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Archive through February 21, 2000

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Can't remember what you asked Kim, been busy on phone

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pogshits: igor, dimi and the rest:
do you have another source other than

look at my source: burning cock is flying all over

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Privet Dimi at least he will see it in front of his eyes and then we will see how he tries to discredit the article.Police searching for 2 Somali shites in neighborhood .They killed young kid last night,tried to rob him 1 caught 2 more to go.poor guy went to hospital with stomach wounds.Emergency turned him away saying that they close at 10 pm,what a crock.Pictures of 2 bastards in Toronto Sun.

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B shut your mouth can smell your last customer

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Kim Arx Darling:

Tomorrow must do some shopping in the AM, a lunchen then publish latest edition of Camel Nuts Gazzette. Already feel stressed out. At any rate darlink, I am available to jet down to Geneva tomorrow evening. Hows about dinner? Then, if your free we can continue on to Monte Carlo with those boy-toys you spoke of. I have access to a yacht which is moored there. Don't bother to pack there are plenty of designer garments for our choosing and which we can keep if you so desire.

Oh...we'll have an absolute marvy time. Looking forward..

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That's OK, I guess some of us do have to work for a living... I retrieved it for you.

**How many Rebels, Civilians and Russian Troops have died so far in Chechnia?
Can you see where the incentives might lie for various parties to exaggerate or understate the casualty figures.**

ByeB...Thanks for that informative little note...
I'm sure you have something better (ie.wanking) to do... piss off.


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11000 bandits,?civilians or so called civilians,2000-3000 Russians.This is approximate since I can not find site at the moment.Good source is Bremya since they showed truckloads of dead bandits and had them all laid out in neat rows.(not all at once, but I have seen dozens at a time when bandits were claiming 1 or 2)Incentive for bandits to under estimate is that if the fighters knew how many were getting done they would panic and run.For Russia it does not make a difference in that regard because they will continue till all the bandits are dead or captured.

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From: (Michael Reynolds)
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 20:46:19 +0200


Guerilla warfare is the warfare of the militarily weak, of those who cannot stand toe to toe and close with and destroy the enemy.

History is filled with examples of successful
anti-guerilla/counter-insurgency operations, ranging from US operations in the Philippines at the turn of the century, British operations in Malaysia post-WII, and Soviet operations against the Basmachi and then Ukranians and Estonians in the 1940s to Algeria's, Peru's, and Turkey's (largely)successful operations today --- to cite only a small handful of examples waged by good guys and bad guys alike. I might also note that in Vietnam (Vietnam being constantly cited as the example par excellence of a successful guerilla war given the resonance of its mythology in American pop culture and elsewhere), the US had shattered the Viet Cong in the Tet offensive in 1968, when the Viet Cong attempted to stand its ground and fight out in the open. South Vietnam fell seven years later not to pajama clad peasants, but to the regular units of the North Vietnam army which invaded South Vietnam just like any other regular army. Some suggest that the North Vietnamese command ordered the Tet offensive as a convenient way both to weaken US public support for the war (which it certainly did)and to eliminate the Viet Cong as a potential rival to Hanoi's rule over the South in the future.

Genocide is far from the only way of defeating a guerilla insurgency. But in the case of Chechnya, it may well be (as it was when Russia initially
subdued the North Caucasus).The Russians 'tactics' of blowing the hell out of anyone and everyone, and then alternately gunning down or rounding up the survivors, seems the best way to convince every Chechen male that he in fact has little choice but to fight to the death.

What is so impressive about the lightly armed Chechens' military performance is not their success as guerillas, but the opposite: their ability to go toe to toe against a vastly superior Russian force with all of its heavy weaponry and resist it, inflict heavy losses on it, and even defeat it in pitched battles (as in the last war).

The Russians are faced with a much tougher opponent than the typical guerilla force, although the Russians have the important advantages of fighting on a very, very small field, against an
isolated opponent, and with carte blanche to do pretty much whatever the hell they want to destroy the land and the people.


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igor: shutup your arse, it smells so bad!! did you get some of the priest's burning cock??

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B: why you sniffing pigshit, it is your own arse you bloody limp wristed fag

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little b, actually manages to do wanking and typing on the keyboard at the same time..wanna call his mom or should I?

On the more serious note, yesterday, 3 more Presidential Candidates were elected(Yuri Skuratov(Russia's former Atterney General), Yevgeni Savostianov, and Umar Giabrailov(!))and one(Anzori Aksentiev-Kikalishvili) rejected. That makes total of 11 Candidates.

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Wait a minute there are Bandits in I understand why it has taken Russia a while to win this thing. The Russians have tanks and APCs, the bandits have 78' Pontiac Trans Ams. Russia should have called Buford T. Justice.

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Cc. DMS.

At DMS, we encourage an atmosphere of understanding and thoughtful debate.
We understand that discussions can become heated, but remember to respect other DMS Board Members. Do not engaging in personal attacks on thers,stray off topic,use fake names or impersonate others.

Q.If Chechnya was able to establish their independence, would they as an autonomous nation be able to survive in the current economic world?

Q.What is your opinion of the situation in Chechnya? What should the international
community's role be?

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b barked:
"""igor: shutup your arse, it smells so bad!"""

then why, may I ask you're sticking your nose into his arse..oh, I know - that's how doggies picture's coming up real soon..

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