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Archive through February 2, 2000

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Dimitri,. I wonder where one would get the idea Russian men are not respected by Western men , that is such a silly generalization.

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Hello there,

May God have mercy on the souls of the martyrs among the chechens. May God support them agianst the usurpors, the heathens who fight against God and disbelive his messengers and fend of from the path leading to Him.

I think both Muslims and non-muslims need to be a little moderate to understand each other. Cursing and abuse does not serve any purpose.

This borad is preceded by a question about the validity of autonomy for chechnya/Ichkeria. I think it is very much so .. the chechen are not russians and should not be forced to be be part of russia (I would add the same applies to kurds in Turkey - for those who will cry double standard).

The chechen was continualy forced against their will to integrate within russia and/or USSR and they have all the while resisted it and paid heavy prices in blood and misery. The only reason I see no international/UN support for them .. although there is an oil card for those who say: it is oil stupid, is that they are muslims trying to seperate from nominally christian rule.

The new world order suggest that if you are a christian uprising against muslims you have all the human rights to do so even with the weakest of cases (aka east Timor previously and now ambon were the minority christians are carrying real genocide against muslims as they did previously in kalamantan - at the time when the christian used to cut the heads of the helpless muslims and drive them from the islands nobody said look what these savage christians do .. but more like the poor things this is their old /culture/customs of war they are reviving it

or Sudan where a very small minority of christians (incidently the south has a majority of animists not christians) are given all the human rights as if human means christians.

It is very clearly a well designed religoious wipe out war against muslims until islam returns to Arabia. This is what the coalition of new world order carrys on through deciet, douplespeak and neuteralization of different parts of the muslim world while picking a limited liqiudation of another part little by little.

On the other hand, muslims need only to pick their heads up smell the coffee brewing around them and truely return to God and seek support from him.

Those who thought Allah let down his servant .. O they are utterly mistaken and have not known G_d indeed. Let them know that the blood of the pious serves to water the roots of Turth throughout history. Even the christians (when they were on the right path) were slaughtered en masse but finally the state adopted their religion (with some modification as we see today).

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"Canadianbacon" wasn't that John Candys last movie?

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Interesting post. heres a thought could it be the world goes in stages. What we are seeing now arround the world the break-up of countries along religious an historical differences lines that over the centuries were crossed to create larger nations. In other words just a turn in the cycle.

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"""Dimitri, good point about after WWII but there is a difference , the will to fight. Which brings up the question will Russia be able to squash the Chechens will to fight. After WWII Germans were so tired of war there was no will left to fight. Now having said that do you think Russias occupation of East Germany(and the East german government that was established by Russia) in the long run was good for the average East german?"""


Actually, Gonzo, I think you're wrong. Based on my research on this subject, the "two" are VERY similar. The official end of WWII falls on May 9th, but the "young wolfs" and "hitlerjugend" were hiding from Russains(who, how ironic(!) wanted to help and feed the teens)having in their posetion only a "faust-patron"(german bazooka), a "hitlerjugend"-knife and copy of "Meine Kampf", by uncle Adolf. Sometimes they would sneak on a groop of Russian soldiers by fireing bazookas after the group would pass'em by, sometimes by pretendin' to be hungry and aneed of help and when soldier would least expect it, the "youngster" would stick a nife in Russian's back..Stuff like that was going on for at least over a year (if not more)..regardless of the fact that USSR put a "puppet" government in GDR. See any similarities yet?
I could give you MANY more examples( per your request), but I think this one will do for now..

"""After all Russia had to build a wall to keep people from leaving."""

C'mon Gonzo, the wall was placed only in one town(which is wrong, I admit)..but that also(and mainly a symbolic meaning)..bisides, if I wanted to engage into this to topic, I could tell you stories(true) about people who "ran" toward East..

"""The Germans after the war blamed there own "Nazi" government for there undoing which made occupation a lot easier now will the Chechens blame there leaders for the destruction of chechnya and the loss of there friends and familys or will they blame the Russians."""

Most of'em will blame terrorists for bringing the revenge to their homes, since the bandites conviniently occupated their own region instead of using, say Saudi Arabia?

whoof, my hands are hurting now:)

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There will be no pull out of russian army soon.
they have learnd theyr lesson. But as Balalal put it It's gonna last a while.
If the presence of the russian army si strong enough they will not try to fight against them again.
However For the weeks to come expect some fight backs.
Chechens definetly hate Russians and as fanatic as they are, they will gruggingly agree the occupation by some "under Maskadov it was not better" kind of thing.
Tbl nikogda ne dumal shto ia pedal, he? Eto shytka dla eti dyrnaki...

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"""Dimitri,. I wonder where one would get the idea Russian men are not respected by Western men , that is such a silly generalization."""

Gonz, my man, I could not agree with you more, even if I wanted to..

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Now that Chechena is being reduced to a mop up operation maybe we should turn our attention to a couple actully Important matters that have happened recently. Like Russia incressing "deffence spending" by 50% and lowering the threshold of useing nukes. Nothing like a Military industrial complex to pull a country out of an economic depression (see Germany-Italy-Japan in the 1930"s) Now we should ask Billy Bob Clinton was Kosavo and our current idiotic us/nato policies worth getting into "Cold War II"

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It's a very sad day today for people all over the world that were cheering for a couple of 1000 freedom fighters fighting against 120,000 scum russians. Farewell to Grozny. for now. The chechnyans will get it back same as they did in 1996.
They fought like heroes for a whole month and we're all proud of them. Their martyrs are going to a much better and just place. I feel bad as a muslem at how little the islamic world did to help them. 1 billion muslems stood silent at the russian atrocities. Same as they did in lebanon when israel invaded beirut. As for the russian pigs, I wouldn't be gloating if I were them. There's nothnig heroic about 120,000 misfits defeating 2000 lightly armed fighters. But for a screwed up russian army who never won a war, and whom hitler wiped out by the 1000s like sheep, I guess this is a major victory.
In front of the U.S. they act like chicken, but in front of poor unarmed chechnyans they act tough. Their day will come, when russia will be divided into 50 more countries and they will be living on foreign aid from the U.S.

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"""Now that Chechena is being reduced to a mop up operation maybe we should turn our attention to a couple actully Important matters """

no offence, but in that case maybe you should create a "Important matters" Board instead of trying to change a subject of this one..just a thought.

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OK did I read that right "The Russian army has never won a war" . During WWII the Russian army faced the brunt of the German army. The hole-sale slaugter on the eastern front was nothing like the fighting on the western front. Of course they also beat that short French guy.

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"the wall was placed only in one town(which is wrong, I admit)..but that also(and mainly a symbolic meaning)"

Are you kidding or what?!
The first to cross it as well as the iron curtain, was shot dead without summon.
Have you been checked at West Point Charlie, they checked you until inside your ass, authentic.(I know cb1 would like it!)

Beyond the fact that you shouldn't compare what is not comparable, I think the comparaison is bad (or maybe ironicaly good) to illustrate what Russian occupation can do good for Chechenya.
Slave of God
"or Sudan where a very small minority of christians are given all the human rights as if human means christians. "

Hypocrite! Animists and christians south sudanese are being masacrated and taken in slavery inhumanly by muslims.

Don't beleive JIHAD THE CROOK!

It's turning you in slave of its leader and not of God.

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It will be easier to get the bandits in mountains,large doses of NAPALM=VICTORY.Got that you ignorant supporters of bandits.Then after you can say "just wait" again.I assure you the job will be done right this time.Putin is not the same as that Yeltsin.What great news ,made my day as Clint said.

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So much does Russia spend on its military? Is a 50% increase really that much consdering how little has been spent recently?

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xyz reruns again ?Is that all you know moron?

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