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Archive through February 2, 2001

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Give what a rest? Those post are copied directly from the source. So just mind you own fargen business when post are not directed to you. Or do you prefer being lasbeled as a little miss busybody.
Your so fast to point out USC, but appears you lack the testies to post there. Not enough females for you to relate to over there? I have no wish, time or inclination to indulge in or further support your gay, faggot rational.

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Above: Host Anatoly Ivaskevich (left) asks contestant Sergei Stoyanov to name the author of War And Peace for a once-in-a-lifetime chance at a plate of beans.
MOSCOW--The program has only been on the air for three weeks, but Russian citizens from Voronezh to Srednekolymsk are already swept up in the thrill of the nation's biggest runaway-hit game show, Who Wants To Eat A Meal?

Hosted by popular Russian TV personality Anatoly Ivaskevich, Who Wants To Eat A Meal? gives hungry contestants the chance to answer general-knowledge questions to win food items. Since its Oct. 26 premiere, it has quickly become the nation's most popular program, drawing even more viewers than the top-rated Let's Look At Food, in which images of food are displayed on screen.

"I would love to eat a meal," said devoted Who Wants viewer Sergei Kirasov, an unemployed Novgorod machinist who has submitted his name to the producers more than 600 times in hopes of becoming a contestant. "That is truly the Russian Dream."

Russian citizens are already well acquainted with the show's format: Every night at 8, cameras circle a sumptuous banquet table as announcer Leonid Pustovoitenko asks the studio audience, "Who... wants... to eat a meal?" Bayonet-wielding members of the Russian army then move in to protect the table from rioting audience members, who often storm the set with crude handmade weapons in a desperate attempt to seize a beet.

Once order is restored, 10 lucky Russians--who are brought to Moscow, courtesy of the show, by ox-cart--face off in a "fastest finger" round to determine who will sit in the "hot seat" in front of Ivaskevich to compete for the nutrient-containing jackpot. The advancing contestant is asked a series of increasingly difficult questions, each carrying a larger food prize, from a scrap of rotting cabbage to the grand prize of a one-course dinner for one. Stumped contestants can use one of three "lifelines"--polling the audience, writing a letter to a friend for help, or ingesting a packet of glucose syrup if they are losing consciousness due to hunger.

Above: The grand prize.
Though no contestant has yet won the top prize of a slice of boiled beef, an uncooked red potato and a scrap of bread, viewers have thrilled to the awarding of lesser prizes to contestants finishing partway up the prize ladder. Last Friday's installment drew blockbuster ratings as Nikolai Puchin, a 33-year-old Novokuznetsk-area peasant, walked away with a chicken bone after correctly identifying Sergei Eisenstein as the director of The Battleship Potemkin.

"Viewers are absolutely captivated by the show," said executive producer Oleg Medvedev. "To watch people get up there and have a chance at eating, it's a thrilling fantasy."

Still, some viewers complain that the questions are too easy.

"I watched the other day, and they ask the man to name year Trotsky is assassinated," said Svetlana Tretiak, an 83-year-old retired seamstress from Orsk, a tiny village in the Ural Mountains. "This is ridiculous. If food is on the line, I expect questions are more difficult than this."

Grigor Krupskaya of St. Petersburg agreed. "I know not where they get these contestants," he said. "So dumb. Friday, on show, they ask a man what Soviet gymnast win three gold medals in 1972 Olympics. And he needs lifeline to answer!"

"It is not so easy as it looks," said contestant Alexei Popovich, a 40-year-old Kursk farmer who quit the game with a bowl of borscht rather than risking it to win a larger prize. "I am sure it seems easy to people sitting at home, but when you are up there under the lights, and you know food is on the line, it is very different. You get very nervous: Your palms sweat, your stomach quivers, and your teeth fall out due to malnourishment and scurvy."

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well, i see your faux informers have appeared,
cap....more FAKES in a world of FAKES.

i dont care if i'm wrong about the article; then
perhaps you could get a job writing for them. eh?

yeah, i post at USC when i feel like it.

tell 'cap' he tended to take his writing seriously
at USC, but not here.

and the _real_ captain america would _never_ pal
around with anti-semitic f*ckwads like you do
here, much less insult women like you do.

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Do you use a standup urinal or do you squat?

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more bodily functions!
you really gotta get over w/this obsession.

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Can't, it seems to be the only language you people of the fairer sex understand

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aw man, this is so WEAK...straight out of junior
high, not that long ago for you, eh?

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how would you know about jr high? you never got that far.

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By L'menexe ( - on Wednesday, February 7, 2001 - 03:15 am:
no, motherf*cker, the blame would be appropriately
placed on the 'ghastly trio'.

L'menexe (the product of jew brainwashing)

You're not very polite to your friend Informer are you? is this what that crafty, hate filled little jewess done to you? turned you away from your friends and your own kind?

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informer =
more specifically the cubicle-boy imitating
informer = yep, your maturity continues to shine
through here.
BACON continues to feel the afterglow of his
recent experience with Kisako, rambling on in her

informer is not now, nor has he ever been, my
friend. that goes triple for this cubicle-boy
stand-in he has.
if capt. info says all posts today were by him,
then jeez, go take your meds, okay?

i have no 'friends' here to turn away from. any
DMS folk who've been my friends arent here at the
moment. they know who they are.

i have no 'own kind' to turn away from. what
a...peurile...notion coming from the likes of you.

you repeat exactly the same garbage about kisako
and you never proved any = ANY = of it.

so which of you are my 'friends'? my 'own kind'?
i disavow,
i deny,
i reject
_all_ of you.
and that, plus 34 cents, will get me a tasty
frozen burrito. -_-



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It's OK L'menexe, I would find it very hard to give a damn, even if I could sink to their level.
Puberty is difficult for boys, especially when they are thirty-something...(LOL and the rest).

Lets leave them to wank off in peace shall we, found a great site, where reasoned discussion is possible...will email you.

Best of days

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L'moo interest in KIM is because she's European and a former beauty queen.

Just imagine the beauty of his true love Kissy. Having her over his sh1thole apartment for his favorite dinner... Frozen "PORK" Burritos covered with strawberries by candle light (1 half used from when he had Kim over for same treatment). Such the romantic is he

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That's an old one, dear, wasn't it Chorny volk first dug that pic up...(well. I don't suppose you can really expect originality from someone who calls himself "captain America")

Why L'menexe and I are friends, that would puzzle you, wouldn't it.
Try looking up "Friendship" in the dictionary some time.

And you really are pathetic , you know!

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What's up Kim? I struck a nerve, HA HA HA
Life's a beech when your an over the hill female relying on Hormone injections. Not to mention the effects of gravity taking over. Further stages of senility can also be expected.
Could explain why L'Pew finds you attractive.LOL

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Orgasms on demand: only $ 15.000! Order now!

A medical implant in the works could offer women a chance to experience orgasms with the press of a button.

For the electronic orgasm device to work, a physician would implant electrodes into the spine and a small signal generator in the skin under the buttocks. A patient would then control the sensation with a handheld remote control.

Stuart Meloy, the North Carolina doctor seeking a patent for the device, thinks it could allow women with orgasmic dysfunction to resume normal sex lives.

The British journal New Scientist first reported Meloy's work in its upcoming Saturday edition.

The implant idea came about "serendipitously," said Meloy, a physician with Piedmont Anesthesia and Pain Consultants in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. "I was treating a chronic pain condition and generated a response I was not anticipating."

Meloy had implanted electrodes in the spine of a patient, using electric pulses to modify pain signals passing through her nerves.

Patients in such operations remain conscious to help surgeons place the electrodes in the best locations to relieve chronic pain. And in this case the woman exclaimed emphatically when Meloy missed the right spot.

"I asked her what that was and she said, 'You're going to have to teach my husband to do that,'" he said.

Reports of similar medical cases convinced him that the phenomenon could be reproduced.

"A question that remains in my mind is how long should it be used for, who gets to say how many times and for how long it is used," he said.

Benefits for disabled, ill
Clinical trials could begin later this year if Meloy receives funding from a major medical implant manufacturer. Scientific studies have already demonstrated the safety of the device, he said, since it uses off-the-shelf technology.

It won't come cheap. The price of the device would be about $15,000, not including the cost of surgery. But for women suffering from orgasmic dysfunction for a variety of reasons, the benefits could be priceless.

"There are lots of areas it might be effective. Certainly it could have a lot of use with the disabled or ill community," said Steve Sloan, an Atlanta sex therapist who often treats spinal injuries.

Women with paralysis, muscular sclerosis or who use prescription drugs that inhibit sexual arousal could benefit, as well as those with psychosexual problems, he said.

Julia Cole, a therapist with the relationship counseling service Relate, said some women should try it if they consider their problem severe enough.

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