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Archive through February 2, 2001

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employed and paid in worthless shekels is synonomous with unemployed. The nearest this third world He-brew beggar comes is on this board. Thank goodness she and her hebraic stench could never afford to travel to Europe (not that she'd ever get a visa)

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A Conrad's Special.

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* Doesn't this bellowing baboon of a fanatical zionist - just wanna make you VOMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, it's the BSE steaks of Yours. I hope Your "secretary" is around to clean the keyboard and the monitor. LOL.

* This unemployed, (employed and paid in shekels = same thing)
Ha-ha! What an amusement park You are!

* many people on this board DON'T GET ON, but the ONE thing they all have in common is they totally abhor YOU!
Sure, as any mediocre scumbag would. Join them in talk of estrogenes, hormones and sex and "refresh" Yourself. LOL.

* Thank goodness she and her hebraic stench could never afford to travel to Europe (not that she'd ever get a visa)
Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah ... LOL.
You made my day. But it's time for You to go about organizing toys in Your playing room and then - to bed.

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well, y'know, a shower of abuse right down your
throat would be appropriate here...

but at which point were you elected to speak for
other people on this board?

'tis to laugh.

true, you get increasingly twitchy, to no avail.

Kisako spins you round and round
in your exceptional futility,
and all you can do...
all you can bloody do --

is _twitch_.

as well you might.

Ohaya, Kisako! 0318

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* ''Kibya was to be a lesson,'' Sharon wrote decades later in an autobiography. ''I was to inflict as many casualties as I could on the Arab home guard and on whatever Jordanian army reinforcements showed up. I was to blow up every major building in the town,'' he wrote."

What, Pals et. al. (et. You) expected a garden-building activity out of a military op?

Oh, so committing war crimes while wearing a military uniforom is O.K.???

You see Bagel Girl, your Aushwitz style delusions make u sound stupid.

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you've got it all wrong, miserable FAKE.

every f*cking thing you say makes _you_ sound

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* Oh, so committing war crimes while wearing a military uniforom is O.K.???
For You committing an act of idiocy is OK! - You posted it - ... on the Arab home guard and on whatever Jordanian army reinforcements showed up.

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Arik Sharon at the helm! Brawning heavies helped by the tanks' 122-mms just squash that terrorist brat like tomatoes now at 20.03. Cobras had been hounding the area before.
Arik appeared once at the "crowd" - the end of the Sinai campaign, - a jeep, dust, sand, and the gang, chanting "A-a-rik, A-a-rik ..." - The leader, that was never afraid of going into the heat personally, if the matter at hand demanded so.

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"A-a-rik, A-a-rik ..."

Sort of like when the French were chanting

H-I-T-L-E-R, H-I-T-L-E-R

As he marched down the streets of Paris.

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* Sort of like when the French were chanting
H-I-T-L-E-R, H-I-T-L-E-R
As he marched down the streets of Paris.

Well, kiss the French butts then out of deference.

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""""Well, kiss the French butts then out of deference. """'



SAY AGAIN???????????

IN ENGLISH????????????

THIS TIME?????????????

THAT was almost as bad as your last one!

anyone to take a shot at deciphering Bagle Girls Latest Delusional thoughts?

OK lmx go ahead...


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Did you gain one?

God save the whales! Interesting both are soon to be extinct.(the Arabs v. the Jews should clinche it)
It only goes to show, doesn't it, that when the liberals throw in the towel and let you facists out of your cages, we end up with...

Le Pen

and the way things are going William- I can drink 10 pints of lager, and still run a cabinet meeting-Hague, most likely

But you scripture toting, self-sanctified rightwing bigots know what you are doing...don't you?

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mornin', mum! 0840

...guess you'll have to figure it all out for your
own putrid self, FAKE -_-


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Kim, thats a big step for you. way to stand up!!!

But did the Facists really elected Bush????

I think Bagle's 'Delusional' virus is starting to affect u.

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* LOL....
SAY AGAIN???????????
IN ENGLISH????????????
THIS TIME?????????????

Still learning question marks and all that? LOL.

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