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Archive through February 14, 2000

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Noble Member
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try : "sosat' pizdobolka!"

just kidding, that will do a reverse effect 🙂
Serioucely though, try "kiska", worked in few cases..hoever that frase should be accompanied with either good looks, or sparklin' "winner" personality..if you possess either/or - then you might succeed 😉

As per your question : "when will the Army stop"..well, Lobo, the campaign is far from over - militants declared a guerilla war not too long ago, so I hope that answers your Q.

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Presidential Elections with us as a Party you say? With a communist as an President? With an FSB Director with UKRAINIAN citizenship? With Minister of Economy who resides in Canada? See where I'm gettin'at? Unfortunately.... NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!

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I will try Kiska and I'll see what happens, thanks for the advice. I'll ask her out to the movies and I'll use that phrase, except I need some accompanying information like what it means. Kiska- is it beautiful, darling, baby or i could be calling her a bitch. I don't want to get slapped Demitri.

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Hello all I see the gang is all still here.

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Dear Coalition,
In order to make our presence felt in a more effective manner, we must designate a proper name to our political organization. Therefore, I propose the name "Party of the Second Order". The Second Order refers to our cause to follow more effectively in Lenin's footsteps (e.g. The First Order being etablished in 1917). For short, we may call the organization the P.S.O. Feel free to accept or reject this proposition. However, I must reinforce the importance in establishing the official name of our party.

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kiska = kitty-cat in Russ.
Use it after you kiss her though,cuz if you do it before, she might find it a bit frivolous..but heck, it worked with Travolta in "Pulp Fiction", who says you're not as slick/smooth as he was, right?

If worse comes to worst, just tell her, that this dimitri-guy tought ya, maybe you can score some points by being sincere and all.
Good luck, bud..

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I saw something interesting on NBC news. Something about the tax on vodka in Russia is going up something like 40%. In other words a bottle of Vodka will be worth about the same ammount an average Russian makes in one day. Maybe some of our Russian guys on this board can comment on this.

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PSO, huh? Well sounds like a plan to me.
I already came up with another abbreviation that could serve as a nick-name:
"Post-Soviet Order"

Wattup, chief!
How's scooter doing?
I got him good!
Did you notice, we have another Turk on the board..he's from Ancura, you know..

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Ancura, isn't that a car, oh wait thats Acura. Scooters gone. Don't wory though the lord Jim Henson accepted his soul as a marter. So the Muppet party (I can't come up with a more creative name) will fight on in his memory. By the way I have no beef with the Turks. If I remember correctly recently I read the Kurds in Turkey are going to put down there arms and seak a political resolution to there problems. Has anybody else heard about this?

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yea, I saw is actually 30%..and..a..comments?
The famous Gorbie tried to do something like that - he went even further - from 1986 till, I think 1989 we had the same thing America experienced in the early 30's - Prohibition. Well, that didn't seem to work..maybe Putin is trying to do the same thing Governor Gray is pulling on sunny Cali with his killer-taxation on the tobacco products. What do you think?

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