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Archive through February 2, 2001

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That's OK Delenne,there's more to life than politics;0))))))))

P.S. I don't believe in peace, rather, I think, that a status-quo should be sustained.

Yes, but who's? Seems the both parties are on collision course.
Do you think Bush is trying to draw Sadam out with the latest bombing raids? How effectively could Sadam "support" Arafat?
And damn Blair to hell for taking part, but there is an election coming up in the UK. Apparently going against America means supporting a European super-state and the usual Europhobia from the Conservative Party/the Sun.
Mind you I can imagine Blair being coerced, Hague wouldn't have hesitated!

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Who's talking about "History Inventors"??? Please read:

The Right To Distort History
by Michael Lopez-Calderon

The Israel-Palestine conundrum already is so saturated with historical misrepresentations, outright falsehoods, and irrational accusations that any further distortion of history would only deepen the public’s ignorance. Two recent Miami Herald "Other Views" columns -- Julian Schvindlerman’s The Right To Destroy Israel (January 4, 2001) and Uri Dromi’s Palestinians Miss Another Opportunity (January 5, 2001) -- reiterate as fact what Israeli scholarship had exposed as myth several years ago. Both Schvindlerman and Dromi rehash the now all-too-familiar myth of the voluntary Palestinian exodus of 1948 from what is today Israel-proper. "They [the Arab nations] exhorted their Arab brethren in Palestine … to abandon their houses to allow the holy warriors to attack," writes Schvindlerman. Dromi states that during the 1948 war, "some 750,000 Palestinians left their homes and became refugees in the Arab countries." Note how in one account, the Palestinians were encouraged to flee – this is the old "radio broadcasts" myth. In the other, the passive voice is employed: the Palestinians simply "left their homes." The historical record can substantiate neither glib account.

Over the past twenty years, Israeli scholars like the late Simha Flapan, Tom Segev, Ilan Pappe, and Benny Morris, have used declassified official Israeli documents to reveal a history quite at odds with earlier accounts. The standard version of history had more to do with the public relations efforts of the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s hasbara (Hebrew for "explanation") campaign than with historical truth. This is not to accuse Israel, or for that matter, Schvindlerman and Dromi, of manufacturing lies, but rather to argue that it does a disservice to historical truth when well-known myths are employed to strengthen legitimate arguments that can stand on their own merit. A majority of contemporary Israeli scholars, media pundits, and even citizens know that the Palestinians did not "voluntarily" leave their homes in 1948. Consider two examples of evidence largely based on recently declassified Israeli governmental and military sources:

Israeli historian Benny Morris, in a January 1986 article for Middle Eastern Studies, cited a 1948 report from the intelligence service of the Israeli Defense Forces entitled The Emigration of the Arabs of Palestine in the Period 1/12/1947 – 1/6/1948. In this report – declassified in 1985 – the IDF listed three primary causes for the departure of 391,000 Palestinians: 1) "Direct, hostile Jewish operations against Arab settlements"; 2) "The effect of our hostile operations on nearby settlements … especially the fall of large neighboring centers"; 3) "Operations of the dissidents." The "dissidents" were the violent Zionist organizations, the LEHI, Stern Gang, and Urgun. Their "operations" consisted of a number of atrocities against Palestinian villagers, with the massacre at Deir Yassin being the most notorious. These findings became the basis for Morris’s seminal work, The Birth of The Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 (Cambridge, 1987). Morris made it clear that a combination of worsening circumstances, military defeats, and physical threats generated the bulk of the Palestinian flight. Nowhere does he cite evidence for the mythological "broadcasts" because such evidence simply does not exist.

Another devastating criticism of the Arab radio broadcasts that allegedly goaded Palestinian flight is found in Christopher Hitchens’ essay, "Broadcasts," in Edward Said and Christopher Hitchens, Blaming The Victims (Verso, 1988). Hitchens cited official IDF reports, declassified in 1985, that indeed documented Arab broadcasts, but with an interesting twist: the radio broadcasts exhorted Palestinians to remain in their homes and villages, in part because the invading Arab armies would otherwise be impeded by refugee-clogged roads. The BBC, along with an American listening post, monitored all Middle East broadcasts throughout 1948, Hitchens reported. Not one of these broadcasts ever told Palestinians to flee. Even Israeli broadcasts in Hebrew, and several Jewish newspapers at the time, reported the Arab broadcasts that ordered Palestinians to remain where they were.

Historians believe that it takes a generation before popular historical myths give way to new discoveries and arguments in scholarship. In the case of the "radio broadcasts" myth, the Israeli public has accepted the truth far more readily than the American. Schvindlerman and Dromi know full well that the discredited explanation for the Palestinian flight of 1948 can only fly in America, where history amnesia and a time and spatial distance from Middle Eastern realities assure the continued success of such distortions of history.

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Kid Sister

by Israel Shamir

After the last episode of the 'Fateful Elections', the actors amiably shared the trophies backstage. The muse of Israeli politics, like Coca-Cola, wishes to please everybody. Whoever thought that Barak was the best candidate, will be pleased to have him back in power as the Minister of Defense. Those who were about to get nostalgic for Shimon Peres, and were upset that he was not allowed to run, will have Peres in the secondbest bed, as Shakespeare's widow. And yesterday's monster Sharon has miraculously evolved into a wise statesman. It really did make no sense to vote.

The elections were a sham, but the siege of Palestinian villages is very real. Soldiers, who can't find enough demonstrators for target practice, shoot at passenger cars. Gaza is awash with a new sort of gas. Israeli tanks barrage suburbs of Bethlehem. A UN commission, sent to investigate the war crimes, received the short shrift: how dare they speak of war crimes? The Mitchell commission also got brushed aside last week. As the response, the US warplanes bombed : Iraq (surely some mistake?)

Innocent outsiders must question how Israel can get off scot-free with war crimes and receive the blessings of the US congress as a bonus? Could it be the Divine intervention? The answer is no. There is another agent to thank for this state of affairs. We, Israelis, enjoy full immunity, and have no doubt, if and when our government decides to turn the Palestinians into canned meat, the New York Times will celebrate its nutritional values. If that is their intent, they should hasten the process, because with the present blockade, the Palestinians are losing weight with every passing day.

All is fine on the Israeli side of the barricades. The Israeli shekel remains strong. Even George Soros knows that it would not be healthy to take a position against it. The Tel Aviv stock exchange rallies on the news that Intel has decided to invest a cool five billion dollars in Israel. The beauty of it all is that the siege of the Palestinians and the prosperity of Tel Aviv are maintained at the expense of the American taxpayer and investor. Since 1967, we have received some 170 billion dollars from the people of the US. This money could be used to feed and school all the underprivileged kids of America. It could pay to compensate the descendants of the African slaves and help them out of their hardship. It could save the sick and comfort the miserable; it could turn Africa into a paradise. But it was kidnapped and shipped to our shores. Every dollar invested by the Israeli lobby into senators and congressmen has been returned a hundred fold, as promised by the Bible.

Besides the taxpayer's money, the supporters of Israel - business executives - invested billions of dollars that their shareholders entrusted them with. There is no sound business reason behind Intel's investment, or other similar investments - Israel has no pool of qualified workers, they have to be imported like everything else. The risk of the investments in our country is great and the profits are meager. But then again, they are playing with somebody else's money.

Israel's supporters fleece America in a grand way, but they also go after other prey. In England, a Czech Jewish emigre who adopted the name of Robert Maxwell, stole millions of dollars from the pension funds of his British employees and shipped the money to Israel. He was found dead in suspicious circumstances, but Israel never refunded the stolen goods. In another English scandal, Dame Shirley Porter, daughter of salesman Jack Cohen, the supermarket chain owner and the one-time mayor, misappropriated 50 million dollars and presented lavish gifts to the Tel Aviv University, built on the ruins of the destroyed Palestinian village of Sheikh Munis. She was found guilty by the British High Court and sentenced to the fine of 27 million pounds. As all her property had already been transferred to Israel, the fine remains unpaid. Again, Israel did not return the stolen goods.

Moving on to France, a group of Israeli and local Jewish financiers transferred to Israel some 40 million of public funds and disappeared to Tel Aviv. A Russian Jew and Israeli citizen Lev Cherny, a great supporter of Yeltsin's democracy, 'privatized' the Russian aluminum industry, which has the biggest reserves in the world. Now the income from that industry flows directly to lovely Savion, the Beverly Hills of Israel. While back in the frozen wastes of Siberia, the population has been reduced to poverty. The Swiss and the Germans keep paying umpteen billions of dollars to Israel for the confiscated property of Jews, though Israel never paid even one penny for the confiscated Gentile property. The Europeans meekly comply under threat of the toughest of brothers Cray, the mightiest enforcer of Jewish loans, the US.

Israel's supporters overseas are like a giant Hoover machine, sucking out money and sweat from all over the world. Witness Mark Rich, the thieving billionaire, pardoned by the best supporter of Israel, Bill Clinton? He was a Mossad agent. Remember Fujimori, a thieving ex-president of Peru? Israeli banks helped him to launder the money. Sometimes, the Palestinians and their friends bemoan their inability to build up their own Arab lobby to counteract the Israeli lobby. They miss the most important point. The Israeli lobby should not be just a Palestinian concern, but the concern of all Americans. When oil runs out of a tanker's hulk, it should concern the crew and the owners, not only the fish. Israel's supporters swindle all Americans of their money, and antagonize America's potential friends abroad. Many American politicians support the swindle in order to remain in power. For personal political ambitions, they betray the trust of their voters.

John F. Kennedy told Gore Vidal, that in 1948, Harry Truman was on the verge of losing the presidential election, but a Zionist supporter brought to him 2 million dollars cash and saved his skin. It caused America to vote for the creation of the Jewish State. This pattern perpetuates itself. The politicians take bribes, sell pardons, accept 'donations', and help the Israeli lobby to rob the people of America.

The actual direct contribution of American Jews for the welfare of Israel is quite small and tax exempt. It would hardly cover the cost of the missiles and nerve gas to kill Palestinians, much less support the Israeli life style to which we have become accustomed. But what Israel supporters collect in campaign contributions is enough to bribe politicians and embezzle a good chunk of American money from the US treasury. If such a swindle would be hatched by, say, the Libyan lobby, the media would rightly demand these people be registered as foreign agents of influence. That is where the Israeli lobby cashes in on the solidarity of the many American Jews and right-wing Christian Zionists in the national media.

Ahmed Amr, an independent journalist from Seattle, Washington, has lamented the total absence of the Arab-Americans in the American media, saying 'Could it be, that like white men can't jump, the Arab-Americans can't write? Could it be that mainly Jewish gentlemen can write?' Well, he should know better. Even Jews, who can write but fail to support Israel, are also deprived of access to the national mainstream media. Israel's supporters have silenced the voice of Americans who would speak up for the Palestinians, including notable Jewish intellectuals like Chomsky. They silenced also the "native" voice of Americans. The stock exchange rises and falls, but there is no new Faulkner out of the South, no new Cheever in New England, no new John Barth from Maryland. The Hollywood-made films have degraded into sheer escapism and production of Arab-hate crap.

The enemy of Palestinians and of ordinary Americans, British and French citizens is not 'the Jew', as some people tend to think. There are thousands and thousands of wonderful folk of Jewish descent - doctors, artists, rabbis, unemployed. A lot of them object to Israeli crimes and to AIPAC policies. Some of them are on the front line of the struggle for human rights. Now the time has come for us to stand up and be counted.

The hesitating American Jews are in the position of the elder sister in Raymond Chandler's Big Sleep, who covers up the crimes of her wild kid sister. Probably you remember it by one of the best American movies of all times, scripted by William Faulkner, directed by Howard Hawks and acted by Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. As the cover up continues, the young sister comes to believe that she has immunity and keeps on her killing spree. Eventually her crimes endanger the seemingly secure position of the elder sister. It is not a day too early for misguided Lauren to call for Bogart and to rein the crazed youth in, before she will bring the house down on the heads of her blind supporters.

In spiritual terms, the blind support of Israel divided the Jews into the sheep and the goats (Mt 25:32), into sons of saints and sons of Mamon worshippers, the descendants of prophets and of their killers, those who profess unity of mankind and adepts of national exclusivity, those who wait for the saviour of man and those who expect the enslaver of gentiles. The former ones will make the name of Jews blessed, but those who would partake in the starving of poor peasants under Israeli-imposed siege, those who would let them rot in jails, they will certainly bring shame to all of us.

The covenant of Israel's supporters is not an ethnic monolith. It admits Gentiles, as well; it is enough to disregard the poor, the weak, the oppressed, and you can enter it. On the other hand, every Jew can opt out of it by rejecting Israeli crimes. There is no biological guilt or virtue. The believing Jews of Naturei Karta opted out and supported the Palestinian right to life. So did Jews for Justice, and many others who did not care to join a political group, but stood away from evil. Wise French noblemen opted out of the Ancienne Regime in 1789; they did not wait for the 'national razor' of 1793.

It is in interests of Americans, Jews and Gentiles alike, to start with a full embargo of Israel. The idea of an exclusive Jewish state is as wrong as the idea of an exclusive Aryan or White State. Palestine/Israel should become a democracy based on the principle of ONE MAN - ONE VOTE. Do not worry for us, Israelis and Palestinians, - we, the sons of Abraham, can live together. Just cut off the supplies to the Generals' Junta, and we shall see the light.

A democratic Israel/Palestine will turn off the Zionist Hoover machine. The long madness of Don Quixote will be over, and he will be called again Don Quexana the Good. The fruits of labor will come to those who need it, not to Israeli generals. Americans will again become welcome guests in the Middle East. Who knows, maybe even the great American cinema will be reborn from its golden ashes.

(Mr. Israel Shamir, is one of best-known and most respected Russian Israeli writer and journalist. He wrote for Haaretz, BBC, Pravda and translated Agnon, Joyce and Homer into Russian. He lives in Tel Aviv and writes a weekly column in the Vesti, the biggest Russian-language paper in Israel.)

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Ohaya, Kisako!
and Mornin, Mum!

i dont believe this satko person is St. Tony
if only because he's not raving about destroying
israel and overthrowing america, not to mention
roman catholicism uber alles.

are you capable of such restraint, St.Tony?

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what does it matter when it was discovered the hairy women were in the service?

(I cant wait for this one.. lol)

Jew-Jam flavoured Bagel Girl...

so many delusions!!!

"""History Inventors""" lmao...



I suggest u get ur head out of ur haiy as5.

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* the works of every neo-facist psychopath on the web. But of course she isn't a facist, she's just telling the truth.
A good relation to the MB's staple garbage-dumpmeisters, like the Emirates "american" clown and Conrad.

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The BS of Israel Shamir renders itself, well, BS till the end:
* Gaza is awash with a new sort of gas [...] and nerve gas to kill Palestinians [...]
How come they breed and multiply, so far? How come the pro-Arab UN is silent? I just cannot imagine the magnitude of the international "tornado", that might be raging in the World's capitals by now, had the IDF actually used something of the sort. He forgets to add also the PA Arab press accusing IDF of using "depleted uranium" ammo. Why did he skip it? LOL.
* Even Jews, who can write but fail to support Israel, are also deprived of access to the national mainstream media.
And what this type is doing? LOL. A very deprived one, eh?
* The idea of an exclusive Jewish state is as wrong [...]
I would also deprive the access to the media to anyone as stupid as him for verbal pollution prevention purposes. What a punk he is! LOL. He doesn't know the division history of 1947-48. Maybe, he laments the US electoral system?

* A democratic Israel/Palestine will turn off the Zionist Hoover machine. The long madness of Don Quixote will be over, and he will be called again Don Quexana the Good. The fruits of labor will come to those who need it, not to Israeli generals. Americans will again become welcome guests in the Middle East. Who knows, maybe even the great American cinema will be reborn from its golden ashes.
Isn't he an idiot?

* (Mr. Israel Shamir, is one of best-known and most respected Russian Israeli writer and journalist. He wrote for Haaretz, BBC, Pravda and translated Agnon, Joyce and Homer into Russian. He lives in Tel Aviv and writes a weekly column in the Vesti, the biggest Russian-language paper in Israel.)
This shows ...

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Funny. This Calderon schmock should have put this someplace [LOL]:
"We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down."
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Said, as quoted by Nimr el Hawari (the former Commander of the Palestine Arab Youth Organization) in his book "Sir Am Nakbah" (The Secret Behind the Disaster), 1952 (Nazareth)
"the call by the Arab Governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and to leave for the bordering Arab countries, after having sown terror among them... Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave...We have brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees, by calling upon them and pleading with them to leave their land, their homes, their work and business..."
Khaled al-'Azm, Prime Minister of Syria in 1948 and 1949, in his memoirs (published - Beirut, 1973, Part 1, pp. 386-387).
"The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny [LOL] but instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland...The Arab States succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people."
By Abu Mazen [Arafat's friend and part to negotiations], in an article entitled "Madha 'Alamna wa-Madha Yajib An Na'mal" [What We Have Learned and What We Should Do], published in "Falastin eth-Thawra" [Revolutionary Palestine], the official journal of the PLO, Beirut, March 1976.

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the jew is lying ... again.

what do u think - the Christian Palestinians have enjoyed 50+ years of oppression, tyrrany and cruelty?

Palestinian towns in the West Bank are mixed with all types of relegious backgrounds. when those cities get cut off and bombarded everyone inside suffers - children, islamic, christian, mothers and fathers, grandparents, trouble-makers, and innocent civilians.

The vast majority of people in the West Bank are innocent. all they want is what everyone else wants - to live their lives in peace. to be able to grow and raise their families and to secure a future for their children. mixed within the majority are a militant group - mostly of the younger generation , who defend their actions by correctly stating that the West Bank is illegally conquered territories and that it is their duty to do battle with the occupier untill their land is there's again.

surely u can understand their perspective.

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i shouldnt have to tell you what a miserable
suck-a*s LIAR this CREEP is.
we've both been around here longer than a FAKE who
was banned TWICE.

Kisako doesnt come here to lie. you have the
option to disagree, dont you?

on the other hand, the FAKE _constantly_ lies,
beginning with his pretending to be an american,
when he's a FAKE AMERICAN.

repugnant GROSS PIG. -_-

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* what do u think - the Christian Palestinians have enjoyed 50+ years of oppression, tyrrany and cruelty?
Under the PA, - "yes".

* Palestinian towns in the West Bank are mixed with all types of relegious backgrounds.
There are hardly any Christians left there. LOL. Those, who can emigrate, - do it. Because of the Moslem "love". Arafat was fighting Christians in Lebanon then tooth and nail ... out of "brotherly love", of course.

* The vast majority of people in the West Bank are innocent.
And the innocent sit home, and the innocent are not fought by the IDF.

* all they want is what everyone else wants - to live their lives in peace.
Maybe, it is their problem, as soon as they have a PA dictatorship to rule them, - they can blame it on PA. Under threats and guns Arafat personally stroke off the candidates, that might have challenged him in the then elections.

* mixed within the majority are a militant group - mostly of the younger generation
Which one? LOL. Eh? All right.
Tanzim - a key player, established in 1995 by PA aid thief Arafat and the Fatah leadership, with the intention of creating a force that could serve as:

* an armed Fatah force to counter the military wings of the Palestinian opposition groups, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. [Wow! Two more names emerged! LOL. But, let's describe Tanzim only.]
* an informal ["freelance gangsters"] armed Palestinian militia - free from the obligations of the Oslo agreements, which limited the PA security forces.
* an armed wing of the Fatah political party. The Tanzim has headquarters and branches in every neighborhood in the urban areas, and in villages and refugee camps throughout the PA.
The organization's strongest branches operate in the Palestinian universities, such as Bir Zeit, An-Najah and Bethlehem University [maybe, this is the source of our resident A-rab's sorry education?]. During summer holidays, the organization runs summer camps for young people, where they are taught to handle weapons and to carry out military and sabotage missions.

The Tanzim has tens of thousands of members, from school boys to adults, including many university students. Many of the organization's commanders and members are "Intifada graduates," who were imprisoned in Israel during the last Intifada. The organization is led by a Tanzim supreme committee, comprised of former Intifada commanders. The acknowledged leader of the Tanzim is Marwan Bargouti, a citizen of Ramallah, who is also a member of the Palestinian Legislative council.

The Tanzim has a large arsenal of weapons, from pistols to machine guns, as well as the capability to manufacture explosive devices. Most of the Tanzim weapons were donated by the Palestinian Authority, while many others
were purchased from various sources.

The Tanzim is an organ of the Fatah party, and as a party-affiliated organization has close links to the PA. As an informal militia, the Tanzim goes on freelance banditism, thus circumventing the limits and obligations imposed on the Palestinian Police [who operate with Tanzim, anyways] by the agreements with Israel. The Tanzim gets its finances and weaponry from the PA - sometimes directly from Arafat - as well as its operational and political guidelines.

Many Tanzim members also operate within various Palestinian security orgs.. The Tanzim, thus, provides Arafat with a very useful tool in the confrontation with Israel - a deniable paramilitary force, which can attack Israel without the risk of a political backlash. The nebulous links between the Tanzim and the Arafat's PA, have led some observers to the erroneous conclusion that Arafat has only limited control over the organization, if, indeed, he controls it at all. By fostering such a misconception, Arafat can maintain a policy of "talking and shooting" at the same time, while blaming "uncontrolled elements on both sides" for the ongoing violence.

Tanzim is the lead player in the Infantifada, initiating mass public demonstrations and riots, as well guerilla and terror attacks against Israeli targets. The organization has been responsible for a number of terrorist and guerilla actions, including: shooting attacks on the Gilo neighborhood in Jerusalem and the nearby Psagot settlement and shooting attacks and planting of explosives in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Tanzim will remain a key player in the Infantifada and its leaders-gangsters will continue to enjoy the support of the Palestinian population, as Barghouti the Thug has become a popular figure in the Palestinian community.
"Peace-peace-peace". LOL.

* who defend their actions by correctly stating that the West Bank is illegally conquered territories and that it is their duty to do battle with the occupier untill their land is there's again.
Yeah, the "armed struggle" against Israel, a euphemism for terrorism against civilians.

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* what do u think - the Christian Palestinians have enjoyed 50+ years of oppression, tyrrany and cruelty?
Under the PA, - "yes".

there u go bagel distorting the truth... AGAIN!

What are u talking about. The Palestinian Authority has only been allowed back in since Oslo in '93... who was in 'control' before then???

And arent those JEW helicopters and tanks bombing??? they def. aren;t PA TANKS! maybe it's the boogey man again...

lol... ur delusions bagel girl!!!!

"""Arafat was fighting Christians in Lebanon then tooth and nail """


And what was the Jew DOING? Wasn't that around the time your PM oversaw the massacres of two refugee camps???

But u dont' have very good memories of Lebanon do you Bagel Girl...
You didn't enjoy losing countless lives in that place did u? lol...
ran away with ur hairy tails between ur legs!

How are those 2 jew soldiers being held captive there??? I bet they're enjoying there time. I think they have been introduced to Hizbollah urine by this time! shower time - Jew boys!!!!
just like Aus(c)hwitz.

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GENRIKH YAGODA: Russian Jew, Christian Killer

( Alexander Solzhenitsyn, "Gulag Archipelago" )

Alexander Solzhenitsyn is the "father of democray" in Russia. In one of his books, the first volume of "Gulag
Archipelago," he wrote about how the communists in Russia, who consisted of only the Jews and a tiny
minority of Russian criminals, amoral opportunists, and welfare rabble were able to maintain their grip on all of
Russia by keeping the Russian majority, which hated them, too frightened to resist.

Solzhenitsyn writes of the period in 1934 and 1935, when the Jewish commissar Genrikh Yagoda headed
the Soviet secret police, and Yagoda's black vans went out every night in St. Petersburg, known then as
Leningrad, to round up "class enemies": former members of the aristocracy, former civil servants, former
businessmen, former teachers and professors and professional people, any Russian -- any real Russian --
who had graduated from a university. A quarter of the population of the city was arrested and liquidated
by Yagoda during this two-year period.

And Solzhenitsyn laments that the citizens of St. Petersburg cowered behind their doors when the black
vans pulled up at their apartment houses night after night to arrest their neighbors. If only the decent
Russians had fought back, Solzhenitsyn says, if only they had ambushed some of these secret police thugs
in the hallways of their apartments with knives and pickaxes and hammers, if only they had spiked the
tires of the police vans while the thugs were in the apartments dragging out their victims, they could
easily have overwhelmed Yagoda's forces and forced an end to the mass arrests. But they didn't fight
back, and the arrests and liquidations continued. And so, Solzhenitsyn concludes, because of their
cowardice and their selfishness the Russians deserved what the communists did to them.

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Please read what the jews did to Christians!!!!

Read more here:

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's biographer recounts what it was like to grow up as a Russian Christian child among the children of the Jewish communist elite: "By the age of ten he had the cross ripped from his neck by jeering Pioneers and for over a year was held up to ridicule... Solzhenitsyn was, as a boy, exposed to students whose parents had an officially superior status. Most of the members of the Young Pioneers and Komsomol movements, at least in Rostov, were Jewish children..." (Michael Scammell, Solzhenitsyn: A Biography, p. 64).

Here is the most genocidal political movement in world history, which created the largest concentration camps and the most horrendous slave labor system of the 20th century, in which millions of Christians were slaughtered (on the size of the Gulag concentration camp system cf. C. Andrew and O. Gordievsky, KGB: The Inside Story and N.Y. Times, Oct. 22, 1990, p. 82. None of these camps are being preserved for posterity. Most were destroyed long ago by special military brigades; cf. Michael Specter, "Cold Reminder," N.Y. Times, Dec. 3, 1994

"The only two non-Jews in the communist conspiracy were Chambers and Hiss...Every other one was a Jew and it raised hell with us."

Statement of President Richard Nixon in 1971, as recorded at the White House on tape and released by the National Archives in 1999. The reference is to Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. (Sources: N.Y. Times, Oct. 7, 1999 and Newsweek, Oct. 18, 1999, p. 30)

"It is legitimate to adopt a critical attitude toward the relatively large number of Jews who particularly in the first decade after the Bolshevik revolution collaborated with the Soviet Government in the persecution of other peoples."

Statement of researcher Michael Mills, an official of the government of Australia at Canberra. (Source: Forward, March 10, 2000)

Jewish Professor Arno Mayer of Princeton in his important book, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? states that the German invasion of Russia was carried out with the intention to eradicate Bolshevik (Soviet Communist) ideology. The Germans were hardly the only ones in the West to believe that, "Soviet Russia is a dictatorship of Jewry."

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* Try looking in the mirror, and ur so-called terrorist breeding country. lol
You must be nuts to expect my reflection to look like yours on some "Viva, Jihad!" street "carnival" of the released from the mental clinic. A shortage of mental institutions, or psychiatrists cannot be told from patients? Eh? LOL.

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