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Archive through February 19, 2000

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ALL AMERICAN MORON__________ OVER 450 SERBS KILLED since Nato peacekeepers arrived that is more than Albanians killed in whole warand now Thaci predicting more violence.KLA still has weapons they were supposed to hand over .What about bus attack with Nato guards

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There we go again... LMAO. This guy has credibility stamped all over him. LOL.

Are you on the newly installed Vodka social program?

CNN is better than anything you've got. Go ahead and insult an American Symbol and international icon. Just get it over with AND start trashing Hamburgers! LOL.

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All American Redneck you truely are an idiot

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American icon=BIG MAC

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Igor...igor...igor. I stopped reading that article after the first 2 lines. Propaganda by an underground publication. Very objective ... I especially like the subtitle "Never give a Serb an even break". Hilarious stuff! You are on a row do us a favor ... don't stop now! LOL

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Igor - you say 2,000 people are not a lot... not when you compare it with Lenin's OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD record of executing 5,000 of his country men PER DAY. LOL. That one will stand for quite a long time I suppose! But then again records are made to be broken...LMAO at you.

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Igor the sub HUman aka son of swine and gangs.

Hwo could you use computer while you live on welfare check from Canadian govt and donations from America?

You subhuman are worst than aniaml, because animal has better quality than you.


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Igor the son of monkey,

You know why I kicked you out from my lab, because you have swine and monkey gene, which I have no use in my lab.

Did you find out who is your DADY?
If you can not call 1 800-who-is- my-father.


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Russian Forces Repeat Bosnia and Kosova Atrocities in Chechnya

Russian Forces have gone on rampage across much of Chechnya, and have re-enacted the atrocities committed by their Serb brethren against the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosova. Mujahideen sources confirm that the enemy is committing wide-spread and indiscriminate killing of men, women and children, in addition to the complete destruction of buildings, the pollution of the environment and the pillage of property.

In Grozny, Russian troops rounded-up unarmed male civilians and killed them in groups and individually. In the town of Gheki-Chu in the Province of Urus-Martan, the enemies of Allah launched a savage and cowardly attack against the civilian population simply because the Mujahideen had bypassed the village during their withdrawal from Grozny. The Russians are confirmed to have caused the destruction of much of the town, having burnt down homes and shelters. Atrocities against the civilian population included the mass-arrests of men, many of whom were machine-gunned, while others were sent to undisclosed locations and to an uncertain fate.

In other villages across Chechnya, the Russian Military has continued to launch attacks against civilian populations. Mujahideen sources confirm that helicopters, fighter-bombers, heavy artillery, 1,500 kg bombs and other weapons of mass-destruction are being used to target the defenseless civilian population of Chechnya.

It is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that Russia and its military are waging this war with the aim of exterminating the Chechen population, and to terrorize the Chechen people in hopes of disuading them from providing any form of support to the Mujahideen who may come across their villages. This policy will not succeed, and will only lead to the strengthening of the people's faith and reliance on Allah, and to their increased support for the Mujahideen.

Meanwhile, the Western World openly condemns the Russian actions, yet continues to provide financial support to Russia (On Saturday, the world community agreed to 'forgive' Russia of more than US$20 billion in foreign debts and to extend new credit!) These moves clearly show the true intentions of the "New World order" when it comes to Muslims. What separates Chechnya from East Timor? Why should one cause be supported and not the other. The reasons are clear to anyone who seeks the truth: Muslims are being fought militarily and financially from every corner, that they may not realize their aspirations to live in freedom according to the light of Allah's Shariah. Truly:

"They seek to put out the light of Allah, but Allah will spread His light even if the infidels hate it."
[Quran 9:32]

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"Igor the sub HUman aka son of swine and gangs!" LMAO. "Son of Swine and Gangs". LOL! Helarious stuff! Outstanding... LOL.

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Evidence of Russian dead conveniently unaccounted for by the Russian Army

The reason that the Russian Defence Ministry issues such low figures for their dead is that they are too frightened to even recover their dead from territory held by the Mujahideen. This was the end of the 'Elite' Russian Special Forces soldiers (the best that Russia has) after they tried to attack the Lions' Dens in Southern Chechnya. There were too many photographs to be displayed, so we have displayed some bodies together with the identity cards of the Special Forces Officers killed. Perhaps that is why Russia claims that only 1200 soldiers have been killed up to the end of January 2000; it does not account for those missing.

"So if you gain mastery over them in War, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson." [Quran 8:57]

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By All American ( - on Saturday, February 19, 2000 - 10:48 am:

Good morning, how are you?


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By igor ( - on Saturday, February 19, 2000 - 10:06 am:

American icon=BIG MAC

That is your dream to have a big mac, you can not afford with your wellfare check. Call zombi the boris he may send some of his vodka money for you to buy 1/2 big mack.


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