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Archive through February 2, 2000

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that a boy, Bacon..
just behave.

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"""Shamil Basayev, Moscow's bogeyman, survives near-miss

MOSCOW, Feb 2 (AFP) -
The wounding of warlord Shamil Basayev, reported to have lost a leg in the fighting around Grozny though he himself admits only to have been hit by shrapnel, represents a near-miss in Moscow's attempt to wipe out the rebel Chechen leadership.

Basayev, accused by Moscow of terrorism, said by Internet ( that he was "alive and well (and) strong enough to wipe out the aggressor."

Russian authorities hold him responsible for a series of bomb attacks that killed 293 people between August 31 and September 16 last year.

Basayev denies the terrorist charges, though he is known to have led insurgency attempts by small bands of Islamic militants in the neighbouring republic of Dagestan around the same time."""

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"By IGOR ( - on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - 10:13 am:
Now that the bandits are in mountains---VAPOUR BOMBS no collateral(civilian)damage.Barb-que the bastards.What a way to go,hell before real hell.Chechens can send hopscotch team to next Olympics.Basayev greatest hopscotcher of all.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha EH BOSNA"

Igor, shto takoe hopscotcher?

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"""alive and well (and) strong enough to wipe out the aggressor."""

ha..being so "well"'n'all, wiping out his own aasss could create a bigger problem for a wounded "hero"..
shamil..what a "WIPer"!!!

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If muslims of the world didn't help enough "freedom fighter" don't you think this war has nothing to do with Islam. That they are not fighting for Islam but for they own interst.
Lihe most of CROOKED JIHAD?
Bacon"the slut"cb1
What do you have against gays?
It shows you are completely retard when you attack me on the basis that I'm gay.
In the day life nobody notice I'm so, (and I suppose on this board too) like many great artists and scientist throughout history.
So why do you insult me for a difference that you can't even see??!!
You are just an ignorant and fascist dumb!

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i'm 'genki' enough, i reckon.
yeah, i shoulda told you more about sunday.
the former ADDER21 went way psycho, impersonating
and abusing kissie, mostly, but me and others,
incl igor (?), for much of the day. evil nasty
stuff coming from dat ex-preacherman.

obviously with the help of DMS taking their time
to respond to my repeated posts =small staff=, it
took long enough but i took him down. the obscene
stuff came off the board, and more than one ip of
his is banned. sucka.
for milady k-san i done dese tings.

ah, but he's got multiple addresses (or goes
through a 'remailer'?), and he's not all the way
gone, yet. didnt you just have an exchange w/him

and ===this'll kill ya=== i may or may not become
the gen-yoo-wine administrator of the russian
page. there's stuff they'll teach me, it may not
happen. but we'll see, we'll see. they asked if i
was interested and after the sunday horrorshow i
said yes! lolololol [power corrupts] lolololol
this'll be the only time i mention it.

oh yeah, you might oughta call me '-chan' as
opposed to '-san'; the latter is sort of an
endearment, while '-chan' is 'my friend'.
if we're gonna be waxing nippon. shoulda told you
that the other night.

ja ne!

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I got it about Basayev champion of hopscotsh at olympic games!
(at this game playesr must jump on one leg to advance)

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oki-doki, L-chan
and PPPLEASE, take the job, *selfish reasons*
I DO need a friend with POWER, ju knou 🙂
ain't it cool thou to use IT
on peop's like that faky21, huh?
cheers and ja ne

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'hopscotch' eto detskaia igra (zabil nazvanie) kogda chertish' kvadrati s nomerami v nix na asfal'te, brosaesh kameshek i kyda on ypadet - do tyda tebe nado doprignyt' na odnoi noge...chert, zabil kak eta igra nazivaetsa - v nee vse doshkol'nitci igrali..

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loved your "menu"!
if that was your own creation - then my Congrads on the well-established sense of humor 🙂

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2 Ulra,
Zyuganov does have any balls. If he did, he would be hang by them. So Zyuganov is a "no balls man" (read "no-balls-it").
Happy elections, Dusya.

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Hi Dimitri,
Thank you for kind words.And I posted this "menu" before under "what a day!" name, because this news from Chechnya MADE my day.
Will see more dead bastards again and again...

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(special gift to russian supporters, available only in Windows Cyrillic font, unfortunately)

Welcome to Chechnya, 'liberators'!!!

From Radio Liberty site

Æèçíü â Íàóðñêîì è Øåëêîâñêîì ðàéîíàõ ×å÷íè
Îëåã Êóñîâ, ×å÷íÿ:

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By the way...

ßïîí÷èêó ïàëåö â ðîò íå êëàäè
Ðîññèéñêèé àâòîðèòåò "îòëè÷èëñÿ" â òþðåìíîé ïîòàñîâêå


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Where are you?
On ne otvetshaet, mozet Ibn Umar'?

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