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Archive through February 20, 2000

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* El adirim, my portrait!? ??????????????


You're a mystery,luv.


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"""You're a mystery,luv. """

That is exactly why, people of this board have very strong (in EVERY way) feelings towards to our lady.
*I am not jocking*

..on this final note, I would like to thank..
..myself. Thank you, Dimitri.

*not kidding either*

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>abdullah wrote:
>yap, yap, yap ..
>(did anyone actually read any of his yapping?)

Nope doggy, still not a single chechen was helped by your yapping. Actually the opposite, around 20 died, and that's according to Chechen sources. (Who knows how many died in reality.) If that's the results of your yapping, please do much more of it!

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>jisbond wrote:
>yap, yap, yap.

Nope, terrorists in Chechnya are still being killed, with bare hands or not. But don't give up yapping!

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In latest interview Shamil Basaev said he only got 2 (two) wives. It either means a) Shamil forgot that he got 3 (three) wives or b) Shamil can count only to two.

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>jisbond wrote:
>bare hands....
you would know about these things. wouldn't you? <

Whoa, somebody's horny!

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Some more inserts from Shamil's interview:

I studied in Moscow
was kicked out for very bad grades
and then fulfilled my military service (in the Soviet Army)
being a delivery boy in a fire brigade
before becoming a Moscow-based businessman.
extortion, Chechen mafia
I have since had the honour of fighting the Russians and the Crusaders when I joined my brothers in the Region of Abkhazia.
fighting Georgians, left as soon as Russians got there
I have also fought the Crucifixers when I participated in the fighting across the Azeri Province of Karabakh.
where got arse kicked by Armenians
After the revolution of 1991 (which led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union) I returned to Chechnya and formed several units that were trained in Afghanistan, and then dispatched to join the Mujahideen in Tajikstan.
and once again left as soon as Russians got there
However, the situation in Chechnya developed quickly, and President Jawhar Dudayev declared Chechnya's independence, so my work became focused in Chechnya where I formed my own unit of Mujahideen
and hi-jacked a plane with civilians
and led them in the attack against Russian Military Intelligence HQ in Grozny.
which was never there
When the fighting became more intense (during the 1994 - 1996 war), I took command of the battle front at Vedeno.
close to mommy and far away from battles
I also led the well-known and successful operation against the Russian city of Budunesk.
where I took pregnant women and ill people hostages in the hospital and killed over 130 of them
Towards the end of the first war, I commanded 11,000 Mujahideen during the siege of Russian forces in Grozny.
against 4,000 or so conscripts, and before the hospital incident
This action forced the Russians to concede to the demands of the Mujahideen and to withdrew from Chechnya.
or maybe it was because I started killing people in the hospital

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Talk to me?/........... elsewhere?


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LOLOLOLOLOL, Oh, the penny dropped

Bitch!!! Grin


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if you mean 'qui', then it'd br mssr. jisbond
read jisbond's reply at 9:55pm to Kissie's post at 9:37pm..

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really wanna talk to ya, but gotta go for the night..tomorrow maybe? OK?
you'll hear from me in about..ehh..15-17 hours or so..sorry..but really have got to go now.

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By jismbond ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 09:55 pm:
bare hands....
you would know about these things. wouldn't you?
your own one track mind has exposed you.

* Yeah, definitely, having seen you bent guys doing it "shamelessly" right here on-board in the open will make anyone know and set anyone thinking along the only way thinkable by you. Kapeesh?

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I don't like AOL.

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It has been a pleasure to receive your comments every one.

The data gathered from my short communication experiment - in order to assess the common interests of the visitors of this sight - are interesting and conclusive.

My questions and your answers, and what you may call yapping, were designed as a study of your reactions.

the results of my study will be compiled as a report and will be consolidated and submitted for study together with other data concerning Russian education at university.

The report will be examined by psychoanalysts together with many other comments and exchanges I have recorded and examined on this sight.

The analyzed report titled "Subversion through Mis-education" will be forwarded to other
sociological institutions for further studies and comparisons.

Thank you for your input everyone.


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