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Archive through February 23, 2000

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abdullah is neither billj nor adder. adder went down in flames, going berserk a month ago.
billj went away, got 'born again', lol, returned for a night as 'true russian, and went away again.

there were more than one 'abdullah' types last dec, same routine.

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to Hairy Mary,
How much did you make, from dubi hotel tody?

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Hi all
I just read the article Dimi and Balal were talking about.

I do not believe it is true. I do not think terrorists have ability to that, but who knows.

Balal, Dimi: is an idependent news media?

P.S. I did not know Subchak is dead, that is very sad.

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Every one knows that majority of people in russia drink. Do not need to strees that part.

here is a link to a war stories in Chechnya and Afganistan. It was posted by "Svoloch" last week

Balalayka, I know you understand russian, read story by Mironov about war95. It is very good. If this story is true, then....


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per your question, I honestly don't know..ask balalaika

P.S. Mojzesh menia nazivat Dimoi 😉

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A cho, bit' budish? 🙂

I just finished going through most of the stories on the web page ( which you posted last week(?)

Man, the story by Mironov is very good. The funny part is what I just read somewhere in the news about general Roxin, who send those boys to die. Man, nothing changed in there. Person life is still does not worth a •••• (pardon my french)


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> I see what you are trying to say "Cuba" but radar instalations in Norway is nothing new. I read that for the missle defence system they could put a radar in England. Of
course to do so the English will request that the system protects England also. I think Russia has nothing to fear from the US if the US were to build this system. Reason #1 the
US would never launch a nuke strike on Russia. Second the missle defence system would never be able to shot down all of Russias missles if launched (it takes just one nuke to
ruin your day)<.

I thought this system was intended to deal with missiles from less predictable members of the Nuclear community. Or technology failure???
(Article in News Scientist Dec.99)
Or am I being very naiv?

Sorry L'menexe, {Good morning}2.
Dimitri, are we talking about the $2.5 million Fatwa? Funds/contacts raised in London and NTV(?) journalists being beaten up? Well Rushdie's still
with us, not much of a life,but alive.
Putin's safe,I think.
Igor, don't worry, the boytoys will recover, thanks for asking.

Mary,you fabulous wench,

That Nina Ritchie number was inspired.
Thanks, we must get together again.
Hope the Noga Hilton was OK,less sedate than the Williams,but conveniently close to the Casino.
Alain sends his regards, you know the one we fleesed on the Roulade table.
I spent this afternoon chatting with Perrine at the club,she suggested we all meet up for carnaval in Venice in two weeks.
Bye Sweety,
Luv Kim

By the by, I thought your suggestion of a support group for relatives of DMS addicts was quite good.
Ignore Dr Schultze, well apart from his humourous suggestions for abduller, of course.

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you're right there always be more of'em'adderz coming.....and going..thanx to you(I mean it:)))..

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howdy Kim,
good to see ya join us right when I'm about to split(hehe)..Putin is DEFENITELY safe, from where I stand..As far as the 'famous' defence system, Gonzo will fill us out on that one..if he doesn't, I'll get the specifics myself.
Workin'day's over, so I'm gone..When I get to my other workstation, I hope to still see ya here(in about 2-4 hours)..

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