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Archive through February 23, 2000

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Hmmm...."YOURkindaNEWS" now is it any different than Igor's post? His seem one sided but you don't say the same. Is it ok for one and not the other in your book? And you call me hypocritical?

Now, later....

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Drake we have nominated Adbfoolah as Buffoon of the month. The poor sick fuuck is retarded.I hope he comes on again soon as I will ream him again till he starts crying.hahahahaha Abffooolah just hanging around

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My news comes from American source check last post.

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Ok Here is a question. With the up coming USA Pres. ellections. Who do you think should be the next leader of the free world and will be able to handel foregin affairs the best.

My Vote McCain

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McCain or Gore, have not decided yet

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Gore the rest will get into war

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I think I would vote for Gore if he ran against W. Bush...But if McCain get the nod I am going to vote for him over who ever the democrats put up. I voted for Clinton in the last election for bascally a simple reason, he entertaining. You know "I didn't inhale" , plus I knew the far right would be pissed if he won again and its funny reading things about Clinton that some think he the second coming of satin. Dole was a good guy. Would have made a good Pres. but then we wouldn't have had that whole lewnski thing which was good for jokes on late night TV.

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Igor...I think when it comes to keeping the US out of wars it does not need to or has no reason to fight McCains the guy. After 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton he knows what war is really like and how it leads to destruction of men. Plus if the US got in a millatary conflict you know McCain would not half-ass it and use the Powell Doctrine.

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no, Bones, I didn't call you hypcritical, I called your argument against what Kissie have to say "hypocritical", because you were using the name of this site as a defence factor - getting high on whatever suits you BETTER(RUSSIAtoday is JUST as "neutural" as CNN)and that, my friend, is a weak defence..
As far as Igor..I do not agree with few things he stands for (i.e. he was insisting on your stupidity and I was 'defending' ya, saying that you just couldn't lose gracefully) has nothing to do with the fact that you're an American, just that kinda 'American' Kissie mentioned.


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Gonz..I say, Gore..just havin'a hard(LOL) time believing a Republican.

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On the "ugly American" Issue. I was just thinking about oil prices. As we all know OPEC has cut off the supply of oil a little bit which has raised gas prices. I don't consider myself an ugly American for thinking that hey Kawait, Saudi Arabia owes us for fighting the Gulf War for them and they should turn up the flow becaused we asked. Plus Mexico has been asked to increase supply but they haven't even after a couple years ago we bailed out there government with something like a 20 billion dollar loan.

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Hi baby-Mary,

You are verrry corrrect - Adder21 was defenitely smarter than abdullah, at least Adder never put himself in a position where everybody laughs at him..
How's everything, darlin'? I can't wait for the new issue of Camel Mag.
Cheers 😉

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Dimi chego tokymy redneck zhony lizat,emy nado mordy nabite eto svolach praklyataya

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Hairy Mary did you two break the boy toys?hahahaha

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