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Archive through February 20, 2000

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Kim Arx

As-tu remarqué une grosse faute d'orthographe dans mon texte précédent? Laquelle?

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"you stupid motherfuckers have no ******* brains"
I agree with you to that extent, Svoloch dear.

Come on, guys.
"Our guns are bigger than yours"??????????????

We've seen these people before,they are here for a fight 'cause no-one out there will give them the time of day. Racism comes from fear,lack of education, and perceived lack of opportunity.
Like children sometimes do when they are lacking attention. They go to extremes to get attention from others, even if it is only negative attention. Solution ignore the behaviour, but not the person.

Hairy, Sweety, how about publishing Putin's diary in Camel Nuts? You know, along the lines of:

"Woke up, practised smiling(corners of mouth moved slightly), made additions to Presidential acceptance spreach(four hours may be a bit long, perhaps), driven to work in custom built bomb proof Mercedes - prepared for Press Release on the corrupting nature of Western financial investment.
Note: must consult Stalin's memoirs on correct approach to foreign policy. Etc, etc.

You do it so much better, of course.


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Mon cher X

"enfin un fou qui apprend le francais"????????

Je suis 150% une Femme.


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yeap, Adam R. is famous co-founder(along with Matthesson) of that style on this board. A "fact-twister" is back in another human form..perhaps more complicated one, but still unchanged overall. I know, I know "patience is a vertue", but this is "dimitri-the-hot-blooded -one" you're talking to 😉
I shall try though (once again), and I do thank you for your advice..
BTW, good to see ya back..rrreally.

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Madam Arx,

you are a Woman indeed..with the capitol "W"!

Votre chevalier -Dimitrie.

how's my French? pretty sucky, huh?

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By abdullah ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 03:11 pm:

>"Whosoever worships Muhammad, then let him
>know that Muhammad is dead. But whosoever
>worships Allah, then let him know that Allah is
>Alive and dies not."

Mohammedanism is thus condemned by its own followers who acknowledge that Mohammed is dead.

Gospel of St. Luke 12:26

24 And Jesus answering, saith to them:...
26 And as concerning the dead that they rise again have you not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spoke to him, saying: I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob?
27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You therefore do greatly err.

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Désolé de ma méprise et mes plus grands respects...J'ai adopté temporairement le tempo de ce site et j'y dit plein de sottises...La betise est humaine je me complais parfois dans ce role de l'imbécile qui dit n'importe quoi à défaut de pouvoir changer la nature humaine...Pourtant, je trouve cette guerre tellement dramatique et terrible pour les pauvres personnes qui souffrent. Cette guerre est absurde et sans solution...Ainsi va l'Histoire. Bonsoir...

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The answer's on its way and, Insh'Allah, will reach You soon.

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By Svoloch ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 07:05 pm:
Or could it be because you stupid motherfuckers have no ••••••• brains to make any
weapons? Even the weapons you fuckers using right now are made by Russians. But on the
other hand you guys can curse people, I think abd cursed just about now every member of
this board who he doesn’t like? What more do you need? Why do you want best weapons?
Just curse the Russian army, see if that helps, if that doesn’t work ask Allah maybe he will
come up with something.

I think this person has answered my question very well. It proves my point very well too. Russians need weapons to do what Muslims can do with their bare Hands. In a scientific perspective the Russians are week minded and depend on equipment which they have to use. Muslims however have no need of such equipment. The proof is in the pudding. Look at how many troops and equipment Russians had to bring to suppress a handful of Chechens. Even with all their might and power and technology Russians find it hard to use their smart tools against flesh and blood. So who is smarter? the ones who lose money and soldiers by the thousands or the ones who fight with their bare hands and defeat the enemy at little equipment cost to them ~ however it has been noted that the Russian soldiers are very good at hand to hand combat with Chechen Women and ten year olds and senior citizens and the blind!
The language of this person also indicates his mastery over his self respect.

Thanks for the comments

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"Woke up, practised smiling(corners of mouth moved slightly), made additions to Presidential acceptance spreach(four hours may be a bit long, perhaps), driven to work in custom built bomb proof Mercedes - prepared for Press Release on the corrupting nature of Western financial investment.
* El adirim, my portrait!?

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Kissie ( - on Sunday, February 20, 2000 - 04:56 pm:
Jisbond wrote:
since I know that Dying with true conviction for Muslims is not at all like dying is to a
I know the answers just looking for different point or response.
Kissie wrote back:
* Did You die?

your question is kind of silly isn't it? ~ since I am writing to you. The answer is elementary.

First it's interesting to know that you ask such a
question. A Muslim knows his convictions enough to die for it. No Muslim Has to die to know his convictions. Do Russians have spiritual convictions or just a drive invade countries and to kill and get drunk?

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“Russians need weapons to do what Muslims can do with their bare Hands.”

What exactly can they do with bare hands? Besides torturing little children and cutting their fingers off, and kidnapping. Oh yeah there is of course kicking old Russian people out of their apartments. Show me one thing that Muslims did with their bare hands in Chechnya during the 3 years of their independence. The only one thing I can think of is sign “Dzjoxar” in front of Grozny.

“In a scientific perspective the Russians are week minded and depend on equipment which they have to use. Muslims however have no need of such equipment.”

Oh sure, how about you call Mashadov and tell him that there is no need in using “such equipment” and that they should put down their AK’s. What do you think his reply will be?

“The proof is in the pudding. Look at how many troops and equipment Russians had to bring to suppress a handful of Chechens. Even with all their might and power and technology Russians find it hard to use their smart tools against flesh and blood. So who is smarter?”

Handful? And how much exactly is that? Ok if you guy’s are so smart and brave, COME OUT! Stop hiding like ••••••• rats.

“ with their bare hands and defeat the enemy at little equipment cost to them”

Where do you get this bare hand ••••? What about AK’s and grenade launchers? Russian soldiers equipped the same way as Chechens, there is no difference what so ever. The only advantage is warplanes, helicopters and artillery. But since your BRAVE and SMART Muslims hiding like rats in sewage pipes, that wasn’t much help.

“ however it has been noted that the Russian soldiers are very good at hand to hand combat with Chechen Women and ten year olds and senior citizens and the blind!”

You really think that they actually went on hand to hand combat with women, children, blind? I don’t think so, it’s much easier just to shoot them, think about it stupid.

“Thanks for the comments”

Oh you welcome, anytime motherfucker.

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... to do what Muslims can do with their bare Hands.
* Masturbation?
In a scientific perspective the Russians are week minded and depend on equipment which they have to use.
* Devised by weak-minded? (It's typed "weak" not "week".)
Muslims however have no need of such equipment.
* "Yeah, why do we need a steam engine, when we've got 1000 of donkies."
The proof is in the pudding.
* Stuffed with Tula schrapnel.
Even with all their might and power and technology Russians find it hard to use their smart tools against flesh and blood.?
* Devised by weak-minded?
So who is smarter?
* Definitely Khattab "martyring" anyone around him.
... the ones who lose money and soldiers by the thousands ...
* A bit more hashish and it'll be millions ...
... the ones who fight with their bare hands ...
* Use ointment.
and defeat the enemy at little equipment cost to them
* Windmills?
... however it has been noted that the Russian soldiers are very good at hand to hand combat with Chechen Women ...
* No Human Rights Watch complains, so far.
... and ten year olds ...
* Selling cigarettes.
... and senior citizens ...
* Left hungry by "peace-loving" gangsters.
and the blind!
* Held as hostages.

The language of this person also indicates his mastery over his self respect.
* Author Jisbond.
Thanks for the comments
* Heck, always welcome! Got a truck?

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Svoloch wrote:
You really think that they actually went on hand to hand combat with women, children,
blind? I don’t think so, it’s much easier just to shoot them, think about it stupid.

Intelligence is also something Our Friend lacks since he dose not understand that His leg was being pulled when It is obvious that my statement was to indicate that Russian soldiers could not even put up a fair fight against the children, women, etc. ie. they killed defenseless people with their mighty army.

Some times it takes sarcasm to prove a point.

Thanks for your kind comments.

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bare hands....
you would know about these things. wouldn't you?
your own one track mind has exposed you.

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