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Archive through February 19, 2000

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great webshots

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Chechen militants show most resistance in the central part of the Argun Gorge, Colonel General Valeri Manilov, First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, told a press conference in Moscow on Friday.

He said that the space where rebels are moving and operating is dwindling and now covers a territory from the populated place Duba-Yurt to the Shatoi district. The bulk of rebels are now found in Shatoi and nearby villages, General Manilov said.

In the North of the Argun Gorge the Russian Western and Eastern groups of troops have joined, which rules out for bandits the possibility of a breakthrough in the Northern direction. In the South, particularly in the Itum-Kale region, exit is blocked by border-guard posts.

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To Abdula:

Ty blyd' goblin, huli ty vuebuvaeshsy. Look at your self. You are the only ape here. Stop talking sheet, and you'll be all set. Go to sleep. There is nothing for you in this chart. Go express your ideas somewhere else. You got it stupid dunky. You are nasty animal that stinks and does sheet to everybody. FUUCK OFF!

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The latest poll conducted in Russia by the All-Russian Public Opinion Study Centre has confirmed: 70 per cent of the population are insisting on a continuation of the anti- terrorist operation in Chechnya. One more poll has revealed Russians' attitude to press articles: most of them do not trust foreign media reports on the situation in Chechnya and information from Chechen sources.

Europe, by contrast, is a complete prisoner of its own preconceived ideas of the Chechen operation and deliberately turns a deaf ear to any facts that fail to fit in with the concept taken aboard. Western public opinion, to judge by everything, has implicit faith in its media, the information spread on the Internet by Chechen terrorists' propagandists and stories told by Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov's emissaries visiting Europe.

The Western print and broadcast media have lately been swamped under with information - unconfirmed as they themselves admit - about alleged tortures and killings in filtration camps on the territory of Chechnya, where authorities check the identities of detained Chechens suspected of being terrorists.

The atmosphere is being built up on the "Kosovo pattern" - at that time the press, as it paved the way for NATO's armed interference against Yugoslavia, also reported tens and hundreds of thousands killed among the Albanian civilian population.

When, however, international experts, after the Yugoslav army withdrew from Kosovo, got down to systematic examination, it emerged that "the tens of thousands" and even "hundreds of thousands of casualties" were lies and fabrications.

Any qualified political analyst worth his salt can see that apart from actual military operations developing in Russia's favour, an information warfare is unfolding around Chechnya. To use the West to exert pressure on Russia by propaganda means seems to be the sole military device left the terrorists in Chechnya.

And since time is pressing and the finale is drawing closer, militants' propaganda is ready to go to all lengths only to "properly condition" Western public opinion, resorting to provocations, brazen misinformation, and rumours.

According to Russia's security bodies, terrorists are specially forming units from Slavs or Slav-looking Chechens. These people are expected to stage provocations - to shoot at civilians and to loot.

Militants have already shown during some of their sallies that they are not abandoning the old tried and tested method which was used back in the first Chechen campaign - that of shooting from behind civilians' backs to provoke return fire and then accuse the army of brutality.

As has been said at the Russian Information Centre, in camps of forced migrants there are special "mourners" tasked to surround members of foreign delegations and weep on their shoulders. For this work the women get a very concrete remuneration.

The only way to find out the truth is to examine each item of information calmly, specifically and passionlessly, to test its credibility.

To give an example. Russian MPs were surprised to hear that NATO's General Secretary George Robertson, who recently visited Moscow, is not very well versed in Chechen affairs ...

The Russian leadership's position and moves in the current Chechen campaign are quite sensible and accepted by the country's population more readily than in 1994-1996.

Chechnya is building a normal life, re-establishing law enforcement bodies and already has a prosecutor-general appointed. The Russian government's mission in the republic regularly reports on the number of those detained, those undergoing examination and those released following the checks.

Refugee camps are open to visiting foreign delegations. As regards filtration points and pre-trial detention centres on the territory of Chechnya, Moscow has already announced that it is ready to allow any observers to visit these places to see that the conditions there are not like those at health resorts, but talk of tortures and other horrors are ill-intentioned provocations.

Authorities do not hush up individual crimes committed by soldiers - some of such cases were investigated under close public eye, and others are in the process of investigation.

Moscow's position is clear: if there is concrete and hard information on offences reportedly committed by Russian soldiers, authorities are prepared to check it thoroughly and objectively and carry out an investigation. No one is going to soft pedal a single breach of the law.

But for the time being it all remains on the level of conjectures and surmises. And the West should realise that it is being taken for a ride in the information warfare launched by Chechen separatists.

Marina Shakina

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ALL American Redneck

The atmosphere is being built up on the "Kosovo pattern" - at that time the press, as it paved the way for NATO's armed interference against Yugoslavia, also reported tens and hundreds of thousands killed among the Albanian civilian population.

When, however, international experts, after the Yugoslav army withdrew from Kosovo, got down to systematic examination, it emerged that "the tens of thousands" and even "hundreds of thousands of casualties" were lies and fabrications.

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Good insight into US plans for region

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Ãåðáåðò Äæ. Óýëëñ

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To Balalaika:


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Ty merzkoe zhivotnoe budesh hui sosat' vsu zhizn'. Za bazar svoi gniloi budesh otvechat'. Y tvoi mama ebal. Tvoi ves' semiy nechto inoe kak kucha govna. Takuu shoblu kak ty topit' blyd' v unitaze nado ili suku dushit' kak tol'ko iz pizdu vulezet. Usek petuh konchenui. Ty blyd' ne pazan a prostitutka. U suka nenavizhu teby padlu.

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Saturday 19 February 2000

ToonTown, UK "CANADIAN BACON WILL RECOVER." Doctors at TOONTOWN Vetinarian Hospital said that after several days of intense treatment CB1 should overcome his condition. Dr. Kut ur Peckeroff said that this was one of the most difficult cases he has seen. When CB1 first arrived he was in a complete state of histerics. He was crying out that the Coalition was out to get him, priests wanted to molest him, rabbis wanted to circumsize him, that he was going to be kidnaped and sent to KOMOTO and would be fed to Komoto Dragons. He was screeming that Hairy Mary constantly called him a PISS-ANT little man. Kissie, Dimitri, L'menexe, Igor, Freddie D, URN and others constantly challenged his mental abilities. It was necessary for him to be restrained because of his attempts to masturbate while shouting out his love for TURK.

According to Dr. Kut ur Peckeroff, we first had to severe the string that was attached to his penis, "which the patient used to find it", also it was necessary for us to sugically hang an air freshener from his belly button. "I was at first rather perplexed" said the doctor when a nurse brought it to my attention that Bacon didn't have a set of balls. But his mother and father both confirmed that he never had any when growing up and he still is without a set.

Upon discharge Canadian Bacon will be cared for by his mother LADY SCHWIENPUS and his father the SIR LOIN OF PORK.

Chechnya (ALLA PROVIDES AIRPLANE TO FREEDOM FIGHTERS)..Afgan Airlines has donated the 727-200 aircraft that was recently hijacked to the great Micky Mouse freedom fighters of Chechnya. "After many failed attempts to rid the aircraft of the terrible stench caused by the Taliban passengers we had no choice other than to donate the aircraft to a group that is more compatible and acceptable to such a nauseating oder", said an Afgan Airline spokesman. "We welcome this great gift from ALLA", said a freedom fighter spokesman, the plane will be used as both a dining facility and morgue.

TEHRAN.."MUSLIMS PROTEST LACK OF LATEST FASHION TREND".. Results of The International Muslim Fashion Show, recently held in Tehran, found the new PEG-LEG look was taking the Muslim fashion world by storm. This new look initially surfaced in Chechnya where the greatest demand can be found. According to the fashion show promoters "everyone now wants PEG-LEG look. However, current demands have outstripped supplies. Muslims worldwide have been seen beating themselves about the face as a sign of protest for the shortages. Manufactured in China by STUMPS, LTD, their spoksman WON HUNG LOW said that for now all shipments of the PEG-LEG have been diverted to Chechnya and will continue for the foreseeable future.

KABUL...(TALIBAN GOVERNMENT WANTS PLANE BACK) EYE bin SHEEP FARKER, spokeman for AYATOLLA ASSAHOLLA expressed concern that the Afgan government has demanded the return of the stinky aircraft Alla gave to Chechan freedom fighters. They claim that their brother Afgan freedom fighters are entitled to a dining facility.

Chechnya..(FREEDOM FIGHTERS GIVEN PORCUPINES) Field commanders have authorized that all Chechen freedom fighters will be issued live porcupines to take to bed with them. This can't help but to build up the moral of these great fighters. This will prevent them from getting homesick. When they rub their face up against the quils they will fall off to sleep thinking their wife or girl friend is lying next to them. Glorious victory, ALLA will show the way.

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GREAT stuff Hairy Mary we needed some humour here it was getting boring scrolling Abfoolah's posts

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Joined: 26 years ago
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konichiwa, k-san!

your 12:48 post suggests i missed some now-deleted "action", unless i'm too befogged to see it.
i'm jealous i dont get to be the other 'most disgusting person person on the board' with you, lololol.
your longer post xplained more than i had known. arigato!
snow and slush have diminished; had to go dig the car out, though.
the greetings of a quiet, slush-free saturday afternoon for you.....lolol...

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