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Archive through February 19, 2000

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 230

"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!
"Ivan - Go Home!

Today, there is a war between Russia and Chechnya. Russians are using barbaric weapons against Chechen civilians. Chechen cities and villages are being completely destroyed. Chechen nation faces the danger of being wiped out. In short, all relevant norms of international law are being violated by Russia. More precisely, there is a genocide of Chechen nation.

It's time to stop Russian atrocities! It's time for the World Community to wake up! It's time to say to Russians: "Ivan - Domoi!" which can be translated as "Ivan - Go Home!

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Russians tortured and raped Chechen civilians

Moscow, Russia
Source: The Times
Date: February 18, 2000

FRESH reports emerged yesterday that hundreds of Chechen civilians have been interred and tortured by Russian forces in detention camps. Human Rights Watch, a New York organisation, says that 400 people were taken from Grozny alone to be tortured and raped.

Mary Robinson, the United Nations human rights chief, condemned Moscow yesterday for blocking access to the war zone and told of allegations of summary executions and rape by Russian soldiers. This is her strongest statement yet in a week that has seen detailed reports of one camp at Chernokozovo and a flood of other accounts of widespread detentions and torture of Chechens. She accused Russian forces of violating the Geneva Convention.

In reaction to numerous reports of what Russian forces call "filtration" camps, Vladimir Putin, the acting President, appointed an official to look into the allegations. Vladimir Kalamanov was a professional diplomat until 1997 and has already been involved at some level with the refugee problem in neighbouring Ingushetia.

The evidence pointing to abuse of hundreds of innocent people is compelling. Detailed interviews with Chechens who escaped the camp at Chernokozovo have been published in Le Monde and in the Moscow Times.

Yesterday Human Rights Watch said that 400 people had been taken to filtration camps from Grozny alone. One man said that he had been beaten with a hammer and that girls as young as 13 were raped by masked Russian soldiers in the camp.

There is also believed to be a camp at Mozdok, the Russian base that was home to a detention centre in the last war, and others dotted around Chechnya.

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Russian helicopter shot down in Chechnya, 15 dead and went to direct one way HELL

February 19, 2000
Web posted at: 8:27 a.m. EST (1327 GMT)

MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Rebels have shot down a Russian helicopter in the breakaway region of Chechnya, killing 15 troops, Interfax news agency quoted Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo as saying on Saturday.

"Yesterday was a tragic day. A helicopter was brought down in the south (of Chechnya) and 15 people were killed," Rushailo was quoted as saying in a rare confirmation of losses. The rebel Internet web site earlier showed a picture of a helicopter in flames. said the helicopter it showed had been transporting paratroopers into Chechnya's southern mountains, where Russian troops are facing fierce resistance in taking the last rebel strongholds.

Russia's tactics in Chechnya's mountainous terrain have been to pound rebel bases with artillery and air fire and to drop paratroopers on key heights overlooking two key gorges, where up to 8,000 guerrillas are holed up.

Russia has seized most of Chechnya in its bid to destroy rebels and bring control over the separatist region. Both sides report losses, but often they contradict each other making it difficult to assess how many have died in the conflict.

On Friday, U.S. President Bill Clinton urged Moscow to find a political solution to the conflict after human rights organizations accused Russian troops of committing human rights abuses. Russia denies the reports

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Posts: 229

Russian helicopter shot down in Chechnya, 15 dead

February 19, 2000
Web posted at: 8:27 a.m. EST (1327 GMT)

MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Rebels have shot down a Russian helicopter in the breakaway region of Chechnya, killing 15 troops, Interfax news agency quoted Interior Minister Vladimir Rushailo as saying on Saturday.

"Yesterday was a tragic day. A helicopter was brought down in the south (of Chechnya) and 15 people were killed," Rushailo was quoted as saying in a rare confirmation of losses. The rebel Internet web site earlier showed a picture of a helicopter in flames. said the helicopter it showed had been transporting paratroopers into Chechnya's southern mountains, where Russian troops are facing fierce resistance in taking the last rebel strongholds.

Russia's tactics in Chechnya's mountainous terrain have been to pound rebel bases with artillery and air fire and to drop paratroopers on key heights overlooking two key gorges, where up to 8,000 guerrillas are holed up.

Russia has seized most of Chechnya in its bid to destroy rebels and bring control over the separatist region. Both sides report losses, but often they contradict each other making it difficult to assess how many have died in the conflict.

On Friday, U.S. President Bill Clinton urged Moscow to find a political solution to the conflict after human rights organizations accused Russian troops of committing human rights abuses. Russia denies the reports

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Welcome to the past.


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Noble Member
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It's nice to hear some yapping in the morning. No day is complete without hearing some. Unfortunately, not much is changed because of your yapping. Terrorists are being wiped out, slowly, but surely. You can't resurrect them by yapping. Yap! Yap. Nope, still dead. Yap! Yap. Nope, Russians are still in Chechnya doing their job. Yap! Yap. Nope, Europe and USA still don't give -•••• about Chechnya. Yap! Yap. Nope, Muslims countries still only yap, and give money to "Chechen representatives" who keep it to themselves. Yap! Yap. Nope, still nothing. Please try harder. YAP! YAP! YAP! Nope, I'm afraid still nothing. But don't give up, keep on yapping! YAP! YAP! YAP! YAP! YAP! Good boy.

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Gen. Ermolov. Well, he did all other generals were doing. Before and after him there was all the same. Nothing new in a state expansion process. The "independent" Chechnia never existed and couldn't exist - some state entity would've taken the territory the same. Russia took it. To say whether it was right or not has no sense. The empire crumbled down, and new entities popped up (it's universal). And 1991 Dudayew declared independence. The main support for it within was based on the Stalin era memories. Could the country "have dealt" with Dudayew's declaration? Probably could, but it didn't. Then the economy started going down. Dudayew hoped for a transit path of crude to the West, - a UAE "dream" - living near oil, no need to work, everything' shining bright, sababa. It couldn't have happened - there are not enough crazies to lay an oil pipeline through the unstable territory. But the "independent" state has to support itself somehow. Collect taxes, create and maintain social security programs, defend its subjects. Dudayew couldn't and didn't provide for that, because it needed a working industry, agriculture, qulified managers, and people with firearms came to the scene in the absence of the former. Dudayew didn't want a war with Russia - he was a former Russian military himself and new what's what. But the war was inevitable because of the criminal regime already formed. The so-called field commanders had absolute power. Since gangs need to sustain themselves - hence criminal activity within the framework of the ruined local economy. Any state couldn't and can't put up with a gangsters' paradise, and the attempt to normalize the situation was undertaken in 1994-96, - but it turned out Russia didn't have the army, and what was about to happen - did. And Maskhadow didn't want to fight Russia - he is a former Russian military himself and knows what's what, but it was inevitable since Maskhadow's power's based on those same field commanders of the criminal territory. Maskhadow was kinda given a chance - Chechniya got 2 bln. US, free power and gas and used to steal crude from the Baku-Novor. pipeline regularly, - to no avail. Gangs in the meantime put those funds to the "proper" use, and, as any organized gang, needed expansion - hence invasion of Dagestan. If Russia kept silent scared, it would've been the end of it, - the regions would've started brooding. Hence the Dagestani operation. Gangs were kicked back, but in view, that all the military infrastructure was in place, it was (possibly) thought nice to deal with the gangs for good, hence the Chechen operation. The West whines about talks (heck, when Serbs agreed to terms, the terms were immediately modified to the unacceptability, talk of hypocricy.). With Basayew, Khattab? About what? So that they were gone? And what would they do in Chechniya? Within 8 years no "civilized regime" have been established. Maskhadow tried ... he tried to chase kidnappers, tried to establish an Islamic "state" - nothing worked. And wouldn't've worked, because his power are field commanders.

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So 509 persons are liquidated. This is infact what you are saying, if one looks beyond the spin-doctoring.
* What a wild-guess-made-statement idiot. The air in Australia has the champagne-bubbles effect.
As you said, Russia used some allegations -like kidnapping, torturing, bombing of the apartment buildings etc.- to invade Chechnya.
* That's top idiocy. Timetable of the beginning of the Chechen campaign for any corrupt enough to twist it.
Russians deny Human Rights violations, then they cheer, and express support for the same violations. They want us to believe that they are a normal, decent, civilized bunch of people, then they prove that they are completely opposite with their posts. Don't you think they are acting in a deceitful manner, as if everyone else is fool not to see truth from lies and propaganda.
* There's only one fool - the author of those italicized lines ...
But being a jewish, you display your animosity in a crafty, manipulative way.
* I see, Bacon's infectious.
Kissie and you are two most disgusting characters on this board.
* I take it as a biggest compliment.

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Kisie, don't bother. You will get "Yap Yap" in reply.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 384

That is your dream to have a big mac, you can not afford with your wellfare check. Call zombi the boris he may send some of his vodka money for you to buy 1/2 big mack.
* That Abdulla's BS aside, macs' really junk.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 384

Kisie, don't bother. You will get "Yap Yap" in reply.
* Funny 'em keeping silent about Iran polls outcome - so far 55% of stations registered "bye-bye, fundamentalism".
US distributed matches with a Bin Laden mugshot and the price on him in Pakistan.

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But don't ever take into consideration that this same country used as your example of U.S. victimization was responsible for the biggest systematic annihilate and extermination of humans in Europe since the days of Hitler.
* Ha-hah! That's BigMac effect showin'. Untill now those "forensics" ransake the territory trying to desperately prove "biggest and systematic" - nothing. Carla del Ponte has nothing, UN comes up with some 2000 collective, meaning both Serbs and K.-Albs. My favourite - a "proven" site led to by K.-Albs telling Steven King stories, proud forensic exps., journalists, blah, "pro-o-of" - dead cows unearthed.

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CNN is better than anything you've got.
* From the point of view of degree of hysterics in its content - yes.
I think, I'll post thoughts on the US future sometime.

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Joined: 17 years ago
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I hope cows were able to cope with such insult. Being called a Kosovo Albanian is a great insult, even for a dead cow.

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Abfoolah you sandy colored islamic fuuucking moron stop babbling/you are retarded, you know missing 2 chromosomes.The only monkey was your father.Are you getting mad that your shite is losing. Is the vein in your abnormally large head throbbing yet?

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