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Archive through February 2, 2000

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uh thats "Make my day"

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Russia's mitlitary expenses have been declining sharply over the decade. Now Putin reverses the steam. They feel a need to defend theyr state.

The texte lowering the nuke treshold is very symoblic if you read it.

Just yesterday, Putin agreed with Mady Allbright on StartII and on nuke expension control and disarmement.

No panic.

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"""Are you kidding or what?!
The first to cross it as well as the iron curtain, was shot dead without summon.
Have you been checked at West Point Charlie, they checked you until inside your ass, authentic.(I know cb1 would like it!)"""


first of all say something in French - I do NOT believe I am hearing this from you!!! Where did this "ass" obsession come from?

Na, you're not are the....*drumroll, please*...the impostor (Fred, as I know him doesn't act like an A-S-S-HOLE, and You do..)
Where's you IP number anyway???

Anyway, the answer is - yes, you're right but it wasn't my point, so before you Copy&Paste next time wontcha read the WHOLE thing, boy?

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Basaev as 'Shesterka' Garson of Berezovsky.

I am amazed how all of us are so vulnarable to propaganda intocsication.
We all tend to forget that politics(wars) are run by people who have marginaly unconventional moral or vary convetional goals, their own profit or ego trips. Even chechens themself that knew well that Basaev is tided up with special service GRU and such were convinced that he is a good guy after he
sieged Matrimony Hospital in Budenovsk.
But in reality he did it when he was told to: Elsin was in meeting with G8 and he had to show that chechens are complit assholes.
Last some Basaev was told to make a mess in Dagestan to give to Kremlin the reason to start the war and pop up Putin.
Mashadov publicly accused that 'Shamil-sheathead' of sucking Berezovsky's 'jonson'.
Now it seems to be all over for chechens.
I scaned the news here is how a puzzle turned in chechens mind.
1. Basaev tryed to flee disobeying the order to stay in Grozny.
2. Basaev abandoned in city a brigade from Bamut and others.
3. Basaev bought a cheap trick of GRU and went through aggreed upon corridor, and find there mindfealds and awaitening artillery shelling.
4. Basaev settup hundreds chechens because he always was a 'sheethead'. Did you see him talking?
And the most important for tribal people Basaev lost his lack.
Lots of chechens are going to die because they can't assimilate in stabilizing Russia. And there is nothing you can help them with.
Reality check!

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Igor, I don't think having the Chechens in the mountains will make anything easier. Remember the Afgans occupied the mountains and the Russians were unsuccefull at wining that one.

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