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Archive through February 2, 2001

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* He turned up at the Western ("Wailing") Wall in Jerusalem, ...
So what? In case Wasserstein does not like the Orthodox, - it is his Jewish problem, not mine, as I am not an Orthodox. Maybe, he likes mullahs?:o)) Who knows.
* I am visiting Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people for the past 3,000 years, and the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel with the Temple Mount at its centre for all eternity.
If he does not like Jerusalem (as he puts Sharon's words in such idiotic context of an arg.), - he forgets, that Jerusalem couldn't care less about him, - it just stays rergdless of Wasserstein's BS.
* It was a characteristically brazen pronouncement from the man whose provocative foray on to the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, sparked off the latest intifada ...
It is funny, how idiotically persistent people can be in their mistakes, or is media afraid to print the facts out of fear of Arab terrorist threats? LOL. Anyways, the present wave of disturbances dates back to mid-September, before the Sharon visit, when firebombs and stones were thrown at Israeli positions at the Netzarim junction in Gaza. This was followed shortly afterwards by the killing of an Israeli soldier by a roadside bomb, at the very same place, on September 27. Two days later, an Israeli police officer was murdered by a Palestinian policeman who had served with him on a joint patrol. But for Chorny Volk this is OK, - now he aligns himself with this Wasserstein, that supported the Kosovo affair, forgetting (because Sharon is a Jew), that same Sharon strongly opposed it.
* ... before Israel cautiously started to remove the reality-denying blinkers ...
Reality-denying blinkers are on Wassertstein, the clear-cut product of unbridled "humanitarianism", that forgets, that real huminatarianism requires people to grow up to it.
* ... prevented recognition of the Holy Land's essential plurality.
Does he deliberately distort the "Holy Land" meaning, or knows nothing about it? But, anyways, there are Pal Arab MPs in the Israeli Parliament, representing interests of Israeli Arabs, fun is, though, they spend more time "representing" "interests", that are located in Gaza.
* He began the movement towards the only practicable solution, namely an end to Israeli occupation and domination over another people.
Either Wasserstein doesn't know, what he talking about, or lies his a.. off like allemirates. The East and El-Aksa Mosque are controlled by the Islamic Waqh of Jerusalem.
* the so-called Jewish "right to pray" on the Temple Mount.
What-what? Great! The Moslem right to pray is not a "so-called", but Jewish, - is. LOL.
* Jews have been traditionally prohibited from setting foot there lest they inadvertently desecrate the former site of the Holy of Holies of the Temple, upon which only the High Priest could tread.
With Wasserstein like this, who needs enemies?
The Temple was quite a complex heavy structure. Only Kohen HaRashi had the right to access the central structure within the Temple, the area around it (but within the Temple) was accessible to Kohanim and Leviim, and the yard (within the Temple) - freely accessible to to ordinary folks.

* Until June 1967, when the Israelis conquered east Jerusalem,
As result of a war.
* Indeed, for many years after 1967 a sign was displayed near the gate to the mount by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate, enjoining Jews not to enter.
Heard nothing about it. But from the Halahic point of view, - maybe.
* fringe groups of Israeli zealots
Yep, they are - fringe groups, - totally incomparable in size to the Moslem zealots, that are not "fringe".
* The movement for asserting "Jewish rights" in this Muslim holy place
Holy place ... not mentioned once in Kor'an ... built on top of the Jewish rights. LOL. What a pervert of history this Wassertstein is.
* When this extraordinary affirmation of theocratic over democratic
Well, Iran, for instance, is a theocratic democracy. LOL.
* all Israeli governments from 1967 until last year, of both left and right, recognised the Muslim religious authorities as sole custodians over the whole of Haram al-Sharif.
No problem, this staus quo has not changed, but those same authorities now want to cut the Jewish place down. Thanks. Some right.
* and Greater Israelites
He uses the PR lies. There is no such thing in Israel.
* Thank God, some Israeli politicians remain who refuse to legitimise a Sharon-led "national unity" government.
God kick Your sorry lying a.. . The holdup is due Barak's innate indecisiveness, a trait that bedeviled his 19-month term as prime minister and contributed to his downfall. His Labor negotiator is exasperated with him.
Etc ... etc ... etc ...

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* Now is the time for Jews in the diaspora who care about peace and human rights to speak out.
Punk. Yeah, he can speak about it, if he has guts:
During his eight years, Clinton took steps to "adjust" the PLO image so that it would be palatable for American and Israeli public opinion.
In October, 1993, Clinton ignored the fact that the governing councils of the PLO never ratified the Oslo accord. In the words of the Israel Government Press Office Director at the time, Arafat signed the accords in "his name only". Clinton would make sure that people remembered the handshake on the White House lawn, not the PLO rejection of accords at every stage of the game.
In January, 1994, Clinton ignored Israel's protests when the PLO had already more than doubled the size of the approved armed forces, from 9,000 to 19,000. (By 1999, there were 42,000, according to the BBC), while Clinton ignored the requirement that Israel would be able to vet the candidates for the PLO security forces, to ensure that no one involved in earlier terrorist activity would be patrolling the streets and roads of the Palestinian Authority territory.
In October, 1994, Clinton refused to visit any part of the Old City of Jerusalem in the company of Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert, bowing to the interests of the PLO in Jerusalem .
In May, 1995, Clinton ignored Israel's protests when the PLO decided to license arms for the Hamas, the entity that the PLO was supposed to disarm.
In August, 1995, Clinton censured and classified the US congressional General Accounting Office study of PLO assets , which might have placed the matter of Arafat's claims of Palestinian poverty in another context.
In September, 1995, Clinton personally requested that the media not cover or publicize the videos of Arafat's speeches that were screened in Congress which showed Arafat' s continuing calls for "Jihad"/Holy War against the state and people of Israel.
In December, 1995, Clinton ignored the PLO-Hamas accord which afforded PLO endorsement of violent Hamas activity in the areas under Arafat's control, which allowed Hamas attacks throughout any areas under Israeli rule.
In January, 1996, Clinton characterized Arafat's election as president as a "democratic choice", despite the fact that the UN election observer team reported that Arafat cast veto power to stop any candidates not to his liking from running against him.
In February, 1996, Clinton ignored Arafat's appointment of Hamas leader Imad Falucci as the PA Minister of Communications, thereby incorporating the Hamas as an integral part of Arafat's nascent regime.
In March, 1996, Clinton excused Syrian President Assad for not appearing at the international anti-terrorism summit in Sharm El Sheikh, when he described Assad as a "man of peace".
In April, 1996, Clinton falsified Arafat's claim that the PLO had canceled its PLO covenant at a special session of the PNC, the Palestine National Council, thereby allowing Arafat to arrive in the US in early May, 1996 on an official state visit. (Instead of canceling the covenant, the PNC' established a committee to discuss the covenant)
In January, 1997, Clinton brokered a Hebron accord between Israel and the PA, while Clinton ignored PA's immediately violation of these same accords.
In January 1998, Clinton tried to arrange for Arafat to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, despite the continuing comparisons that Arafat's official media makes between the state of Israel and Nazi Germany.
In October, 1998, as an integral part of the Wye agreement, Clinton oversaw the creation of an anti-incitement clause in the Wye accords and started a joint PA-Israel-US task force to oversee the implementation of this task force. The anti-incitement committee was disbanded later dissolved by the US ambassador to Israel, Mr. Martin Indyk, a close advisor and ally of President Clinton.
In November, 1998, Clinton hosted Arafat and the PLO's donor nations, without making any requirement for the PA to adopt a system of fiscal accountability.
In December, 1998, Clinton attended a meeting in Gaza of the Palestine National Council for a "symbolic" cancellation of the PLO Covenant. Clinton ignored the public statements of the PNC council members following the meeting that this did not constitute a cancellation of the PLO covenant.
In May 1999, Clinton funded and dispatched public relations advisors to help engineer the election of Ehud Barak as the prime minister of Israel.
In July 1999, days before Barak's inauguration as prime minister, Clinton delivered a strong speech that endorsed the Palestinian "right of return", saying that Palestinian Arabs had the right to live wherever they want to live.
In September, 1999, Clinton facilitated a new accord between the new Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Arafat which eliminated the clauses that mentioned the importance of ceasing incitement and implementing peace education that had been an integral part of previous accords with Arafat
Since September, 2000, following open war that has ensued between the PLO and Israel, Clinton did not utter a word against Arafat's policies of freeing killers, Clinton did not utter a word against Arafat's policies of unleashing of his armed forces to participate in the rebellion against Israel, Clinton did not utter a word against Arafat's policies of instituting a war curriculum in the Palestinian schools, Clinton did not utter a word against Arafat's policies of against the daily calls of Arafat's official media that continue to call for total war against the state and people of Israel, and Clinton did not utter a word against Arafat's human rights policies that have denied civil liberties and freedom of the press to the Palestinian Arab population under his control.
In December, 2000, Clinton issued a plan which promised that all Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem would revert to PLO control, a plan that would essentially allow for the Palestinian Liberation Army to patrol the streets of Jerusalem, and a plan that was described by the heads of Israeli army and Israeli intelligence as a "security threat to Israel".

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A-rab, why do You, silly head, think I was asking about Arafat joining You in the Gulf area? LOL. If You are a stone head, don't think everybody around You should be same.
The arrangements were drawn up when a high-ranking Pal delegation went to the Iraqi capital on Jan. 20. Its members, Farouk Kaddumi and Ahmed al-Azzam, finalized the details with Saddam Hussein. From a comfortable distance, Arafat proposes to continue managing the Palestinian "struggle", as he did after being expelled from Jordan in the 70s, from Beirut, and from Tunis, after he was expelled from Lebanon in 1982.

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A lot of Jew-hysteria but still no source to link ur 'little' story. commong Bagel Girl post the link... or are u too emabarrassed of ur news source?

Bad, bad girl...

and what's this u wrote :

"""God kick Your sorry lying a.. ."""

hahahahha!!!!! what a little smelly zionist fanatic jew u are! lol

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* what a little smelly zionist fanatic jew u are!
You sound hysterical. But You read it, good, it will plaster educational holes in Your head a bit. LOL.

* A lot of Jew-hysteria but still no source to link ur 'little' story. commong Bagel Girl post the link... or are u too emabarrassed of ur news source?
Come on, stupid, I can't post a link to the intel. LOL
BTH, I don't have a hystory of lying, as You do.

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Pals on a shooting rampage Thursday:
after beating and injuring an Israeli in Atarot, North Jrs., Pals direct gunfire at Canadian Embassy car on Jerusalem-Modiin Highway 443. Bullets glances off armored vehicle, but spray Givat Zeev Houses
On same 443 Maccabim IDF checkpoint came under fire earlier, a Pal Police-gangster shot dead after opening fire On IDF at Kfar Darom.

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yeah yeah, you just cant read. [PUNK!] -_-
Bravo, Kisako!


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Canadian Diplomatic Car Under Fire in West Bank

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Canadian diplomatic car was hit by gunfire on Thursday in an Israeli-controlled area in the West Bank but no one was hurt, a diplomat said.

``One bullet hit the car in an Israeli-controlled area near al-Ram and nobody was hurt,'' a diplomat at the Canadian representative office in the West Bank town of Ramallah told Reuters. The source of the gunfire was not clear.

The Israeli army said it was not responsible.

The diplomat said Israeli police were investigating. At the time of the shooting only the driver was in the car, which has diplomatic license plates but no Canadian flag on the outside.

Canada opened the Ramallah office in 1999, six years after the Palestinians and Israel signed the historic Oslo peace agreement. It is not called an embassy because the Palestinian Authority (news - web sites) has yet to declare an independent state.

At least 400 people have been killed since the Palestinians began an uprising in late September against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza after peace talks froze. More than 300 Palestinians, 61 Israelis and 13 Israeli Arabs have died.

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Hey Bagel Girl...

flash news: No one is interested in ur little Jew Propoganda and zionist agenda, especially when it comes straight out of ur little Jew Delusional mind. U spew garabage like a hairy baboon about a secret mulitnational alignment that wants to destroy israel (Surprise, surprise!!!) with ZERO facts to back it up....

give ur head a good shake bagel, and snap out of it. Ur Aushwitz (C) delusions won't cut it in the reall world.

U gimp!

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* No one is interested in ur little Jew Propoganda and zionist agenda, especially when it comes straight out of ur little Jew Delusional mind.
You and Conrad can pull out whatever remained of your hair on your so-called heads, - it will not change the facts on the ground. It is established. If it wouldn't cut it in the reall [Arab-agenda] world - it's You Arab problem. You seem to suffer a lot from it lately. LOL.

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American, it is spellt "Auschwitz" in English as well. And don't tell me you are using arabic spelling, please. You could always try Osterlitz, the German name for the place.

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i know i know, Kisako used too many words for you
and you couldnt figure out what she was saying,
PUNK -_-

she didnt need a (*&%*&^) link to articulately
express her opinion here.
it's not her fault that you're illiterate,
and where did you come up with the word

for that matter, you arent worth ANY effort.

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great job kim...


Have u ever visited that place? and if u have any interesting thoughts?


"""it will not change the facts on the ground. It is established. """

lol... maybe in ur own little world all by ur lonesome.


I;ll I hear from u is BARK!BARK!BARK! - are u gonna bite anytime soon?

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You problem is that, You are a standard Pan-Arab loser, lying Your a.. off, lost for args., perversely sex-crazy, and badmouthing, when beaten, like some B-movie underdeveloped criminal caricature punk character.

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Beaten in ur own little delusional Osterlitz world maybe?

still not a single shred of evidence to support ur little multinational "alignment" that is bent on destroying ur little rat infested terrorist breeding sh!thole.

oh yeah, and what about the boogey man - any stories about him taking over the world nuclear arsenal??? lmao...


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