions of their countrymen went hungry. “Yes,” said a Russian friend, “these times have made of our daughters WHORES and our sons into GANGSTERS.”

This is a good reading for anyone who wants to open their eyes to facts.

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"""By MUHARBIK ( - on Saturday, February 12, 2000 - 03:06 pm:
To Turk:

Why half of your country is building Russia. """

That must be due to Russia needing to be build, and Russians themselves being to busy destroying what's left.

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"""By Svoloch ( - on Saturday, February 12, 2000 - 05:23 pm:

Turk you are ••••••• pathetic, who knows maybe same day you will work for me """

I don't think so mate.

First of all you can't afford my wages. Let's see, since you are making $20 a week, you need to save your 150 weeks of income just to pay my one week's of wage.

Secondly, as far as I can see from your input to this board, you are such a low class bum that not many people would like to be near you, let alone work for you.

But again keep dreaming, since it must be giving you a nice, warm feeling.

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