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Archive through February 21, 2000

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Me, I'm gonna find peace in my bed, now.

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Sleep well

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By li'l b:
i old enough to get scared looking at IT, little girly!!"""

child, go to bed...

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Wow I was kicked off for about one hour.

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I was putting this up when I was denied acess

US agents 'using Microsoft to spy on rivals'

WASHINGTON -- A French intelligence report has accused US secret agents of working with computer giant Microsoft to develop software allowing Washington to spy on communications around the world.

The report, drawn up by the Strategic Affairs Delegation (DAS), the intelligence arm of the French Defence Ministry, was quoted in Saturday's edition of the newsletter Le Monde du Renseignement (Intelligence World).

The report, written by a senior officer at the DAS, claims agents from the US National Security Agency (NSA) helped install secret programs on Microsoft software, currently in use in 90 per cent of computers worldwide.

The NSA protects communications for the US government, and also intercepts electronic messages for the Defence Department and other US intelligence agencies, the newsletter said.

According to the report, "it would seem that the creation of Microsoft was largely supported, not least financially, by the NSA, and that IBM was made to accept the Microsoft MS-DOS operating system by the same administration".

The report claimed the Pentagon was Microsoft's biggest client. -- AFP

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LONDON, Feb 21, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia urged the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to step in to protect civilians in Northern
Ireland from harm following the breakdown in the peace process.

Russia has consistently refused to allow the OSCE to attempt to mediate a settlement in its rebellious province of Chechnya, describing its military operation there as an internal
battle against terrorism.

But it hopes to promote the organization as an alternative to NATO for resolving conflicts in Europe.

Gasping for breath, will respond when stop pissing myself laughing.
Putin really is taking Stalin's approach to foreign policy.
Would he like to comment on China's threat of war with Taiwan???????????

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"Russia has consistently refused to allow the OSCE to attempt to mediate a settlement in its rebellious province of Chechnya, describing its military operation there as an internal
battle against terrorism."

If you want Russia to accept then GB should show example first.What a joke.

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Well, ahem, ahem,
My question today for both the inmates and caretakers of this asylum is:

Who killed Babitsky?

(And does anyone object, if Alexander Khinshtein joins our happy little nuthouse?)

Back in a while, talk amoungst yourselves.

BB-dear, now would be a good time, if you can, to express an opinion. Otherwise you are getting boring,us old hands have heard IT all before.

Mary, where did you learn your Psudo-Kraut?
Love it.


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Igor, most English people, would quite happily see Ireland reunited- its just that a bunch of clowns dressed in orange will start moaning about this.
I mean Dublin's welcome, if they just promise to keep Ian Paisley off the "mainland".
Thirty years down the line you may well feel the same about Chechnia- learn from our mistakes, instead of playing silly games of tit-for-tat.

By the way, if Russia think they are a match for the provisional IRA and the Loyalists paras (thats two opposing groups of terrorists shooting at ya) by all means go for it.
What do I care,I don't live there!
Sink it in the Atlantic.(with bulging cheek)


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One final comment.

Would those of you who have the vote in the USA, please vote for someone sensible.
We've already got a Clown in the Kremlin,
With G.W. Bush in the Whitehouse, I give this poor old planet, oh.........about three weeks.
Cold war days are here again, tralalalalala.

Kim Arx
Good night and lights out.

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Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 11 The clash between NATO troops and ethnic Albanians is not surprising. As a candid intelligence officer with the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) explained to me in November, the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) has not disarmed and disbanded as the White House claims, but instead maintains an underground network that has "more than enough weapons to start another war." The relationship between NATO's peacekeepers and the underground KLA, he added, can be summarized in the following way: "We are their tool, and when we stop being useful to them, they will turn against us."

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Meanwhile, a NATO official in Belgium has admitted that "the KLA is certainly trying to precipitate events politically and get rid of some people, both Serbs and moderate ethnic Albanians." Even more worrisome, independent newspapers in Macedonia are reporting the existence of KLA-like formations in Macedonia. The papers say the units are waiting for an opportune time to link up with units from Kosovo and Albania following violence planned for the coming spring. There are also reports now coming from Western and independent media inside Yugoslavia telling of KLA infiltration into Serbia proper, specifically into the municipalities of Kursumlija and Leskovac along the border with Kosovo. So far, two policemen have reportedly been killed and six people wounded, and there is fear that the number of incidents will increase at winter's end.

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russike will get back what they deserved
tody or tomorrow believe me

the ChRI is continuing its investigations.
From 10th to 15th February 37 people were shot in the concentration camp and at least 40 prisoners died because of beating and torture.
Inmates of the concentration camp continue to report brutal torture and tormenting. The favourite method of the Russian sadists is to beat their victims with hammers and iron rods. People are being tortured to death by ramming up to 200 empty submachine gun cartridges into their bodies.
The public raping of corpses of prisoners is a common practice.
The guards also cut of hands and feet of their victims in special torture-chambers. The victims usually die because of loss of blood.
About 60 children ranging from 10 to 13 years in age are said to have been beaten to death

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You dung eater russkuee, you will die in living hell. You drunker can only kill civilians and young kids.

You subhuman zombi, wait a little while for your reward.

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AIDS is number one dieseases in moscow.
So Mujahideen can save some bullets.

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