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Archive through February 23, 2000

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Igor I read the post about McCain. I didn't change my mind, but thats nothing new for this board (people changing there positions.) One quote from the site "McCain will certantly get us into a war." Well thats what people said about Regan...and not counting a few small scermishes there were no major wars. Where Clinton screws up is he doesn't talk the talk and shows his hand before playing his cards. Like in Kosovo where he said from day one there would be no ground troops. I mentioned earlier the Powell Doctrine for thoes who don't know. The Powell Doctrine simply states if the US gets involved in a conflict it goes in with overwellming force with clear goals. Despite what maying may say the US did not come close to using overwelming force against the Serb army even thoe some would like to post the air war on Serbia was like the second coming of Arc-Light. It wasn't even close.

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mordy emy na Internete ti ne nabiesh(!), poetomy staraius obiasniat' emy DOSTYPNIM Obrazom..Ny a esli on oborzeet, to to gda Ia s ydovolstviem ego opyschy..

A za rechieu, Igor, sledi - nikogda mne bolshe pro "Jzopolizanie" ne govori..

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Had a marvy time. And yes, we did indeed, leave the two toys broken. In wallet and in heart. HAHAHA. The one I was with just went crazy for my aftershave. He's a doctor, proctologist. I told him about Abdullah and the reaming you gave him. He would be happy to examine Abdullah to see if his little brain had dropped down and if there is anything else down there which might be hindering his mental capacity.

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something to chat about..

Russian law-enforcement authorities say that terrorists are preparing an attempt upon the life of acting Russian President Vladimir Putin. An attempt may take place in the course of Putin's possible trip to St. Petersburg. As far back as autumn 1999, Chechen militants sentenced Putin to death.

..your thoughts?

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I don't consider myself an ugly American for thinking that hey Kawait, Saudi Arabia owes us for fighting the Gulf War for them ...
* Do they, really? Border disputes between Iraq and Quwait were quite known, not to the "Bush public", of course. Quwait, for instance, was "naughty" in lateral drilling well into the Iraqi territory. The fact that US got into it is anything, but "defending".
Saudi Arabia owes us for fighting the Gulf War for them and they should turn up the flow becaused we asked.
* They may pay, but not turn up the flow.
... we bailed out there government with something like a 20 billion dollar loan.
* Bailed out the US concerns out there, not the Mexican Govt..

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>>..your thoughts?

di, you are so really naive, or just pretend to be so naive?

Ïîëèòòåõíîëîãàì íå óäàëîñü çàïóãàòü ãëàâó ãîñóäàðñòâà

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By balalaika ( - on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 - 06:47 pm:
.your thoughts?di, you are so really naive, or just pretend to be so naive?

* Balalaika, he offered a talk.

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A human rights organisation claimed yesterday that Russian troops summarily executed at least 62 people earlier this month in the worst massacre of civilians to date in the Chechen war.
Survivors have described how around 100 soldiers systematically robbed and shot civilians on the southern outskirts of Chechnya's capital, Grozny, in a two-day rampage which began on February 5.

Troops - most of them said to have been mercenaries - are alleged to have raped civilians, thrown grenades into basements where people were hiding, and executed anyone who tried to resist the looting. Many of the troops are thought to have been drunk.,2763,139633,00.html

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Balalaika, my dear,

you seem to misunderstand me..let me be more theural(anal) with you..this was an article..I've posted it..I asked for people's opinion..did I placed post as my personal opinion? Did I say I believe it? What is so naive about it?

maybe if you go over the posts twice, the meaning will come much faster to you..don't get your ego hurt now - you're doing(insulting) it to youself..

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may I give you a FRIENDLY advice - analyse before replying..

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Lanat for all the russkie infidels

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The fighting in the mountains still becomes fiercer. Another three helicopters were shot down.
The Russian are moving towards the villages Sharo-Argun, Khorsenoy, Ushkaloy, Aslambek Sheripov, and Ulus-Kert. The Chechen mujahideen are defending their positions and are counter-attacking. Near the village Aslambek Sheripov the mujahideen shot down a helicopter with paratroopers. The helicopter went down and burnt out. Two MI-42 helicopters were shot down near Khal-Kiloy.
At the entrance to Argun Valley the mujahideen attacked near Ulus-Kert. 4 armoured vehicles were destroyed, one "Grad" rocket launcher was captured. About 70 Russians were killed. The Chechens lost two mujahideen.
Face-to-face fighting is going on near Ushkaloy and Khorsenoy. The Russians make use of aircrafts and helicopters. Bitter fighting is reported from the region of Sharo-Argun.

Shamil Basayev presided a meeting of commanders of the Dagestani mujahideen in Chechnya. Basayev said to Kavkaz-Tsentr's correspondent that about 1,000 mujahideen from Dagestan are fighting in the Islamic Peacekeeping Force in Chechnya.
Basayev repudiated Russian reports that he had left Chechnya for convalescence. "I'm healthy enough to fight against the disgusting, godless, and vile aggressors. They are fighting the devil's fight, and we finally have to overcome these satanists." says Shamil Basayev.

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y balalaika ( -

The zombi boris the pig always drunk and the soilders follow the same path as the leader.

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To the non-Muslims, we say: May Allah guide you to Islam which is the salvation for Man in this Life and the Hereafter.

"And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam, and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky..." [Quran 6:125]

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