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Archive through February 20, 2000

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Igor and x and the subhuman HM

This is the time for you to take the begging bowl and ask for the donation.

How many bagof chips and choclate did you get from your gods( preist).

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Kapacho bato, khate la boka.


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What would his majesty "Jesus" the Christ do in Chechnya if he was with us today?

Dear Mr. Putin:

You have admittedly been baptized as a child.

You will - one day - accountable for your actions in Chechnya.

Will you (Mr. Putin) be able to testify before your God who created us from nothing that you were following the commandments given to you by his messenger "Jesus" the Christ?

If you do not believe the existence of our God (or his creation) then please read the following:

Mary - the mother of Jesus asked the angel of God which appeared before here:
'Now how shall I bring forth sons, seeing I know not a man?'

The angel answered:
O Mary, God who made man without a man is able to generate in thee man with- out a man, because with him nothing is impossible.'

In these last years a virgin called Mary, of the lineage of David, of the tribe of Judah,was visited by the angel Gabriel from God. This virgin, living in all holiness without any offense, being blameless, and abiding in prayer with fastings, being one day alone, there entered into her chamber the angel Gabriel, and he saluted her, saying: 'God be with thee,O Mary'.

The virgin was affrighted at the appearance of the angel; but the angel comforted her, saying: 'Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God, who hath chosen thee to be mother of a prophet, whom he will send to the people of Israel in order that they may walk in his laws with truth of heart.'

The virgin answered: 'Now how shall I bring forth sons, seeing I know not a man?' The angel answered: 'O Mary, God who made man without a man is able to generate in thee man with- out a man, because with him nothing is impossible.'

Mary answered: 'I know that God is almighty, therefore his will be done.' The angel answered: 'Now be conceived in thee the prophet, whom thou shalt name Jesus: and thou shalt keep him from wine and from strong drink and from every unclean meat, because the child is an holy one of God.' Mary bowed herself with humility, saying: 'Behold the handmaid of God, be it done according to thy word.'

The angel departed, and the virgin glorified God, saying: 'Know, O my soul, the greatness of God, and exult, my spirit, in God my Saviour; for he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden, insomuch that I shall be called blessed by all the nations, for he that is mighty hath made me great, and blessed be his holy name. For his mercy extendeth from generation to generation of them that fear him. Mighty hath he made his hand, and he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of his heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble. Him who hath been hungry hath he filled with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away. For he keepeth in memory the promises made to Abraham and to his son for ever'.

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y FredLeDingue ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 02:52 pm:

If you go infornt of a mujahid, your pants will be wet. So stay with the zomby and vodka.

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y jisbond ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 02:59 pm

Who said christians worship the Creator, they worship the monks and their preist and father joe. What The Creator make to lawfull thet made it unlawfull and what The Creator made unlawfull they made it lawfull.

Example pigs is forbidden for the human and so do drinks, but the subhumans made it lawfull and they say we worship gods.

Hell is the resting place for putin the son of zombi boris the drunker.

It is waste of time for you to give lecture to these infidels. Believe me they only know one language that is to kick their ass.

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Is the War over now that the Mujahideen have allowed the Russians to occupy Grozny?

Over the last few days we have been hearing reports that the War is almost over, several senior commanders have been killed or seriously wounded, hundreds of Mujahideen were massacred and the Russians have captured Grozny. In short response to these points, we would like to say:

(i) The War against Soviet Forces in Afghanistan lasted for TEN years during which a number of towns and cities were occupied and lost by both sides. The final result came in the form of victory to the Mujahideen from Allah and a humiliating defeat to the World Superpower of the time.

(ii) Just before the Russian invasion of Chechnya in the Winter of 1994, Russian Defence Minister Pavel S. Grachev boasted that a single Russian paratroop regiment would only take a couple of hours to wipe out the 'rebels'. That couple of hours turned out to be 20 months after which 1500 Mujahideen surrounded an entire Russian force of 10,000 in Grozny, in August 1994, to defeat the Russians. During this war, again, many cities and towns were occupied and lost by both sides, but Allah's Victory eventually came to His Soldiers.

(iii) This time, well over 100,000 Russian troops have entered Chechnya. There are also more Mujahideen this time, both Chechen and Foreign. Despite their superiority in numbers and firepower, one Russian Generals admitted that this War may go on for years. A true statement coming from a liar.

(iv) The Mujahideen Forces have re-grouped in the mountains of Southern Chechnya, with a large part of their entire force in tact, complete with weapons, men and ammunition. They are able to continue fighting the Crusaders, with Allah's Help, for the next 20 years if they need to.

(v) The Mujahideen are not as foolish as the Russian Forces in informing everyone of their military plans just for propaganda purposes. The Mujahideen Forces in Chechnya have promised to liberate Grozny once again just like they did in 1996 and they have also promised us a surprise. The Mujahideen prefer to report on military events that have already happened, rather than make false lists of promises. That is why the World only hears of the victories of the Mujahideen once they have taken place.

(vi) There are many more Chechen Field Commanders alive and well who have more experience than those who were killed in Grozny. Likewise, there are many more Foreign Mujahideen Commanders with more experience than Field Commander Khattab, alive and well in Chechnya. The martyrdom or injury of any of the 'known' field commanders will not affect the War one bit insha-Allah. A Senior Foreign Mujahideen Commander, Abu Bakr Aqeedah (Egypt), was martyred on 22 December 1997 in Dagestan. The Jihad continued. In August 1999, Field Commander Hakeem Al-Madani, Khattab's Deputy, was martyred. The Jihad continued because it is not fought for personalities. It is fought for Allah, to Whom no harm can reach and nor does He die.

If Islam was not suppressed at the death of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), then how will it be suppressed at the deaths of individuals today who are nothing like the Prophet (SAWS):

"Muhammad (SAWS) is no more than a Messenger, and indeed many Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will reward those who are grateful." [Quran 3:144]

Likewise, after the death of the Prophet (SAWS), the Caliph Abu Bakr announced:

"Whosoever worships Muhammad, then let him know that Muhammad is dead. But whosoever worships Allah, then let him know that Allah is Alive and dies not."

(vii) Grozny was not captured by the Russians. It was given to the Russians by the Mujahideen as a bait to lure them with false hopes. Insha-Allah it will be liberated from the Russians and returned to the Muslims, even if it takes 20 years to do so.

(viii) It is now that the War has entered a critical and decisive stage, with the Russian cowards having to confront the Mujahideen face to face in forests and mountains rather than bombing innocent civilians. At this stage, we request the Muslims to increase in their Duas (prayers and supplications) to Allah and to increase their moral and financial support to the Mujahidee

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i will now be departing after proving my point that all the ruskies are scared to do mu-ba-a-lah (the curse on the one who is speaking falsly-see above)

so asalaam mu alakum to all my muslim brothers and sister out there.

good bye to all the normal russians/kaffirs

and to the enemies of Allah, may he curse you. And further more i would suggest that you remain with your vodka bottles because thats the only thing that you appear to be suffiently capable of overwhelming.

Allah Akbar!

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"...curse upon yourself..."

I SURRENDER : you are a genius...a so great mind to you, Einstein was a dummy ...Bravo!

Salut fred!

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Please comment:
some people say that people who resort to use of weapons of mass destruction do so because they are not able to fight with true convictions like Muslims fight.

Muslims fight with small arms,light weapons and hand to hand because the big powers will not sell to them their best weapons knowing that once Muslims take up arms against any oppressor with the toys they sell to them - it is dangerous enough. and the big powers can defeat the Muslims with their stronger weaponry since they are not convinced of the correctness of their own motives to fight in the first place. Also their faith in their God is not as strong because they are not certain of their own destiny after death.

is this true?

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x ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 03:12 pm

You are shame for your mother that she gave birth a subhuman like X( no name).

Not curse hell for you swine one way for ever.

I will let the bible speak for you soon.

Mean whille go get some human dung and piss, which yur gods prescribe for subhuman like yu and igor the monkey the welfare boy.

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Look at the good muslim doctor HASSAn

Doctor Hassan Baiyev: Life-Saving Chechen Surgeon

NAZRAN, Russia, Feb 19, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Doctor Hassan Baiyev, a surgeon who shot to fame after operating on feared warlord Shamil Basayev, insists on saving both Chechen and Russian lives despite personal danger from both sides.

Already well-known in Chechnya, Doctor Baiyev got international exposure after he was shown on television amputating Basayev, Russia's enemy number one, who lost a foot after stepping on a mine in early February.

That earned him the fury of the Russian military, forcing the doctor to flee into hiding in neighboring Ingushetia for more than a week.

Between January 30 and February 2, when Chechen fighters left besieged Grozny by the hundreds, Baiyev treated some 200, many of whom had been injured after crossing a minefield.

"I performed 23 amputations a day on average, night and day," he told AFP in an interview at the small hospital where he works in Alkhan-Kala, southwest of Grozny.

"I worked without anaesthetic and proper surgical instruments," added the 37-year-old, his face drawn by fatigue, who said he had "injected stimulants to get through" the ordeal.

"Many of the wounded were urinating blood and they could have died if I hadn't operated on them in time," said the doctor. "I did all I could to keep them alive."

Born in Alkhan-Kala to blue-collar parents, Baiyev grew up in this town which was home to 15,000 people before the war.

After school he did his military service in the Red Army, later studying medicine in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia.

In 1996, during the first conflict between Russian forces and Chechen rebels, separatist leaders practically forced him to operate on rebel commander Salman Raduyev, who had suffered grievous wounds in the head and eye.

The operation took place under the watchful eye of the fighters and the injured man pulled through thanks to the surgeon's skill.

Baiyev also operated on notorious Chechen field commander Arbi Barayev at Grozny hospital in 1998, after he was targeted in an assassination attempt.

At the end of 1999, a severely injured Russian officer arrived at the clinic. The doctor saved his life. But then he faced threats from certain Chechens.

"I had to explain: I don't make any distinction between nationalities. For me a wounded person is a wounded person. The main thing is to save a human life."

"The operation on this Russian officer was difficult, but he survived," the doctor said with a hint of pride in his voice. The grateful Russian military then gave medicine, bandages and other supplies to the Alkhan-Kala clinic.

At the beginning of the current conflict, Hassan Baiyev sent his wife and three children to Ingushetia.

The new house which they built after the first war has been destroyed by Russian bombardment.

But Doctor Baiyev pursues his work, refusing to get involved in politics. "The duty of a doctor is to offer care. Who is in the right, who is wrong? There are people competent to decide this," he says with a smile. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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"is this true?" you ask.
like _this_ is the place to come for an answer?

dying with "true convictions" is still dying.

and...wait for it...

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During a Papal audience, a business man approached the Pope and made this offer: Change the last line of the Lord's prayer from "give us this day our daily bread" to "give us this day our daily chicken." and KFC will donate 10 million dollars to Catholic charities. The Pope declined. 2 weeks later the man approached the Pope again. This time with a 50 million dollar offer. Again the Pope declined. A month later the man offers 100 million, this time the Pope accepts. At a meeting of the Cardinals, The Pope announces his decision in the good news/bad news format. The good news is... that we have 100 million dollars for charities. The bad news is that we lost the Wonder Bread account!

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By Yevgenia Borisova STAFF WRITER

In the Chechen village of Kater-Yurt, locals say they paid a top Russian military official about 150,000 rubles ($5,555) and a big-screen television as a bribe to spare their homes from shelling and looting. In another village, Kulary, locals say they offered up a tribute of basic foodstuffs, including sugar, meat and flour. And in Achkhoi-Martan, locals say bombs rained down on their homes until someone passed the hat around the community and gathered an unspecified amount for a bribe - and once it was paid, the shelling stopped.

These are the stories heard in interviews across the federally controlled northern Chechen steppes. In several villages visited by The St. Petersburg Times in late December, ordinary people cowed and subdued by three months of war said their communities were spared only because they agreed to pay "ransoms" to top-ranking Russian military officials.

Many of the villagers interviewed named specific generals and officers who solicited such tribute - though all of those making such allegations would only do so anonymously, saying they feared reprisals.

Tales of Russian officers sparing Che chen villages in return for bribes have also been heard by other observers of the war, including Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization that has conducted extensive interviews among Chechen civilians in refugee camps.

"We have a lot of second-hand information about the paying of such ransoms, but no evidence, which is hard to get," Alexander Petrov, a Human Rights Watch researcher, said. "We have also heard, again without any evidence, that when federal troops tell Chechens to put down their weapons, and the villagers reply that they don't have any, the army insists that they buy some - and then surrender them as if they were from combatants."

Asked whether officers in federally controlled Chechnya could be accepting bribes from entire communities, the Defense Ministry was curt. "There are no confirmed facts of bribery or ransoms in Chechnya," a duty officer in the ministry's press center said. "There is no use in talking about this."

Chechens say otherwise. In interviews, they derided the three-month-old Russian "anti-terrorist operation" as "a commercial war" - an opportunity for Russia's men in uniform to enrich themselves personally.

As evidence they point to the long lines of Russian servicemen outside of currency exchange offices in Nazran, the Ingush capital, where officers can be seen changing large ruble sums into more portable dollars.

They also point to looting, which has been documented by Western and Russian news media and human rights groups. It is an element of both Chechen wars that has seen top brass implicated in shipping furniture, household goods and other spoils out of civilian areas on military transport, to be sold elsewhere, and the profits pocketed. One market that Chechens say sees many such looted goods, in Assinovskaya, has been dubbed "the soldiers' market."

And they point to the prevalent practice of bribery at checkpoints, where the Russian military controls access to areas in Chechnya. Getting quickly past a checkpoint can cost roughly from 100 to 1,000 rubles, depending on the soldiers being dealt with, the look of the person paying the bribe and the length of the line at the border. A young Chechen man driving a Mercedes through a checkpoint will pay the most; a busload of refugees might pay 500 rubles to expedite passage.

An account of the brisk business in checkpoint bribes was offered in the Dec. 23 edition of Novaya Gazeta, where journalist Rustam Kaliyev recounted being soaked for 1,000 rubles.

But Yevgeny Ryabtsev, head of the press center for the Interior Ministry troops, said Kaliyev's report was the only such allegation the Russian authorities are aware of. "This [Novaya Gazeta] publication is already under the control of our ministry. But until now, we have had no appeals from people regarding bribes extorted from them. We would have already started investigating such cases [if they had been reported]."

Tarkhan, 50, from Kater-Yurt, replies with a rhetorical question.

"Appeals? Who would appeal in Chechnya?" he asked. "It is not acceptable among Chechens, it is a norm of life here. Everything is sold and bought here."

When Russian forces approach a village, the top officers and the village leaders routinely meet - to share information and grievances, and to explore whether they are willing to work together.

And if Chechen elders were to offer up "gifts" - ranging from foodstuffs to cash - as marks of respect, it would not be surprising.

But Chechen villagers allege more. In their ground-level view, the Russian campaign is explicitly a protection racket.

"Federals come and start firing toward the edges of a village, causing panic," one resident of Achkhoi-Martan, who did not want to be named, said. "They know that someone will come out and will beg for mercy for the village, and it will be possible to make a deal. Normally the terms include us kicking out rebels - if there are any - and bringing the federals money, food and other valuables. In exchange, the commander promises not to fire."

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wanted to see what a Russian would have to say.
since I know that Dying with true conviction for Muslims is not at all like dying is to a non-Muslim.
I know the answers just looking for different point or response.
thanks for comment

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