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Archive through February 20, 2000

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Bitter fighting is taking place in the south of Chechnya 6 km west of Khorsenoy for a 12-km long east-west ridge in the mountainous zone.
According to the commander of the Chechen armed forces of the Shatoy region, Khamzat Gilayev, the mujahideen brought down a helicopter with paratroopers there. Another helicopter was damaged on the ground. Gilayev says that during the combat actions for height 2075.9 more than 100 Russians were killed.
Because of the fierce resistance of the Chechen mujahideen the aggressors were forced to drop their troops several kilometres west of the scheduled point.
The fighting in this area continues.

South of Martan-Chu an advance unit of the Russians was destroyed. The unit was moving from Martan-Chu (Urus-Martan District) towards the foothills in order to block up the Chechen units. The mujahideen attacked the enemy's column. Face-to-face fighting lasted for about 8 hours.
According to the Chechen side during this clash the advance of the Russians was halted. At least 90 Russians were killed. 7 armoured vehicles were destroyed or damaged. On the Chechen side 2 mujahideen died and 9 were wounded.

The Russian air force continues to bomb the villages in the south of Chechnya massively.
Due to the impact of a so-called vacuum bomb on the cellar of a house in the village of Aslanbek Sheripov (Shatoy District) 29 people died and 50 were wounded.
Zonakh, Shatoy, Borzoy, Makhkety, Ulus-Kert, Duba-Yurt, Khorsenoy, and other villages were also bombed intensively.
It is estimated that not less than 130 people were killed during the last 24 hours.

In the region of Duba-Yurt the combat actions aren't letting up for a single minute. After one of their usually unsuccessful assaults the Russians bomb and shell the village intensively - and then attempt another assault.
According to the Chechen command the Russians are trying to bypass the Chechen positions and to attack their flanks from the direction of the River Vashtar. The Russians have stationed heavy artillery on one of the commanding heights.
The Chechen units are applying the tactics of mobile defense and are attacking the enemy vigorously: yesterday evening special units of the mujahideen attacked north of Duba-Yurt. The fighting lasted for about two hours. A Russian equipment depot was destroyed and 3 armoured vehicles were knocked out. Several dozen grenades launched at the mujahideen exploded in the centre of a crowd of Russians. At least 70 Russians were killed.

Inhabitants of the foothills of Chechnya report mass murders of civilians in the occupied territories. Executions are reported from Gekhi-Chu, Martan-Chu, Roshni-Chu, Alkhazurovo, Urus-Martan, Tangi-Chu, and Goyskoye. The people in these villages aren't able to bury their dead in the cemeteries because the Russians often open artillery fire on funeral processions. So they are forced to bury their dead relatives in the yards of their houses and in their gardens. They also don't dare to leave their houses to get firewood, so they have to use the wood of fruit-trees and fences, even their furniture, to heat their houses.

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You are a living wife is telling to stop laughing (it's true)...she can't believe that a guy like you really exist can only exist in Hollywood (she think)...She is right :you could be Jerry Lewis or Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin...but i am telling her that you are lot better then the better of them...Bravo!

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... lets do the "mubah-a-lah" which is the custom whereby the two groups of people who are in dispute brings the curse of god on whoever is wrong/lying.
* Mub'h'Allah. Hm. Once in some country a group (up to 15-17, - was difficult later on to ...) got hold of an old APC and started using (abusing) it for four days as Formula1 vehicle about shouting Abdullah-style BS ("We are the champions!"... . Sorry, Freddy.). At one time, in good traditions of that Kipling jackal, they thought, that in abscence of any response they were indeed the "champions" ..., well, that moment turned out also to be the boiling point of one master gunner of something hidden within lush leaves at the corner ... The first 122 mil. (some 40 kg.) "martyred" everyone without any bother of turning to any mullah for "martyring" help, Allahu A'kbar.

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here is a unrelated sight for any ones' break time. Time?

greetings every one

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"The Mujahideen Forces in Chechnya have promised to liberate Grozny once again just like they did in 1996 and they have also promised us a surprise. The Mujahideen prefer to report on military events that have already happened, rather than make false lists of promises."

ABD is teaching us the ABC of the Jihad.

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hey b

Just remind that ungrateful little Jewess, Kissie, After the Christians kicked out the Jews from Spain - it was the totally stupid dumbo Moslems who gave them refuge!!

To Forpe,

I have nothing against the odd individual Jew
per se, But as a COLLECTIVE the Jews are controlling and manipulative. Their religon actually teaches them its okay to swindle non Jews,(Goy). I avoid them like the plague.

Again Read "A history of God" Karen Armstrong,.

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Please comment:
"some people say that people who resort to use of weapons of mass destruction do so because they are not able to fight with true convictions like Muslims fight. "

Possibly. But the muslims would use mass destruction weapons as well WITH CONVICTION.

"Muslims fight with small arms,light weapons and hand to hand because the big powers will not sell to them their best weapons knowing that once Muslims take up arms against any oppressor with the toys they sell to them - it is dangerous enough"

Very wise.

"... and the big powers can defeat the Muslims with their stronger weaponry since they are not convinced of the correctness of their own motives to fight in the first place."

Of course. Why should the west nuke half of the planet because some states instore the Charia law?
A struggle angainst extremism like the fondamentalic islamism is not run by mass destruction.
Eventualy a fight for a territory can be.

" Also their faith in their God is not as strong because they are not certain of their own destiny after death."

It's no secret that the west is not as religious as the Islam world. Even not religious at all, I'd say.
But I don't beleive a Jihad commander is that much certain of his destiny after death honestly.
And I think someone hwo has killed and send his fellow to be killed shouldn' t be certain to get a place in Paradise.

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mu-ba-a-lah to all you sicko smelly arse licking muslims especially Adbfoolah the biggest stupidest moron of all time .You truely are a GOOF>

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Let not forget people that latest lucrative trade in Tel Aviv.The wholesale importing and buying and selling of poor Russian and Ukrainian women by heartless Jews

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CB! Unfortunately I saw the program on A&E and I know that the Interior Ministry is well aware of what is going on and is directly involved in granting visas .Could you copy and paste link

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Turk..what a living joke..NON-Stop yapping.NON-Stop hypocricy.NON-Stop self-contradiction. NON-Stop spitting at the computer screen..
Funny turk..

You're right, Ms. Arx - turk is VERY funny.
Greetimgs to ya from Dimitri.

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I shall be wating for a responce from an Idiot (with a capitol "I"). You know who You are.
I'll be waiting.

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since I know that Dying with true conviction for Muslims is not at all like dying is to a non-Muslim.
I know the answers just looking for different point or response.

* Did You die?

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According to the commander of the Chechen armed forces of the Shatoy region, Khamzat Gilayev, the mujahideen brought down using ropes a helicopter with paratroopers there. Another helicopter was damaged on the ground. Gilayev says that during the combat actions for height 2075.9 more than 100000 Russians were killed.
Because of the fierce resistance of the Chechen mujahideen the aggressors were forced to drop their troops several kilometres west of the scheduled point.
The hashish smoking in this area continues.

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What a surprise. That Duba-Yurt line is commanded by Gen. A., the relative of Ahmad-Shakh Masoud. My compliments go to both.
Anyone thinking, that Afghanistan is antiRF is mislead.

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