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Archive through February 20, 2000

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The invasion of Serbian Krajina
by Gregory Elich

[ encourages everyone to reproduce the following in full including this note.]

In early August 1995, the Croatian invasion of Serbian Krajina precipitated the worst refugee crisis of the Yugoslav civil war. Within days, more than two hundred thousand Serbs, virtually the entire population of Krajina, fled their homes, and 14,000 Serbian civilians lost them lives. According to a UN official "Almost the only people remaining were the dead and the dying." The Clinton administration's support for the invasion was an important factor in creating this nightmare.

The previous month, Secretary of State Warren Christopher and German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel met with Croatian diplomat Miomir Zuzul in London. During this meeting, Christopher gave his approval for Croatian military action against Serbs in Bosnia and Krajina. Two days later, the U.S. ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbright, also approved Croatia's invasion plan. Stipe Mesic, a prominent Croatian politician, stated that Croatian President Franjo Tudjman "received the go-ahead from the United States. Tudjman can do only what the Amecans allow him to do. Krajina is the reward for having accepted, under Washington's pressure, the federation between Croats and Muslims in Bosnia." Croatian assembly deputy Mate Mestrovic also claimed that the "United States gave us the green light to do whetever had to be done." (1)

As Croatian troops launched their assault on August 4, U.S. NATO aircraft destroyed Serbian radar and anti-aircraft defenses. American EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft patrolled the air in support of the invasion. Krajina foreign affairs advisor Slobodan Jarcevic stated that NATO "completely led and coordinated the entire Croat offensive by first destroying radar and anti-aircraft batteries. What NATO did most for the Croatian Army was to jam communications between [Serb] military commands...." (2)

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Don't give up quite yet.
I just managed to get back on line, my lengthy silence was due to relocation problems.
ie: me in France, my computer in England.

So from a converted cowshed, half way up the Jura,
overlooking Lake Geneva...
Arx is back!!
(The yodelling is coming on fine, Switzerduetsch is a bit of a problem,though)

So I see the same old protagonists and some humerous new additions are still stuck in the
East v. West propaganda slinging mindset.

So Russia now controls a pile of rubble once known as Groszny and the Americans have started a disinformation campaign against Bin Laden on matchboxes handed out in Pakistan???????????????
Madeleine Albright has been mistaken for a troll by Finnish Schoolchildren, have I missed anything?

Can someone tell me what "consortium" Suleyman was refering to?

By the way, Hi

Kim Arx

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>>>Chechen author and historian Mussa Geshayev wrote the book "Prominent Chechens," which was published in the Russian language in Belgium in 1999. Almost the entire printing of this work was confiscated at the Russian border by the Russian secret service. In the book, the author recalls the February 1944 deportation of the Chechen population, which he himself experienced as a child. Almost the entire people was herded together and carted off to Central Asia in cattle cars. For three days, Geshayev writes, books burned in the center of Grozny, as if history itself was to be destroyed. All libraries and museums were reduced to rubble and ashes by the minions of Stalin's NKVD (secret service).>>>

It was the Chechens who did this to themselves, not Stalin, or Russians! Chechens did this, so one day West would sympathise with them!

Russians never confiscate any books, or burn the libraries. They are a very kind and nice mob who would never ever deport whole population. Because of Islamic Rebels, Chechens left for Central Asia, to get away from these fanatics.

These anti-Russian lies must stop now, or we will use vacuum bombs, or better nuke you all!

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Where have we heard all this before? In Kosovo, of course, and not all that long ago. Even as the moral outrage over the alleged "atrocities" committed by the Russians begins to build, the real story of how the NATO-crats lied, faked photographs, and manipulated a willing media is beginning to come out in some detail. While US government officials were bandying about figures as high as one million Kosovars killed as a result of a deliberate Serb policy of "genocide," with the Western media echo chamber faithfully repeating these numbers, it turns out that the number of civilians killed is closer to 3,000 or less.. As even apologists for the exaggerated claims, such as John Swain in the Sunday Times of London, admit, the NATO-crats lied in order to stoke up the war hysteria and prop up popular support for the war.

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Bacon, I remember an old saying - hope goes away last, right after Jews. Aside from jokes, I'd like to say that your statements of "manipulations", depending on what you understand by that, either ludicrous or the actions, you are referring to, are common in every society and among all people.

US were based, from the very beginning, on state-religion separation. It means that state doesn't promote neither superiority nor inferiority of anyone, nor subscribes our citizens to various conspiracy theories in order to rule easy.

My family started the war against Nazis in 1940. My uncle died in the battle. This fact doesn't give me any special rights other than the right to say "don't push it" to anyone who wants to start this mess in Europe all over again. And for me it's irrelevant what group they might represent - Chechens, Serbs, Russians, Arabs, Muslims, Christians or Jews. Or, for that matter, Canadians.

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So, Igor,

How many Rebels, Civilians and Russian Troops have died so far in Chechnia?
You can see where the incentives might lie for various parties to exaggerate or understate the casualty figures.
Do you really believe that only Nato use propaganda to "stoke up the war hysteria and prop up popular support for [] war"?

(Newspapers have their sales figures to consider,
they cater to local tastes.)


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"Russians never confiscate any books, or burn the libraries. They are a very kind and nice mob who would never ever deport whole population."

Are you always so funny?
Excuse me,I haven't had the time nor inclination to read your previous comments.


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With Putin convinced that the loss of Chechnya would lead to the end of the Russian Federation, the Turkish government realizes that the stakes are far too high to warrant an aggressive foreign policy without explicit U.S. support. Doing so would risk a one-on-one direct confrontation with an irate – and mobilized – Russia. Turkey will seek, and receive, American support for its Caucasus policies, but only so long as these policies do not upset the delicate political balance in the region.

Unlike Russia, Turkey’s primary region of interest is not in the Caucasus, but in Europe. Russia is hell bent on re-establishing its past while Turkey appears to be fixated on establishing its future. The war has undoubtedly blunted Ankara’s ambitions in the Caucasus. Poised instead to be a thorn in Russia’s side, Turkey is far too practical to sacrifice its interest in Europe on the altar of the Caucasus.

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As the 1990s progressed, the West largely abandoned and sought to marginalize Russia. In response, Russia seeks to rekindle three of its Cold War relationships to use as geopolitical levers. Yet these new ties threaten to damage relations with the two countries Russia most needs to stave off U.S. hegemony – Iran and China. How Iran and China react to Russian assertiveness will shape the future of Russia’s anti-Western alliance.

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Russians caught again reporting the death of Salman Raduyev.

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By the Grace of Allah Most High, (Who protects those who fight in His Cause against oppression, and favors His martyrs with everlasting paradise,)
the Mujahideen repulsed this latest attack and shot down a Russian helicopter. The aircraft was incinerated along with all of its occupants. Mujahideen sources confirm that a total of 12 Russian soldiers perished during today's fighting. Yesterday, the Mujahideen crushed an enemy attack against Duba-Yurt and shot down a helicopter with 26 Russian soldiers on board. The total enemy casualty toll in the region over the past 48 hours is confirmed at 46 dead. The enemy's material losses include two helicopters.

It won't be over until the last orphan of grozny
avenges his or her parents' murder.

What goes around comes around.

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>balalaika wrote:
>yap, yap, yap!

What's that Lassy? Timmy-Shamili fell into the well again? Good girl!

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>Faiz Khan said:
>yap, yap, yap!

Nope, Shamil still got one foot. Try yapping harder.

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>Turka wrote:
>yap, Yap, yap!

Nope Turka, your yapping doesn't help Chechens. But it doesn't mean you should stop. Yap, Yap, Yap! Good boy.

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>Pro-Chechen yapped:
>Yap, yap, Yap!

Nope PC, terrorists propaganda still doesn't fool anyone. But if they try yapping harder ...

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