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Archive through February 21, 2000

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Let's talk in a civilised manner how Turkey destroyed 3,000 Kurdish villages, outlawed Kurdish language education and broadcasting. Plus fundamentalists fight with Turkish military frequently. And you will be tellings the Russians how to behave? that's hipocrisy say I and I am documented.
Also, slurs? Okay some guys get nasty, but you should have seen posts of your fellow believer Abdullah. Pure filth (the posts).

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KIM arx Dear:

By any chance are you a Clinque Rep? If so, I would simply love to try a few samples and maybe even introduce you to some frustrated Muslim women. Be assured that I'm not saying that this is the case, but who knows, you may have a lot in common with them.

No I'm not a lady of leisure, it's just when I have time off, I take care of myself. FYI, I serve as legal council to the League of Abused Muslim Women, I am an editor of the Camel Nuts Gazzette and I also serve the Coalition under the direction of ULTRA RUSSIAN NATIONALIST as a super spy.

We simply must have lunch together on the veranda at the country club. It's charming. Not to mention some way above average male species that you will find most compatable. Lets plan

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By Hairy Mary ( - on Monday,
Hairy Mary
February 21, 2000 - 02:12 pm:
KIM arx Dear:

By any chance are you a Clinque Rep? If so, I would simply love to try a few samples and maybe even introduce you to some frustrated Muslim women. Be assured that I'm not saying that this is the case, but who knows, you may have a lot in common with them.

Hey Hairy

Why not introduce KIM to some fustrated Russian and Ukrainian women? You know the ones bought and sold like cattle by Jews in Tel Aviv

These female slaves don't have much in the way of rights either!

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"""I'm beginning to understand Suleyman's point of view and departure.
half of this is insult, the other half a game of hide and seek.
Or hit and run: throw in a choice quote and insult or ignore the respondents.
Some have taken to talking only to themselves.
Only way you can reach agreement maybe?


oui, madmoiselle, that's the ONLY way "They" can argue here..You hear me, "They"?
Kim and I are talking about YOU,oh "They"..
..wontcha publish something else, so soaked in your own lies, and RUN immidiately, not caring for OUR responce..or better yet, keep on talking to yourself, hypo..

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good afternoon,
now, this IS AOL..
not mine though.
all the best

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ah, bacon, old sod...

if you insist. LOLOLOLOL

i've been a regular at dms since last april. i first encountered *** last fall on the yugo page. could it be, that i know better than you? to the extent anyone knows anyone in this land where all we are, are words on a screen.

and that hateful string of anti-semitic cliches you hurl at
=always the same routine, mind you== has nothing to do with ANYTHING *** has ever posted, or has appeared to be. and i would know this better than you.

but will you listen, bacon-kun?
hell no.

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Hey Bacon:
Back...with your usual redundancies. Besides getting a life try getting a bit more original. Now concentrate really hard, you may be surprise at what the human mind is capable of, even if yours is only the size of a pea. Are you taking your anger out on us all because your mother would not let you go out and have your playmate Turk's breakfast sausage this morning Arsh lecker du ....

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Russian military uses brutal explosives

(New York, February 18, 2000)— Human Rights Watch is urging Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin to refrain from using fuel-air explosives in populated areas of Chechnya.

In a letter to Putin, Human Rights Watch warned that the weapons are prone to indiscriminate use, especially in or near populated areas, where they could cause "extensive civilian casualties."

One Russian military expert has described the impact of FAEs as "comparable to low-yield nuclear munitions." While FAEs are not explicitly banned under international humanitarian law, they are prone to indiscriminate use given their wide-area impact. Their use against populated areas would violate international norms on indiscriminate attacks.

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you are so on the money in your post to me.
But I shall keep on trying,
I mean, look how no one respects what Turk or CB1 has to say..and in "Turk's" case you can "blame" me for it..I'm proud of myself for it..although close-minded fella like him will NEVER learn, still shutting him up brings me somewhat a pleasure..kinda sadistic of me, but at least I am honest about it, huh?
all the best to you

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konichiwa, kim!

k-san has been the target, not the initiator, in regards to being hassled in a sexist/misogynist/anti-semitic manner. not just by bacon, but a previous fellow too. wotta buncha creeps.

yeah there's a lot of that attack-w/sweeping-gestures shwa goin down in the neighborhood. but k-san has been singled out for being a female having a brain and some guts (and being a smartass too! LOLOL).
i think this could be emblamatic of her life; always having to wade through the shite.
but gimme a shout if/when.

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>balalaika's last post:
>yap, explosives, yap, HRW, yap!

Good Lassy, good girl. Now tell us how that helped Chechen terrorists?

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This board could really use a good old slugfest
between IGOR and ABDULLAH...

Opening line 3-1 Igor

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A powderpuff King of Nitwits event BACON vs TURK might be even more interesting...

Opening line even money..

I'm betting on a draw and a sharing of the crown between them

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"How do you like the piss and dung...etc..." are the crazy...the best on that site. I admire you...impossible to find someone like you in America...enjoy...Hollywood is coming just for you.

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axually i wouldnt have a clue as to what would or
wouldnt be "emblematic" of k-san's life. judging
from DMS, though...

gomen, k-san.
forgive my presumption.

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