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Archive through February 20, 2000

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Salut x,"..Je vais consulter un psychiatre."
C'est une bonne idee, mon petit.Tu as besoin d'un!

Dimitri, what's all this about elections? Has democracy definately been "laid" at DMS?
As for the recent "discussions" most of it was amusing the first time I heard it..........

Come back Rambo, all is forgiven!

Kim Arx

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Just had a wild idea..Suleyman's last post made me think why the hatred on this board increased over the last few weeks, maybe a month. Call me crazy but I think it is caused by our "famous" TURK! (Alert: this NOT me getting personal, just my analyses)
LET ME EXPLAIN: his friends - "b" and abdullah never really brought that distgusting feeling in my heart, because both of zis fellas are MINORS, and their "insuts" are very petty. They just honestly make me laugh and "play" with'em..Who else.. oh, yes - CB1.. Bacon started here like a pure RACIST CASE..But nowadays, it looks like he mellowed down, although I still don't see his point of taking on Israelis when he admitted himself that Kissie is not what he thought she was..Next - Faiz Khan..ehh..You're right Kissie, Faiz is PURE Dr. Goebbels-alive, but the fact that he's NOT lowering himself, not contradicting himself, makes him just as creditable as everyone else on this board.
.But Mr. Turk here..OH BOY!!!! Can ANYONE tell me how much HYPOCRICY we have absorbed form this guy??? How many lies???He tells us that he's not a racist - and turns around calling PEOPLE sub-humans, then telling Gonzo that he (of course) never meant to say it like that, giving him a BS reasons for saying so. Another exapmle - being SO upset that Kissie put him down on his knees in WITHOUT using a single personal attack, Turk begins lowering himself to Bacon's standarts ans IMMIDIATELY TAKES ON HER NATIONALITY ( that is when he shouwed us his REAL FACE for the FIRST TIME)..Then he took un Fred accusing him of being gay (haha), also saying that being gay is a MENTAL DESEASE! Then he goes and acusses Ibn"Umar of being a "Chicken" for not admitting that Ibn' is Russian (kinda shows how "clever" the guy is)..Ibn is NOT Russian...Then..he startsd getting on my case trying to insult me by calling me an Ukrainian Jew....PEOPLE, MY HAND IS SO TIRED, PLEASE GIVE ME MORE EXAPLES OF TURK'S LYING NATURE..
Oh, just recalled another one - Turk, living in democratic state of Australia screams in regards to Iran's issue: "Islamic State is here to stay!"
Why isn't HE living in Islamic state, instead of Australia? BECAUSE IT IS FINANCIALLY INAPROPPRIATE FOR HIM.."economy Refugee" indeed. Ones again - HYPOCRICY AT ITS ••••••• BEST!

Kssie, X, Fred, URN, Ibn'Umar, Igor, L'menexe, Hairy Mary, Fenriz, Antonio and others - PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ON THIS POST OF MINE.I WILL APPRICIATE EVERY(!) HONEST RESPONCE FROM YOU, GUYS..Kim Arx - you too - plese read more of turks posts and let me know.

To: Turk


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Gen A. ? Sorry missed that one.

I thought A.S.Masoud's ensemble already had enough to cope with!- not AntiRF? - I don't know: old wounds and all that- look at the Serbs.

Peace and understanding towards you and yours.

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It quite obvious to me that this chap Turk has wound you up a bit. Why don't you open a bottle of Napolean Brandy, light a cigar and relax.

As for your calling me a racist!! ahh.. I think the REAL racists are those 'nice' loving Jews with their apartheid treatment of Palestinians, bombing civilians in lebanon.. wholesale prostitution of Russian women.. the list goes on..and on..

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SERB = Savage Evil Rapist Bastard

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Dimitri Darlink:

I just stopped in for a moment and had opportunity to vead your post. My vesponse to Turk situation, vitch you vaised, vill be clearly posted in an editorial in dee next Camel Nuts Gazzette edition. Upon your veview, I am quite sure dat you vill have a better interpretation and/or understanding as to dee logic, vational and many talents of dee von and only "TURK."

How are you DARLINK?

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"""As for your calling me a racist!! ahh.. I think the REAL racists are those 'nice' loving Jews with their apartheid treatment of Palestinians, bombing civilians in lebanon.."""


"""SERB = Savage Evil Rapist Bastard """

too much brendy, ehh?
have a cigar.
Cheers," non-racist" Chief.

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bam-wham, thank you ma-a-m 😉 (for Your responce to my post)
do appriciate it indeed..

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in any case - thank you for responding.

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You're welcome sport


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“Muslims fight with small arms,light weapons and hand to hand because the big powers will not sell to them their best weapons knowing that once Muslims take up arms against any oppressor with the toys they sell to them - it is dangerous enough. and the big powers can defeat the Muslims with their stronger weaponry since they are not convinced of the correctness of their own motives to fight in the first place. Also their faith in their God is not as strong because they are not certain of their own destiny after death.”

Or could it be because you stupid motherfuckers have no ••••••• brains to make any weapons? Even the weapons you fuckers using right now are made by Russians. But on the other hand you guys can curse people, I think abd cursed just about now every member of this board who he doesn’t like? What more do you need? Why do you want best weapons? Just curse the Russian army, see if that helps, if that doesn’t work ask Allah maybe he will come up with something.

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It quite obvious to me that this chap Turk has wound you up a bit. Why don't you open a bottle of Napolean Brandy, light a cigar and relax.

* Napoleon Brandy's as cheap as You are, and sure's no partner to a good cigar.
As for your calling me a racist!!
* No! Just a minor BSnik of the Albright epoch.

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“In the Chechen village of Kater-Yurt, locals say they paid a top Russian military official about 150,000 rubles ($5,555) and a big-screen television as a bribe to spare their homes from shelling and looting. In another village, Kulary, locals say they offered up a tribute of basic foodstuffs, including sugar, meat and flour. And in Achkhoi-Martan, locals say bombs rained down on their homes until someone passed the hat around the community and gathered an unspecified amount for a bribe - and once it was paid, the shelling stopped.”

This is hilarious 🙂 Chechens kidnap our people, we paid them a got most of our people back, and now we getting our money back.

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Just for shits and grins....besides, I prefer Hardees when I can't have a home cooked meal.

"Canadian-owned McDonald's has opened 43 restaurants in Moscow and
Moscow Oblast. The largest McDonald's that seats 700 people was
opened in Moscow in 1990. The chain serves 150,000 Russians a
day. Moscow-McDonald's is a closed joint-stock company between
McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited and the Food Service
Administration of the Moscow City Government."

And the capper is.....

The following is a list of places I would recommend to visit in Moscow:
(time is indicated one way from the apartment to the destination)

"McDonalds near Sokolniki metro station, decorated as a fire brigade station."

With all due respect....still LMAO!!!

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Kim Arx

Merveilleux...enfin un fou qui apprend le francais...Bienvenue sur ce site de fous...Attention à ton orthographe ..le francais est une langue difficile...On dit " Tu en a besoin d'un. " Toi aussi d'ailleurs...allons y ensemble...On aura un rabais de groupe..

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