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Archive through February 18, 2000

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Its funny is it not, it okay to be anti - Christian, anti - Moslem , anti -Russian, anti - everybody etc etc etc.... I have heard the most abusive things said about various nationalities/religons on this board.

But the moment you say anything that can be conscrewed as detrimental to Jews, or anything that exposes Jews as criminals. You are immediately accused of anti semitism. What are Jews? sacred cows or something?

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When an authority on Russia says the country is going crazy, it evokes images in the West of a nation in political and economic turmoil; of brutal regional warfare; of barons and mafiosi getting richer while the proles steadily get poorer. But when Boris Shostakovich says "Russia is going crazy," he is talking literally.

He is a psychiatrist, and his diagnosis is supported by his colleague Tatyana Dmitriyeva--until 1998 no less than Russia's Minister for Health--who says "almost 90% of the population should see a doctor."

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To Forpe

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"


I do not believe that ANY group should be beyond critizism

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Balalaika, how's bacon sushi there in Japan? I bet not as good as in your Ukraine. If it's so better than Russia, why you left it? And why Ukraine ows Russia at least 10 bln dollars? Go it pork motherfucker.

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By Antonio ( - on Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 11:24 pm:

St. John Chrysostom says: "How dare Christians have the slightest intercourse with Jews! They are lustful, rapacious, greedy, perfidious bandits: pests of the universe! Their sysnagogue is a house of prostitution, the domicile of the devil, as is the soul of the Jew. As a matter of fact, Jews worship the devil; their religion is a disease, their synagogue a an abyss of perdition. The rejection and dispersion of the Jews was done by the wrath of God because of His absolute abandonment of the Jews. God HATES the Jews, and on JUdgement Day will say with those who sympathize with them: "Depart from Me, for you have had intercourse with my murderers!" Flee, then, from their assemblies, fly from their houses, and hold their synagogue in hatred and aversion."

You can be sure that Jews are equally critical of Christians.


Surât 1: Al-Fâtihah (The Opening)

1.In the name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

2.All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Alamin.

3.The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

4.The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense.

5.You Alone we worship, and You Alone we ask for help.

6.Guide us to the Straight Way.

7.The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not the way of those who earned Your Anger (JEWS), nor of those who went astray (CHRISTIANS).

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"""By x ( - on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 - 10:02 pm:

... A born canadian (like me) ... """

No sir, you are not a Canadian. You are a RUSSIAN. It doesn't matter where you were born. Your mentality as filtered through your posts is clearly proving that you are a RUSSIAN. Canadians are much more civilised and tolerant people. Don't offend them by claiming to be a Canadian.

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Human rights workers in the Caucasus say there is growing evidence that Russian soldiers have been torturing hundreds of Chechens held in detention camps.

The inmates are among large numbers of people reportedly being arrested by the Russians in an effort to locate rebel fighters in the breakaway republic.

Captives who have been released have spoken of systematic beatings, mutilation, as well as rape and summary execution.

Chechen refugees seek warmth in the winter

One man told the BBC he had been beaten with a hammer, and had heard a woman being raped in a nearby cell.

Human Rights Watch deputy director Rachel Denber says 400 people had been hauled off to detention centres from Grozny alone.

Russia, which denies the charges, has said it will appoint an international adviser to hear complaints on Chechnya.

The United Nations human rights commissioner, Mary Robinson, has strongly criticised Moscow for denying access to international observers.

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"""By Ibn 'Umar ( - on Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 01:33 pm:


By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 01:43 pm:

give me some.. """

What is this? You fuckene idiots lost your minds! Now cannibalism on top of all the other mental diseases you have. You won't know what will hit you. And it will be too late for you when it does. But you ignorant morons just keep acting "brave", and "smart", you little pea brains.

How's your big nose DIMO? Still bloady heh?

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Canadian Bacon,

After dealing with these low life-forms for a few weeks, I finally understood that it was a mistake to treat these bload-thirsty animals as human beings. These are definitely not human. How something can be called a human, if there is not any human decency and quality in it?

I am also appalled that only one Russian on this board is reasonably decent, all the rest is fuckene lost cases. And these are supposed to be civilised by living in Canada, USA, etc.

I finaly come to agree with "All American" in that Russians are the biggest danger to the continuation of human life in this planet.

I was having difficulty why you were hating these people so much, now I do understand. They deserve every bit of it.

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well good for you, turk, good for you. you and mr pork rind can be buddies...

for the hundredth time, bacon, this is not a matter of your right to be an anti-semite. it's been a matter of how the twisted way you've harassed kissie. capice?

and you havent the right.

and if you think you can hurt DMS, think again, genius.

voltaire has NADA to do with this.

ohaya, k-san!
the greetings of the yawn =no, i mean DAWN= for you.

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No sir, you are not a Canadian. You are a RUSSIAN. It doesn't matter where you were born. Your mentality as filtered through your posts is clearly proving that you are a RUSSIAN. Canadians are much more civilised and tolerant people. Don't offend them by claiming to be a Canadian.
* "No sir, you are not a Australian. You are a TURK. It doesn't matter where you were born. Your mentality as filtered through your posts is clearly proving that you are a TURK. Australians are much more civilised and tolerant people. Don't offend them by claiming to be a Australian."
That's about the end of Turkish Count Monte Cristo of Melbourne, that started as "great HR activist" (I'd say - "sporter") and peacefully glided to the MB's bottom to share it with foodstaff and All BS.

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Ohaya, L'-san!
Really, greetings of yawn, LOL, right:o)

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“Human rights workers in the Caucasus say there is growing evidence that Russian soldiers have been torturing hundreds of Chechens held in detention camps.”

“Captives who have been released have spoken of systematic beatings, mutilation, as well as rape and summary execution.”

So what?? Where were “Human rights workers” when Chechens killed hundreds Russian civilians? I’m ••••••• tired of hearing this fuckers complaining, they had all time in the world leave Chechnya long time ago, did they do it? NO!!! SO •••• THEM!!! Oh right there are women and children in the Grozny, well I say •••• them too because just too days ago three women snipers were caught by Russian forces in Grosny and 15 years old kids siting in apartment buildings with grenade launchers. Oh I forgot about old people who can’t leave Grozny, well how about “freedom fighters”? They are fighting for their people, at least that’ what they say, they could of help old people leave but no one gives ••••.
This fuckers torture our soldiers the same way and our civilians, so I don’t feel sorry for them at all.

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“ After dealing with these low life-forms for a few weeks, I finally understood that it was a mistake to treat these bload-thirsty animals as human beings. These are definitely not human. How something can be called a human, if there is not any human decency and quality in it?”

Go away then stupid ••••, why do you think anyone wants to talk to you?

“I finaly come to agree with "All American" in that Russians are the biggest danger to the continuation of human life in this planet.

And what are you stupid motherfucker going to do about it? 🙂

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You do have big mouth 🙂 Come over to Moscow, you will have chance to say everything you want to say to Russians, or are you only so ••••••• brave here?

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