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Archive through February 19, 2000

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Zdorov myzjik, ti koneshno vse pravel'no skazal pro etova BAKLANA "balalaika", tol'ko on ne iz pizdi vilez, a iz zjopi :)))

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Saturday: working, Monday: No president day here, so my long week end will be restricted to tomorrow.
Going well, thanks!

Dimitri should to open this board and present you to his friends...! Would be fair, isn't it?

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Privet shval' :))) Che ti sedne takoi dergannei? Te che potnie negri iznasilovali? :))) Da ladno ne plach shlushka, eto tvoe prezvanie ti blea syka prostitytkoi rodilse u prostitytkoi pomresh 🙂
Blea kak horosho shto ti znaesh Rysskei, xorosho shto mi vdolbili evo v tvou TYPOGOLOVYU BOSHKY :)), teper Ya teba obsirau a ti skazat' ne che ne mozjesh v otvet, na ochko srazy sadishe, dymaesh che skazat...a xyili ti mozjesh skazat'? Ny blea razve shto probybnit' shto nebyd, kstati y mena takoe oshyshenie shto kogada ti tyt pizdish y teba vse vreme polnei rot, ti yrodec yzj viberai che nebyd odno ili blea sosi ili na kompe pizdi, u nerazgovarivai s polnim rtom, teba che v shkol en eychili? :))) YCHILI, MI TEBA YRODA XOROSHO VIYCHILI, U BLEA OTIMELI KAK XOTELI, POETOMY TI BAKLAN SEICHAS U XODISH SVOIMI SOPLEAMI U SLUNAMI TYT BRIZGAESH 🙂

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>>>According to Russia's security bodies, terrorists are specially forming units from Slavs or Slav-looking Chechens. These people are expected to stage provocations - to shoot at civilians and to loot. >>>

If anyone needs a proof on what Russians are upto in Chechnya, they don't need to go far for searching.

Slav-looking Chechens killing and looting their own people just to gain sympathy of the West. So trying to cover up war crimes and attrocities by blaming on other Chechens. These Russians never stops amazing me!

Don't you have any self-respect. No person with an average intelligence will buy this sort of bull-shite. You are making yourself look real stupid. This sort of propaganda has only a place in ex-soviet states, like Russia.

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Fredie Darlink:

Ya dat vould be a vonderful idea, but not sure if he has dee time dis night. Fredie, did you have opportunity to vead dee new issue of dee Gazzette?

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In the past, I had never posted a transmission on the week-ends. The content and overall permeation of sentiment on this board (mainly from the fabled Coalition)has devolved into chidlish proportions. I could have dispensed a lengthy passage which lists all the negative aspects of each personality on this board. Instead, I will keep this final passage to the point. In saying this, i formally submit my resignation not only from the Coalition, but also this message board. I have seen enough hate in my life to avoid these same primal tendencies surfacing onto this medium. It's not only because I am an American. I state this because of the ridiculously subjective viewpoints expressed on this board. It's quite sickening. I thought that the massive destruction during World War II would prove as a deterent to such belligerent impulses. It's sad, but I believe some of members of this board--and most of the coalition--need another ultimate reminder of the dark tendencies of human nature (WAR). I will no longer involve myself as a cohort of this explicitly Pan-Slavic Organization. If you all wish to see the destruction of the USA, World War III will be the only recourse. War is the most evil phenomenon on earth and some of you wish for such ghastly events. You are all a bunch of unhappy citizens who have degenerated into sociopaths. I am confident in concluding my presence within this board with these forceful words which have resulted from the formerly expressed sentiment.
Yours in Apathy,

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>>>By Kissie ( - on Saturday, February 19, 2000 - 05:23 pm:

Faiz Khan, in case You didn't follow - 55% of polling stations in Iran, so far, registered a bye-bye to "Islamic revolution". >>>

So Kissie suddenly developed a soft-spot for Iranians. I guess the only reason is a slight hope that Islamic state might be weakened by the outcome. The same sort of support expressed for the germs eating into body of your enemy! What a plotter are you, you disgusting something.

Just to spoil the hope of those lost souls, to be a member of parliament in Iran, all candidates should prove their allegiance to the islamic revolution. So whatever spin you like to put on the so called reformist votes, the outcome is still the same. Islamic state here to stay!

Despite all the American efforts instigated by Jews, average Iranian lives a much better life than Russians.

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I am amused by the vociferous ramblings of a welfare mother

please don't stop.

Basically you're harmless though, Its the crafty bottom feeding media controlling, manipulative Jews who are the biggest threat to a free society.

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>>>By Suleyman ( - on Saturday, February 19, 2000 - 06:52 pm:

i formally submit my resignation not only from the Coalition, ....I will no longer involve myself as a cohort of this explicitly Pan-Slavic Organization. >>>

I am glad you are finally waken up and recognised what sort of devils these people are. You are obviously from a very civilised and well educated family, and full of humanitarian values. However these people are not your kind, and your association with them was only harming your reputation.

Whatever their pretentions are, these people have hate in their hearts for you just because you have Turkish ethnic ties. They are enemy of anything Turkish, and particularly Islamic. They only tolerate naive people like you, and pretend to be friendly, as long as you believe in their lies, and support their propaganda.

These people are not like Americans, they have no moral values, they care about nobody but themselves, they only live to obtain material well-being, and they will do anything, but anything to reach their goal. These are the worst products of the Russian-Orthodox-Communist brain-washing and education system.

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Posts: 259

>>>By Dimitri ( - on Saturday, February 19, 2000 - 04:47 pm:

Turk is warshiping Igor honesty now..>>>

I didn't think you would understand the virtue of honesty. I respect my enemy more if he is showing a hint of honesty. What about you? All you do is trying to poke fun on others, YAP! YAP! YAP!. Please try harder. YAP! YAP! YAP! Nope, I'm afraid still nothing. But don't give up, keep on yapping! YAP! YAP! YAP! YAP! YAP! Good boy.

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