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Archive through February 18, 2000

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I ne mychaius' ni skolechko - Ia lovliu kaif kogda prikalivaius' s etogo potza "B"..ti ne predstavliaesh kak mne ego nravitsa vivodit' isz sebia..LOL

Ladno myjzik, davai, spokoinoi nochi 🙂

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Now, that's REAL nobility:

Updated 18.02.2000 at 18:51:43
Federal Forces Released Doctors From Custody

On Thursday, nine doctors who used to work in one of militant field hospitals in Chechnya were released from the Chernokozovo investigation jail. This was disclosed by the ORT television broadcasting channel. The doctors had been detained near the settlement of Alkhan-Kala while trying to escape the federal encirclement.
According to investigators from the Russian General Prosecutor's Office, this is neither an amnesty nor a humanitarian action but an act of keeping within the Russian law.

A representative of the Military Prosecutor's Office confirmed that the doctors who have been released from the Chernokozovo jail were escaping Alkhan-Kala together with the hospital where they worked. "This was their professional duty," said the source. "They were following it out. That is why we decided to change their preventive punishment and stop the criminal investigation."

"We came here to investigate the guilt of every member of illegal military units and not to make them answer indiscriminately," the representative of the Prosecutor's Office added.

Sergei Yastrzhembsky, Assistant of the acting Russian president, said on Thursday during an interview with the ORT channel that currently only 235 persons remain in the Chernokozovo jail from 744 who used to be there before.

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Now this is really SOMETHING:

Russia Makes Protest Against Chechen Emissaries' Official Reception By the West

details are available at:

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Maskhadov just signed his own death warrant..dead-meat..

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"""By Kissie ( - on Friday, February 18, 2000 - 07:08 am:

"No sir, you are not a Australian. You are a TURK. """

Well aren't you smart to figure out that I'm a TURK. And I'm proud of my ancestry. Unlike you, who can't reveal what he/she is. Whatever you are, you are too shamed of it. And for all the right reasons.

And don't even utter the word of Human Rights. You and your buddies are making a mockery of the Human Rights and basic norms of civilisation since the day I came on this board.

Rather than being horrified on the violance being committed against innocent victims, you and your mob are cheering on sideline with all the characteristic of bload-thirstiness of a sub-human race.

Now talking about Chechen babies, and expressing fun in eating them! TO HELL THE PEOPLE LIKE YOU. You'll get what you deserve!

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>>>By Dimitri ( - on Friday, February 18, 2000 - 01:30 pm:

"""Demobolization of Israeli presence from Lebanon is in full swing and all symptoms indicate fight may go beyond Lebanon straight into Israel."""'s kinda like saying this:

"""Demobolization of Soviet presence from Afganistan is in full swing and all symptoms indicate fight may go beyond Afganistan straight into Russian territory.""" >>>

You are not as smart as you think after all. So what is the meaning of the destruction of USSR. And what do you call the war in Chechnia.

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>>>By bosna ( - on Friday, February 18, 2000 - 01:26 pm:

if you are so fuckin' brave pigshitmotherfuckerchickenshitdumbass, why don't you post your address so people (for sure) will bump into you. >>>

Don't waste your breath on these pretenders. No one takes seriously of their "bravery" on the net. They are only displaying what sort of fool they are.

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Rather than being horrified on the violance being committed against innocent victims, you and your mob are cheering on sideline with all the characteristic of bload-thirstiness of a sub-human race.

Now talking about Chechen babies, and expressing fun in eating them! TO HELL THE PEOPLE LIKE YOU.}You'll get what you deserve!

Creatures (I will not address them as people) who express fun about killing babies - are


These filthy savages are not worthy of your anger.

In the case of that crafty fundamenalist Jewish woman - Do you really expect a civilized response from her?

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Posts: 397

Hello all, I see there is some real debate on this board today. I foud it interesting in response to posts about atrocies in camps run by the Russians the response was the ole "well what about this act commited by the Chechens, and the dogs deserve it (or something to that effect). Now I don't understand these responses from some Russian supporters on this board. For some time I have read posts on how evil the Chechens are and what a noble cause the Russians have taken up. Taken up to do what, the do the exact same thing they say they are trying to stop. There is something called higher ground or have you heard the phrase "your just bringing yourself down to their level. Now I can not say for a fact the atrocies that have been commited in these camps are true or not but by saying you understand why they are being commited or outright support it in such blood lust manner makes you no better than the people for which you claim this noble cause has and is being fought for. In WWII when Pattons army came accross Dauchau what did it do, round up the German population and put them in a death camp, no it proceded in a manner to get thoes responsible, now having said that , yes there was true reports of some SS guards being shot by US troops with out a trial.

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>>>By Vasiliy Batareykin ( - on Friday, February 18, 2000 - 02:50 pm:

I want to get back to Svoloch's post: ...
I completely agree with the statement Svoloch! >>>

You guys don't have to post your agreement with gross human rights violations committed by Russians.

Whole world by now understood what sort of sub-humans you are. You revealed this much with your actions, and words. What's in your hearts must be much worse.

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"""You are not as smart as you think after all. So what is the meaning of the destruction of USSR. And what do you call the war in Chechnia.""""


wooa-a..he..We are going from "cannibal" to "not as smart as you think"..hmm..interesting...
*What color is YOUR skin today, Mr.Chameleon?*

YOU are DEFENITELY not smart, since you didn't get the comparrison at all..ok, ok - I shall provide for you the meaning of what I wrote - It is just(or almost just) as imossible for Lebanon "forces"('forces' sounds funny, when it comes to Lebanese) to move it to Israeli territory as it was impossible to for Afgan mujahedeens to move into former Soviet Union..
So do you understand now, or should I provide even more detailed explanation?

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Turk, I don't think it is a matter of one being sub-human. I don't honestly think anyone on this board is.

It's is a matter of demonizing a wholepopulation in order to make easyer to stomache or argue away, or bursh off the wrong doings of the of the same people one is trying to support. In other words taking the easiest route to argue away a strong acuzation. I think Dimitri (I believe it was him ) who posted about the doctors who went thru the camp with no problem because after all the were just doctors doing there jobs. Now that is the way to counter point the argument , with a good arguable point about the camp. Instead of saying all the people there deserve what they got, which is such a cop out.

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>>>By Dimitri ( - on Friday, February 18, 2000 - 04:16 pm:

Sergei Yastrzhembsky, Assistant of the acting Russian president, said on Thursday during an interview with the ORT channel that currently only 235 persons remain in the Chernokozovo jail from 744 who used to be there before. >>>

So 509 persons are liquidated. This is infact what you are saying, if one looks beyond the spin-doctoring.

Eminent Member
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To: Turk
It does take you a while to read trough and reply to old messages. I think it's time for you to learn the language and stop using dictionaries.
And look who's talking about human right violations, the proud representative of Turk nation, the great murderers of Kurd people! If I were you, I'd think first before saying anything stupid.

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Damn good post! Hats off to you, sir.However..your point of view is very..not to offend you(I swear I have no intentions to), but the point is somewhat "american"..let me explain: what do you do when you get your hands on someone who you KNOW totrured YOUR OWN...I know, I know REVENGE is NOT the way..but..go tell it to the soldiers, who throughout this campaign learn to hate the TRUE-TORTURES!

BTW I don't believe that torture is something that was permitted by top Russian Military Authorities..if ANYONE has a proof, PLEASE, post the link for me..

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