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Archive through February 2, 2000

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Noble Member
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read your article (encoding feature is very usefull).Well, yes, things aren't completely stabilized and certain amount of propaganda takes place (from both sides)..but what is your point exactly?

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as far as Yaponchik goes..hehe..funny stuff.
Can you give me a source or a link, please?

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>>> but what is your point exactly?

My point is that Russians will never win the war as long as there are chechens arounds, who hated, hate, and will hate russkij aggression

Like the small chechen boy that now wants to kill russkij once he grows up... i posted link to this article yesterday, i believe.

By the way, the latest news is that russians want to build castles in chechnya, and hide inside, like they did in 19 century after their 'victories'. Expect the saga last for long.

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"By Dimitri ( - on Wednesday, February 2, 2000 - 03:56 pm:

'hopscotch' eto detskaia igra (zabil nazvanie) kogda chertish' kvadrati s nomerami v nix na asfal'te, brosaesh kameshek i kyda on ypadet - do tyda tebe nado doprignyt' na odnoi noge...chert, zabil kak eta igra nazivaetsa - v nee vse doshkol'nitci igrali.."

LOL!!! Hopscotch.. LOL!!! Ponyatno, lol, nado prigat na odnoi noge!! HAHAHAHA!! Ya dumal shto on obi nog po tiral?

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hey, bal,

shalynishka, you've posted wrong paragaph..hehe
here's the one that REALLY explains what happened
(but I do appriciate providing the whole link):

Êàíäèäàò â ìàñòåðà ñïîðòà ïî áîêñó Âÿ÷åñëàâ Èâàíüêîâ ñëûë ó çàêëþ÷åííûõ ñåðüåçíûì ïðîòèâíèêîì, à ïîòîìó íà íåãî íàáðîñèëèñü ñðàçó íåñêîëüêî ÷åëîâåê. ßïîí÷èê îò÷àÿííî ñîïðîòèâëÿëñÿ è â ïîëíîì ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ðàñïðîñòðàíåííîé ñðåäè ðîññèéñêîé "áðàòâû" óãðîçîé ñòàë "ðâàòü çóáàìè" ñâîèõ âðàãîâ.  ðåçóëüòàòå îäèí èç íèõ ëèøèëñÿ ôàëàíãè ïàëüöà è áûë îòïðàâëåí â òþðåìíûé ìåäïóíêò. Íàñêîëüêî èçâåñòíî, èíöèäåíò íå áóäåò èìåòü ñåðüåçíûõ ïîñëåäñòâèé íè äëÿ Èâàíüêîâà, íè äëÿ îñòàëüíûõ ó÷àñòíèêîâ ïîáîèùà, ïîñêîëüêó çà÷èíùèêè äðàêè íåèçâåñòíû.

Â÷åðà îôèöèàëüíûå ïðåäñòàâèòåëè ÔÁÐ â Ðîññèè íå ñìîãëè ïîäòâåðäèòü èëè îïðîâåðãíóòü ýòó èíôîðìàöèþ, ñîñëàâøèñü íà íåõâàòêó äàííûõ.  ðîññèéñêèõ æå êðèìèíàëüíûõ êðóãàõ ýòî ñîáûòèå óêðåïèëî àâòîðèòåò ßïîí÷èêà, êîòîðûé, ïî îáùåìó ìíåíèþ, "âåë ñåáÿ ïðàâèëüíî".


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Dimitri - you're point is well taken, but you have to admit Russian men don't exactly have a great reputation nor are they respected in any Western European country or America. Russia's fault really - you replaced Communism with gangsterism.

Fred - Okay I admit I am a bit anti homosexual. I understand that you and Igor are both gay. These's nothing wrong with that. AS LONG AS YOU AND OTHER GAYS keep your obsence sexual acts within the context of a monogomous relationship. And not spread diseases into the normal hetrosexual population. Igor this applies especially to you too.

Armenian - Being an arselicker makes you the lowest of the low.

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As much as I would like to think the conflict is close to ending I doubt it. remember The Russians captured gronzy in the last war only to loose it back to the Chechens. In the end what might happen is that the Russians take and hold Gronzy and Chechnya then after some time as Chechnya is off the front page of the Moscow Times Russia looses intrest in the cost of and the Russian army slowly pulls out untill the Chechens do somthing to attract attention again.

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Oh Armenian

Word of the day for you:


buy a dic-tion (shun) ary and look it up!

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"""My point is that Russians will never win the war as long as there are chechens arounds, who hated, hate, and will hate russkij aggression"""

bal..Oh, well, I hate to draw parallels here, but what da'heck - after the end of WWII the Russian occupied German Zone(GDR) had experienced the very
similar problems..Somehow we managed that time and I have no doubt this one shoouldn't be any more difficult.

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Dimitri, good point about after WWII but there is a difference , the will to fight. Which brings up the question will Russia be able to squash the Chechens will to fight. After WWII Germans were so tired of war there was no will left to fight. Now having said that do you think Russias occupation of East Germany(and the East german government that was established by Russia) in the long run was good for the average East german? After all Russia had to build a wall to keep people from leaving. This all reminds me of the hearts and minds approach America tried to use in Vietnam which never worked.

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One more point I would like to make about the occupation of Chechnya and how it would relate to the occupation of East germany. The Germans after the war blamed there own "Nazi" government for there undoing which made occupation a lot easier now will the Chechens blame there leaders for the destruction of chechnya and the loss of there friends and familys or will they blame the Russians.

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"""Dimitri - you're point is well taken, but you have to admit Russian men don't exactly have a great reputation nor are they respected in any Western European country or America."""


Some do, some don't. Unfortunatelly you don't hear about "good" ones - they just do their work quitely and PROUDLY. The "bad" ones, on the other hand, get ALLLL the "fame". The end of empire created a lot of chaos - A LOT OF CLEVER CON-ARIST STARTED LOOKING AT WEST DIRECTIONS, suckered(;)) a lot of westerners and gave a lot of neutural and pro-Russian people a negative impression..
So, be VERY CAREFULL when you generalize and think all of us are "bad-ass-motha-fuckas"
I mean, in my life I had a very bad experience with a guy from Azerbaijan..did it make me dislike all Azeries??? NO.

So if you do dissaprove of Russians fighting terrorists, give us a real reason and not PETTY one..otherwise no one on this board will take you seriousely, TRUST ME ON THAT ONE.

P.S. BTW (as if it mattered) Igor and Fred are hederos..but then again, you already knew it..

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