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Archive through February 2, 2001

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little late u hairy gimp...

no doubt a direct result of what Hitler did to u...

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* u must get ur head out of ur hair A5s and realise the difference between the names mentioned in ur little black list!
Neither of us here can, - so far, on this MB You are the sole performer of this head-pulling "acrobatics" of Yours, after which You start seeing ma-a-a-any things ... most of them strange. LOL.

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* What are u talking about. The Palestinian Authority has only been allowed back in since Oslo in '93... who was in 'control' before then???
And the Christians stayed. LOL. Now they move away.
* And arent those JEW helicopters and tanks bombing???
Homes, population areas? Amusing me again? LOL.
In those helo attacks Your PA "bros" were given advance notices, so, that "bros" could get their sorry thuggish a...s off the harm's way. The whole of Israel was laughing at this IDF adventure. Bombing empty PA pathetic "Govt." buildings is nothing.

* Wasn't that around the time your PM oversaw the massacres of two refugee camps???
ur delusions? Again? LOL.
After Arafat's thugs assassinated the Lebanese PM Jmael, the Lebanese Christian Arabs revenged themselves. See, "bro", or not, - assassinating PMs doesn't pay. Bye.

* You didn't enjoy losing countless lives in that place did u?
(Very not countless. LOL)
Yes, I/we, as normal people, don't have this pathetic-paranoid death-martyr-virgins culture of Yours. LOL.
(Does it mean, that Your societies are bent on sex so much, that their individuals can be lured into dying for a virgin tit? LOL.)

* ran away with ur hairy tails between ur legs!
Musa Alami was right: "The people are in great need of a "myth" to fill their consciousness and imagination." Yours is running wild already.:o)))))))))
* How are those 2 jew soldiers being held captive there??? I bet they're enjoying there time. I think they have been introduced to Hizbollah urine by this time! shower time - Jew boys!!!!
just like Aus(c)hwitz.

Anyone here to have a look at this A-rab fascist? LOL.

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..and the stoopidest aspect of endless repeating
the word 'auschwitz' is that REAL ARAB FARIS
HOMOUD knows nothing about the place.

it's just a hurtfully-intended word to him, with
any meaning stripped out of it.....and no relation
to any real place and time.

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u should learn the proper way to write english. try using comas, periods and stop the run-on sentences bec. they make ur ramblings incoherent.

What's worse; An american POW in vietnam or a Jew soldier in the hands of those Hizbollah sadistic assasins?

it's time for that Shower jew boys.

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Posts: 226


You are soooooo DUMB!

""""and the stoopidest aspect """"

what's that word stoopidest? lol...

how is the animal Pen treating u lately? any rejections?

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* u should learn the proper way to write english. try using comas, periods and stop the run-on sentences bec. they make ur ramblings incoherent.
Yet another head-pulling trick of Yours? LOL.

* What's worse; An american POW in vietnam or a Jew soldier in the hands of those Hizbollah sadistic assasins?
Classic! LOL.
At last. Now You know, where You belong.

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"try using comas"....?

"comas" indeed.

exactly what you need.

a permanent coma.

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* I knew a few in my time and they all seemed really nice ...
Chorny Volk, - my experience as well.

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* Do you think Bush is trying to draw Sadam out with the latest bombing raids?
All, that I know of is:
* Moscow's advanced radar & missile deliveries, using Ukrainian airlift.
* Iraq smuggling oil through pipelines running across Syria and Turkey.  Saddam is selling so much, that he is in a position to influence oil prices. A cutoff by Baghdad could send prices up to $30-35 by April. 
* Saddam's son Udai (his heir?) declared last Tuesday: "Kuwait is an integral part of Greater Iraq."
* The growing "buddyism" between Saddam and Arafat, who views Iraq, as the strategic rear for himself and his kleptocracy. Saddam's threats are taken very seriously in the US, here, in Saudi A. and Kuwait and, while the three ME Govts. pretend "nothing happend", - armies are on high alert.
* Operational connection developing between Iraq, the Pals and Bin Laden. Concerns about this alliance and fears of losing control of world oil prices led the Saudis to allow the US and British AF to take off for Bagdad.

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Hi, L'-san.
What a nasty auth. script.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 226

Yeah they are sadistic assasins and you are blood-thirsty murdering terrorists...

lets just say u both deserve each other...


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let's just say you and 300 pounds of bullshite
deserve each other too, okay, CREEP?
ps> i wont bother explaining what 'dialect humor'
is to an idiot such as yourself.
good night/good morning, K-san...

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Posts: 572

* ... and you are blood-thirsty murdering terrorists...
This is for You on it, Abu.
The Egyptian daily, Al-Wafd, Hassan Hafez writes: "We must excel in our writing and stop blaming all our problems on Israel. I wonder why we blame Israel for every fault in Arab society [Your blood-thirsty murdering terrorists. LOL.] This is the logic of the weak, who seek a peg on which to hang all their mistakes in order to evade a true confrontation with reality." [You are one disoriented Abu.] He goes on: "An Egyptian plane crashed last November and they say: This is an operation by the Israeli Mossad. Egyptian Muslims clash with Christian Copts in Al-Kushekh, in Southern Egypt, and everyone blames the Israeli Mossad ... Slow down, you, who get into fits when you talk about Israel! Let us, first, undertake our own soul-searching. We have to grab those responsible for our failures by the collar instead of blaming Israel for all our problems like cowards". You are a sleazy coward, Abu Zbale, of the society of weak and desperate cowards. You cannot face your own problems and always blame Israel for everything bad, that happens to you.

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Posts: 226

sort of like u blaming Hitler for what he did to u?

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