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Archive through February 15, 2000

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America, while purporting to stop a holocaust all but launched one of its own, targeting civilians of Serb nationality as an enemy deserving of being bombed, pressing sanctions that cause death and disease to innocent children, and facilitating the murder and dispersal of the Serb minority in Kosovo. Now the rationale that was used for this draconian treatment, preventing Serb atrocities against ethnic Albanians, has completely fallen apart. The holocaust that Yugoslavia's Serbian majority was accused of waging against the Albanian ethnic group of Kosovo has been refuted and laughed out of court. After six months of occupation of Kosovo, no evidence that you'd need to make a case for state-supported genocide -- bodies, mass graves, victims of torture -- has been found. [1]

excerpt from

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Down at the bottom of the barrel indeed is where they found pro-Nazi terrorists in Croatia, and pro-Muslim drug runners and gangsters and descendants of World War II's pro-Nazi Albanian Skanderberg SS division in Kosovo, to carry out the operation. Thanks to American foreign and military aid to these elements, a full-fledged Renaissance of Fascism was held on Yugoslavian soil.

In Croatia it was a coming into the open of Nazi sympathizers who had either collaborated with the Germans in World War II or styled themselves after the fascist militants of those years when Croatia had its own version of Hitler's Gestapo, the Ustashe ("the uprising"). The Ustashe, one of the most murderous fascist movements in all of Europe, is credited with extermination of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and gypsies in German-style death camps.

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Get the truth here

great news

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They should all be shot dead(Taliban)

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Igor I went and read that "spin" web page. It fine for someone to express there view on something in this case Kosovo and the NATO air campaign but the person who wrote that article seemed to very obsesed with grinding the axe as much as possible with blanket annologys that would make it sound like NATO just fired up the B-52's and carpet bombed serbia in arc-light fashon. Which is not the case. Now I am not saying the Kosovo-Albanians are a bunch of angles and the serbs are the devil. But the Serbs (I am refering to their military and paramilitary not the citizens) are certantly no angles ether. I love parts of that story that said somethin like "NATO planes tageted churches" The is obviously just a way of the writer of the story to get an anti-western rise out of the readers with no base in fact. I mean come-on do you think F16 pilots spotted a church and say hey lets blow it up. Also the writer never even bothered to mention things like over half of the Kosovar-Albanian homes in Kosovo were destroyed (on the ground by serb forces) Plus that Belgrade would claim that NATO bomb the ambassadore of some other countrys house in Belgrade when it turned out the concussion of a bomb hitting a Yugo. Gov building caused a few windows to shatter. I just can't buy this NATO commited the holocaust thing on the Serbian people. Plus if someone trys to make Milosevich look like a stand up guy with clean hands they look laughable.

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reading this just makes me feel so happpppy:

>>The Ustashe, one of the most murderous fascist movements in all of Europe, is credited with extermination of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, and gypsies in German-style death camps. <<<

Too bad there were no russians in their way.

Ibn Fag:
any prophesies lately?

is it any bigger, must be daddy.hehehehe

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Furtermore, the funny thing (which really is not funny ) about the Balkins. Which I have notice sence the beginning of boards about Kosovo, which I think I have been guilty of also, is the yea , but what about this syndrome. What I mean and lets see if anyone else on this board agrees that when ever one group (Albanians, Serbs, Croats, NATO and there suporters)were asked about atrocies or mistakes that they have made , the ole yea, but what about this. In other words the initial question or point about one's own bad deeds are quickly brushed off and that person points to the bad deeds of another group, sometimes going as far back as the treatment of native americans in the last century. After everything has been posted about the Balkins and all the different views. I have come to one conclusion. I am glad I don't live there.

While I am on the subject I have also grown very tired of generlizations about whole ethnic and nationalistic groups. Stuff like all Abanians are terrorist, all Serbs are evil, all Chechens are terrorist. I think this is very silly.

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Cohen knows the KLA. In early April, American officials and KLA leaders held secret talks about supplying the terrorists with heavy weapons and other support, according to the April 26, 1999, issue of U.S. News & World Report. Cohen later told Republican senators the KLA was "no choirboy circle", according to the magazine.
There is an outside chance U.S. intelligence agencies are not up to speed with the KLA. Writing in the May/June 1999 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, former New York Times Balkans Bureau Chief Chris Hedges writes American spies were busy tracking militant Islamist groups and Iranian agents in Bosnia and failed to see the KLA's rise.
"Indeed, some diplomats argued as late as last year about whether the shadowy group really existed - even as small armed bands roamed Drenica in central Kosovo," Hedges reports.
Stories about the Balkan Connection have been around at least fourteen years. The Wall Street Journal reported on September 9, 1985, on heroin trafficking "conducted by, among others, a loosely organized group of ethnic Albanians, centered in New York." U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency officials claimed the Balkan Connection moved as much as forty percent of the U.S. heroin supply, according to the WSJ.
Jump nine years to November 1, 1994. The Guardian (UK) reported Europe's police chiefs feared the Balkan Connection would strengthen Kosovo Albanian drug syndicates. "We have enormous problems with
Kosovars and Albanians," said Bernard Soldini, deputy director of Lausanne's anti-drug force.
The Swiss were not alone, according to the paper. "Albania is now a priority for us," said Bernard Frahi with the United Nations' drug control program.
The Observatire Geopolitique Des Drogues, a Paris-based narcotics-monitoring group that does research for the European Commission, released a report in June 1994 that claimed Albanian groups in Kosovo were trading heroin for weapons for use in a brewing conflict. The report said a large influx of arms "is fueling geopolitical hopes and fears," and added Albanian leaders "are inherently in favour of an uprising in Kosovo."
Exactly four years later -- June 9, 1998 -- Agence France-Presse reported a group of Kosovars smuggling arms back to their province were caught by Italian police in a country-wide anti-drug operation.

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"The Kosovar Albanian gang allegedly used drug money to buy the weapons in Italy, which were then sent to Kosovo where a three-month conflict is pitting Serbian forces against armed ethnic Albanians seeking independence," AFP reported.
Milan's Corriere della Sera reported on October 15, 1998, the Albanian Mafia was helping the KLA, and quoted Italian crime fighters as saying they successfully neutralized a network of Albanian drug traffickers.
Quoting an unnamed Special Operations Section source, the publication reported Milan was the site for talks between Kosovar leaders and Tirana-based Albanian gangs.
Independence was not the only goal of the KLA and the drug traffickers, according to the source. "On the basis of phone calls that we have intercepted, we have discovered that the drugs are not only a source of wealth, but also a tool in the struggle to weaken Christendom."
On March 24, just before the start of NATO's air campaign, London's The Times reported Europe's senior law enforcement officers believe the KLA is a Marxist-led force funded by drug money.
An investigation by the paper revealed Swedish, German and Czech police, along with Europol, the European police authority, were conducting separate probes into evidence drug money fueled the KLA's rocket-rise from obscurity to power.
Europol, according to The Times, was preparing a report for interior and justice ministers on a connection between the KLA and Albanian drug gangs.
According to The Washington Times on June 4, a secret intelligence report by NATO's Office of Security said the KLA had received smuggled weapons paid for by money raised through the sale of drugs and sex.
"Some funds from the drug trade, in which the Albanians traditionally acted as couriers and more lately as suppliers, reportedly are being used to purchase weapons for the [KLA]", the report was quoted as saying.
The 24-page report apparently included the United States among five countries that believe the KLA is aligned with an organized crime network that smuggles heroin into Western Europe and the U.S.
Why, then, would Rubin and the State Department play dumb? Politics. Washington will do anything to keep Americans from dying in the Balkans, and that includes supporting KLA drug trafficking and terrorism.
The alternative to admitting criminal collusion is to claim stupidity. It's not a happy choice for anyone.

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Ibn, what was the caption for that photo, How about "My First AK-47". Now I take it the site that photo was on was one that was , for lack of better words, pro-afgan. What were they thinking? Do they think this shows the strength and defiance of the whole afgan people? To me it sends exactly the opposite message. It shows that someone thinks putting an AK-47 in the hands of a kid is acceptable. Which it is not.

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since you weren't here yesterday - we found you most recent PIC:

Boy, are you getting bigger or what?


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