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Archive through February 2, 2001

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Honorable Member
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Hum, so much religious spam today, did Antonio fall out with his mentor, or just get kicked off another M~B?

Evening L'san, I hope you have already eaten today, ahum, LOL,wink...

Bonjour Madame, you called......

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"Yeah they are sadistic assasins and you are blood-thirsty murdering terrorists...
lets just say u both deserve each other...
lol... "

ER, Allam, who and what are you talking about...
You make as much sense as a man with his head permanently up his rectum....well that speaks for itself.

We can't hear you, your mouth's full of ....

The same goes for Mr Satso:

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Hi, Kim.
There's one on Iraq for an answer on Your q.. at Feb. 18, 2001 - 04:15 pm.
Another one is a bit long, pardonnez:o). Hope, this kind of "spam" will be forgiven.
"Without $50 m a month to keep functioning, the Palestinian Authority could crumble in a week," warned Terje Road-Larsen, UN ME envoy at a press conference Fri, Feb.16, before setting off on a tour to raise money in US and Europe. "February salaries were paid with a bank overdraft and March salaries for security forces, doctors, nurses and teachers will go unpaid without that $50 a month plus $54 m owed by Israel in taxes," he explained.
Larsen described Israel's closure after major terrorist attacks as "colossally counterproductive". He also called on Arab govts. to redirect their $1 bln. in pledges to budgetary aid so as to carry the PA to the end of the year [They don't want to do that, and he doesn't call that "colossally counter"-whatever.] 
Larsen is on a personal crusade on behalf of the bankrupt PA. Its finances are in desperate straits since being finally abandoned by the Euro and US donors, who have referred the Pals to their Arab brethren for support. But those brethren have also had enough [;o)]. Saudi Arabia is especially furious. Its mouthpiece, the London-based Shauk el-Awsat, holds Arafat responsible for Sharon's ascent to power and accuses him of selling out the Palestinian people's interests.
Quite amazingly, Israel remains the Palestinian Authority's last regular source of revenue. At the moment, most of the funds are funneled through the centralized monopolies, run by PA members, for the import of basic commodities like fuel, cement, paint, gravel and iron, in partnership with Israeli businessmen. The revenue is not spent on feeding the populace, 40% of which are unemployed and 30% of which live below the $2.10 a day poverty line, as a result of the intifida. The income from Israel lines the pockets of Arafat and his security service bosses, Mohamed Dahlan and Jibril Rajoub, and, actually pays for the purchase of weapons, explosives and ordinance to step up the war against … Israel
The European and American donors, who once looked for the 1993 Oslo to promote a peaceful, constructive Palestine and a high level of Israel-Palestinian economic interdependence, are disillusioned. The Arab governments are holding back their pledged $1 bln., loath to sink more cash in an endemically corrupt regime. Spiraling Palestinian violence since last September has scared investors and tourists away and strangled the economic activity.
While Arafat's private fortune is counted in two-digit billions of dollars and his cronies own fat bank balances, the Palestinian Authority coffers are empty
It is a bizarre fact that the Pal's economic mess is largely self-inflicted. This would be incomprehensible in any terms, other than those of the Pal leadership, who make no secret of their motives:
1. The more the populace suffers and the closer PA institutions veer towards anarchy, the larger the pool available for recruiting fighting men, and the deeper their "soldiers'" hatred towards Israel, which they blame for their suffering. "The worse things are, the better for us," say Tanzim militia activists quite openly.
2. Arafat intends flaunting acute Palestinian hardship - amid a "valiant popular struggle" - to prise open the purses at the next Arab summit, scheduled for the end of March in Amman – and lay his hands on the funds, promised at the last summit.

Before the outbreak of fighting last September, 25% of the Palestinian GDP depended on Israel (for employment and trade) and 120.000 Palestinians held jobs in Israel. The PA still depends on Israeli electricity, water and communications. In neither field do the Palestinians have alternatives. Yet Arafat's Fatah Tanzim militia boycotts Israeli imports, burning any goods it finds on the shop shelves. The Pal industry minister this week published a list, banning 13 Israeli products; committees, enforcing a boycott on Pal collaboration with Israeli firms, sprang up this week, and the few of Gaza people, who still have permits to work in Israel, were prevented from leaving Gaza. Two days later their workplaces in the South were filled with Romanian workers. Many of their jobs may be lost forever. Joint Israeli-Palestinian industrial zones in the border areas were burnt down by Pals early in the conflict.
By these steps, the Palestinians are scorching their own earth, burning away most of the $1 bln., that Israel once injected into the annual Palestinian budget. Refunds of VAT and national insurance deductions on goods, services and labor, have tapered off in step with the rising violence. Less goods and services, and fewer Palestinian laborers equal less receipts. Before the clashes erupted, Norway was committed to making up annual PA budget shortfalls of up to $50m, while Britain pledged funding for the two Palestinian police forces allowed under the Oslo. Both forces grew well past their 17,000-man limit to almost 40,000. Other European donations were tied to specified projects.
All these contributions were frozen after the onset of the Intifada. During the Barak period every step of progress in peace talks was greeted with a small European check [LOL. No matter how sweet you feed the wolf ...]. That flow dried up too, amid complaints of mismanagement, misspending and outright corruption. For instance, EU donations for improving the refugees' living standards were never earmarked by the PA for that purpose. Arafat's higher priority is to keep his regime's props, - the preventive security services under Mohamed Dahlan in Gaza and Jibril Rajoub in the West Bank, - well-oiled and well-fed. Ironically, while both these services are prime movers in Palestinian warfare against Israelis, the money to keep them functioning and armed comes from Israel. But when the Tanzim intensified its boycott of Israeli goods last month, Israel cut off the roughly $350 mln. due from tax refunds, laying itself open to charges of starving the Palestinian populace.
Until the Arab summit next month, Arafat keeps himself going by scrounging for small amounts here and there. During the Taba peace talks in January, European envoy Miguel Moratinos brought two European checks to Gaza, worth an estimated $10-12 mln. each. He warned Arafat not to expect any more regular monthly $30 mln. remits. Then, in February, Norway rescued the PA payroll with a $10 mln. transfer to Gaza and guaranteed a loan from the Arab Bank in Amman, which is owned by a Pal from Nablus, Abdul Majid Shuman. However, the EU's expected $60 mln. donation was not forthcoming and the PA's stand or fall depends on Larsen's fund-raising abilities.

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My deepest apologies, if I scared you all away with this long thing:o(

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aw, that's okay, K-san;
it could be read, anyway....
wasnt a hunka hunka burnin' bible.

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Sorry Delenne, got kicked off the computer....

No, that was interesting,some of us know the difference...And all in the same millenium as well.

oops the boss man,bye!

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what a quiet day, for a change.

perhaps a calm before the next storm....

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0300 thurs


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0300 thurs


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0303 thurs

hey! pipe down! too noisy in here!


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I officially declare this board dead and buried

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nah, there's a twitch or two left, i betcha.

strange that this week became so still, though.

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Must be Ramadam and they are all preying or it's Jihad week.

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