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Archive through February 16, 2000

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To L'menexe
You are an amusing little character - hardly worth the effort - I shall ignore you from now on

* Mssr. Bacon a la You'd do us a favour by ignoring the board altogether.
Regarding the pimping activitites of your Jewish friends in Tel Aviv -

* You continue to amaze me, - now it's the expertise of Yours on the subject of pimping, throw in Your previous posts about paedophilia, homosexuals. Are You advertizing Your skills?

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Hello all, I see Putnin has backtracked and decided not to raise the tax on political move.

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More and more prisoners in the Russian concentration camp of Chernokozovo report satanic crimes committed by the Putinists and Kremlin mercenaries.
According to these eye-witnesses the guards of the concentration camp, while torturing the prisoners, frankly admit belonging to a satanic movement and that their task is the physical and moral destruction of Muslims. The higher-up guards, calling themselves officers, frankly admit that they were ordered by the Kremlin to physically destroy not less then 150 thousand Chechen young people and women.
Prisoners report that not less than 200 children, aged between 10 and 15, are kept in the camp and are subjected to maiming and satanic torture.
The Russians have cut off the fingers, noses and ears of hundreds of prisoners. Many inmates's feet and hands are cut off - they die several days later.
According to Daud Rizvanov from Shali, a prisoner who escaped from the camp, the Russian guards, intoxicated by vodka and narcotics, even cut off pieces of the bodies of still living people, boil these pieces and eat them before the eyes of the other prisoners. They did this with the body the 17-year-old Aslan Supyanov from Maas. It is reported that the guards torture their victims to death by ramming empty sub-machine gun cartridges into their bodies. Afterwards they often rape the corpses.

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PRO CHECHEN Quit your BS Abdullah the Foolah.Ashamed to call your self Abdullah

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pc, I think you just made that up, if you are serious could you provide a link...I doubt it.

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He used to be Abdullah the Foolah now he is PC.A lot of these smucks vanished when the bandits started getting smoked,now they are crawling back as someone else.I wrote their IP's down and noticed them sneaking back.CB1 is Matthesson who will soon be getting kicked off again.

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the boy(pc) has a vivid imagination..he's tryin'way too hard.

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Pc that is not half of what I would do to that stinking shite.I would feed them to the dogs and then give the dogs Rolaids for the indigestion from that foul meat.

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Igor and monkey's son,

I support Chechina and I will support Chechnia till my last day, you swine.


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Ibn Fag,

you still did not answar my questions.


Igor the pig,

If you like abdullah better than pro Chachnian I will use Abdullah

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Long live the muppets....Fozzey bear for Pres.....something about a monkey yada yada yada

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NASDAQ's up by 6pts.

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'Russian forces massacre thousands of civilians in Chechnya'

Widespread torture being committed against Muslim civilians in Russian internment camps;
France urges Moscow to end repression; Russians, Chechens locked in battle

The News: Jang

MOSCOW: A Russian human rights group charged on Tuesday that Russian forces had killed thousands of Muslim civilians in their campaign against freedom forces in Chechnya. Citing information gathered from Chechen refugees in camps in neighboring Ingushetia, an official from the Russian watchdog Memorial, Tatyana Kasatkina, said that civilians were killed either "during the Russian bombings or in shootings" by soldiers.

"We can't give a precise figure, but we're talking about thousands of civilians," Alexander Cherkasov, a Memorial official, told journalists. Officials in Moscow have said that several hundred Muslim civilians were killed since the start of the bombings against Chehcnya. Chechen spokesmen put the figure at 15,000 civililans.

A Memorial delegation, working with a team from the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, interviewed refugees from February 6-10 in Ingushetian camps where tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are located. "We have accounts proving that Muslim civilians have been killed in Shali and Katyr-Yurt," villages in the southeast and southwest of Chechnya, Cherkasov said. "One would think that the enemy of the federal forces were the people of Chechnya, who should be defended against terrorism."

Memorial's findings coincided with those of an AFP correspondent who said some 360 Muslim civilians were killed earlier this month during a Russian bombing campaign in Katyr-Yurt. According to Memorial's accounts, Chechen Muslim civilians also were executed in Grozny during looting and the mopping up operations of the city, Cherkasov said.

In the so-called 'mopping up' operations, federal forces search buildings one-by-one sometimes throwing grenades into basements where rebels are thought to be hiding. In order to flee the violence of the federal forces, "several hundreds of civilians have left their villages (in the south) and went into the mountains with the fighters," Cherkasov said.

In the camps, the Muslim refugees also were not completely safe, said another Memorial official, Elisa Musayeva, who called the situation "catastrophic." "The refugees lack food and they are suffering from hypothermia and tuberculosis." According to Memorial, 210,000 Muslim refugees remain in the Ingushetia camps and 16,000 are in the neighbouring republic of North Ossetia. "Chechnya is also filled with refugees who are looking for a place where they can be secure," Cherkasov said, adding that "medications and food have not arrived in the republic."

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine on Tuesday urged Moscow to end immediately "all forms of repression" in Chechnya, especially in internment camps for Chechen civilians. In a statement, Vedrine asked the Russian authorities to "allow immediate access for humanitarian groups to Chechnya and Grozny so they can bring help to the victims."

He also appealed to Russia to "stop its military operations, as a result of which the civilian population has suffered so terribly." Le Monde newspaper on Monday alleged widespread torture on civilians in internment camps set up by the Russians in captured parts of Chechnya.

Russian forces and Chechen freedom battled fiercely over a strategic town in southern Chechnya on Tuesday, Fighting occurred around Itum-Kale some 70 kilometres south of Grozny on Tuesday after Russian forces repelled an overnight raid by Chechen freedom fighters seeking to recapture the village, the Chechen presidency told AFP.

The settlement is strategic as it lies in one of two southern mountain gorges that Russian forces are trying to control to prevent a repeat of the 1994-96 war, when rebel fighters rested up in mountain havens only to mount a stunning rout of Russian troops in Grozny. Acting president Vladimir Putin is keen to avoid a bloody nose in Chechnya ahead of March 26 presidential elections, though he denied Tuesday that the timing of Moscow's push to wrest control over Chechnya was being dictated by the looming elections, Interfax reported.

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Ôàòâà – ýòî íå ÷òî èíîå, êàê ñìåðòíûé ïðèãîâîð, âûíåñåííûé Áàñàåâûì è åãî èñëàìñêîé îðãàíèçàöèåé (íàçâàíèå êîòîðîé ïî÷åìó-òî íå óêàçûâàåòñÿ) è.î ïðåçèäåíòà Ðîññèè çà ðàçãðîì áîåâèêîâ. Âûïîëíèâøèé ôàòâó, êàê îáåùàåò Áàñàåâ, ïîëó÷èò ìèëîñòü Àëëàõà è «îòîìñòèò çà êðîâü ÷å÷åíñêîãî íàðîäà». Íî ãëàâíîå – ýòî äåíåæíîå âîçíàãðàæäåíèå. Áàñàåâ îöåíèë Ïóòèíà â 2,5 ìëí äîëëàðîâ - îíè áóäóò âûïëà÷åíà ëþáîìó, êòî ñîâåðøèò óäà÷íîå ïîêóøåíèå. Î ñåðüåçíîñòè íàìåðåíèé ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò àäðåñ ýëåêòðîííîé ïî÷òû (íà òîì æå ñåðâåðå, íà êîòîðîì ðàçìåùåíà ñòðàíè÷êà ñ óñëîâèÿìè ôàòâû) è íîìåð ôàêñà, ïî êîòîðîìó âñå æåëàþùèå ìîãóò ïðèñëàòü ñâîè âîïðîñû, ïðîñüáû è óòî÷íåíèÿ íà àðàáñêîì, àíãëèéñêîì èëè ðóññêîì ÿçûêå. ×å÷åíñêîãî ñðåäè íèõ ïî÷åìó-òî íåò.

Vot blea kloyni 🙂
Anyone want's to make $2.5 million? Good luck :)))

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russians pigs has all the weopans still cannot fight with the MUjahideens, because they have dieseases in their heart like IGOR and Gangs.

It seems like russians pigs number one job is to kill civilians, because they cannot find MUjahideens, because they are blind.

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