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Archive through February 23, 2000

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Update..Federal forces began to assault the district center of Shatoi where the main forces of bandits - from three to five thousand - are concentrated. According to sources in the staff of the United Military Alignment, currently the most fierce fighting is being conducted in the vicinity of Shatoi. Artillery and aviation are delivering massive attacks against militant positions.

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URN and other Coalitians:

yea, I am convinced, the boy can be Company's clown..heck, we even have a substitude, the little "?"

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Áîè â ãîðàõ óñèëèâàþòñÿ. Ñáèòî åùå òðè ðîññèéñêèõ âåðòîëåòà

×å÷åíñêîå êîìàíäîâàíèå ñîîáùàåò îá óñèëåíèè áîåâ â ãîðíîé ×å÷íå. Ôîðìèðîâàíèÿ àãðåññîðîâ ïðîäâèãàþòñÿ â ñòîðîíó ñåë Øàðî-Àðãóí, Õîðñåíîé, Óøêàëîé, Àñëàìáåêà Øåðèïîâà, Óëóñ-êåðò. Ïîäðàçäåëåíèÿ ÷å÷åíñêèõ ìîäæàõåäîâ âåäóò îáîðîíèòåëüíûå áîè è êîíòðàòàêóþò ïðîòèâíèêà.  ðàéîíå ñåëà Àñëàìáåêà Øåðèïîâà ìîäæàõåäû ñáèëè îäèí âåðòîëåò ñ ðîññèéñêèì äåñàíòîì íà áîðòó. Âåðòîëåò ðóõíóë íà çåìëþ è çàãîðåëñÿ. Äâà äðóãèõ âåðòîëåòà ÌÈ-24 áûëè ñáèòû â ðàéîíå ñåëåíèÿ Õàë-Êèëîé.


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åùå îäèí âåðòîëåò îãíåâîé ïîääåðæêè Ìè-24 è âåðòîëåò Ìè-8.

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Russian Troops Accused of Massacre

MOSCOW (AP) - Russian troops rampaged through a suburb of the Chechen capital, killing at least 62 civilians in what could be the worst such massacre in the Chechen war, an international human rights group said Tuesday.

Interviews with survivors revealed that about 100 soldiers systematically robbed and killed civilians in the Grozny suburb of Aldi on Feb. 5-6, according to Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization.

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Hello Abdullah, I'm sorry for the confusion. But you see, I admire you and your cause, that's why I dedicated a site for you!

Website dedicated to Abfoo.. ABDULLAH!

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To: Balalaika
Damn! Only 62??? The land should have been flooded with blood of Chechen rats

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Some of my favourite excepts from "Mujahid Diary". Beautifully written.

As I finished writing the earlier sentence I heard on the radio that two brothers from my contingent in Abu Jafar's Group were killed yesterday. Both were truly excellent brothers with whom I lived and fought with in .

We finally retrieved the body of Chechen Mujahid Shamil Gergebil and three other Mujahideen who had lain on Mount Waleed for over 3 weeks.

Khalil Ibrahim (Turkey) injured during the withdrawal from Grozny died from further injury and exhaustion

Brothers fell asleep at the shortest stops and some brothers with sticks hit those asleep on the path to prod them onwards. Despite this a few went to sleep and died in the snow unknown to the rest. Some wandered off the path and were not seen again.

A group of three Chechens who have since been found described how they wondered for miles in the mountains until they couldn't move due to hunger and exhaustion. Then, Alhamdullilah, they heard movement in the snow and saw a wild pig. They, without delay shot, cooked and ate it.

Two leading commanders were killed (Aslambeg & Khunkapash). Field Commander Ismail (who wore a patch over one eye) was killed during the last week in Grozny. Ismail was one of Khattab's oldest, most trusted and most formidable Chechen Commanders.

Another very good friend was Saeed Mohammed from Ctari-Atagi (a town in Chechnya). Saeed was a section commander under Commander Abu Dharr and he was also killed in action during the last week in Grozny. I have just learnt that another friend, Badruddin, was killed during the very early skirmishes against the advancing Russians. Khalil Ibrahim (Turkey) has also been Shaheed.

The Russians are really pushing hard. All unanimously agree that this War is far more intense and completely different in nature from the last war. They are moving systematically to encircle the Mujahideen and trying to prevent freedom of movement.

Two days ago, I was snoozing in a
(parked in ) outside a when we were woken to the roar of rockets exploding along the side of a . We decided to move to a safer location and on the way saw two Mujahideen (Group Arbi Barayev) who had been right in the middle of the blitz and were martyred immediately- I won't describe the injuries.

The roar of Grads and the pounding of artillery can test even the strongest of nerves. The room falls silent and everyone mutters a quick dua!

The Russians are moving fast and bombing furiously. Grads, tank & howitzer artillery, fuel bombs (awesome damage), shrapnel bombs etc.

In addition to Abu Ubaidah (Yemen) and Abul-Abbas (Kuwait), I have learnt since that Abu Mujahid (one of the Junior Chechen commanders under Abu Jafar Al-Yemeni) and Jauwhar Al-Mongoli were killed. Nearby, the next day a Russian aircraft rocketed a
in which a small contingent of Abu Jafar's group were sleeping killing Khallad Al-Madani (Madinah) and injuring another brother (this now means that out of 7-8 of us who use to share a room in ***, four have have been killed).

Having said all of that, Alhamdullilah morale is good and brothers are looking forward to the operations that are inevitable.

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Balalaika 🙂

Privet dyrochka 🙂 Che s toboi, ti vse beseshe? Blea strannae ti shval', y vsex bab mesechnie 5-7 dnei, a y teba yzje meseca dva idyt :))
Ya smotri ti vse takae zje, blea pizdanytoe virazjenie na litce (pro tvoi prishi ya blea vobshe molchy), sluni vse vreme tekyt, xot' platochek shtoli nosi. Blea u na xyi eti tvoi zelenie soplu 🙂 sxodi k doktory otmorozjenae, a to blea protivno na tvou rozjy smotret' 🙂
Ny ti che raskazjesh nam kak teba RYSSKIE otebali u vibrosili? ili eto slihkom boleznenie vospominanea? 🙂
Da znau ya shto ti ne skazjesh ne che, ti kak xorosho nadreserovanae shlyxa bydesh derzjat svoi ezik v svoei zjope, ny edinstvennoe na shto teba xvataet tak eto pobybnit' che nebyd inogda.
Ny serezno raskazji nam estoreu svoe bleadskoi zjizni, u kak mi teba doveli do takova? 🙂 Chesno priznaise tebe rysskie nocheu sneatse, da vse navernoe v koshmarnix snax 🙂

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Áîëüøàÿ ÷àñòü êàíäèäàòîâ â ïðåçèäåíòû ïðåäñòàâèëà ôàëüøèâûå ïîäïèñè â ÖÈÊ, ñ÷èòàåò Âëàäèìèð Æèðèíîâñêèé. "Òîëüêî Ïóòèí, ÿ è Çþãàíîâ ìîãëè ðåàëüíî ñîáðàòü ïîäïèñè", - çàÿâèë æóðíàëèñòàì ëèäåð ËÄÏÐ. Î ñåáå æå ëèäåð ËÄÏÐ ñêàçàë, ÷òî åãî ïîääåðæèâàþò 10% âîéñêîâîãî ñîñòàâà îáúåäèíåííîé ãðóïïèðîâêè íà Ñåâåðíîì Êàâêàçå, 80% ìîðÿêîâ-÷åðíîìîðöåâ, à òàêæå ïðåäñòàâèòåëè ñèëîâûõ âåäîìñòâ. "Ñëàáî ó ìåíÿ ïîêà ñ õóäîæåñòâåííîé èíòåëëèãåíöèåé", - çàìåòèë Â.Æèðèíîâñêèé.

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1. Igor Tarasov, Major from Isilkul, Omsk Province
2. Dmitrijus Agapov, Major from Tara, Omsk Province

Are those peope your family of sub-human gangs.

need answer you sub hu, before their body eaten by maget.

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By igor ( - on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 - 09:40 pm:

You fagot that is from your x-rated bible, ask your preist durinng******** choclate sessions.
How do you walk having ak46 in your ass.

I see preist made it too big whole so ak89 also go thrugh


[Gen 9:21]
Abfoolah drank of the wine, and became drunk, and lay uncovered in his tent.
and SpamHam [his son] saw the NAKEDNESS of his father.

[1 Sam. 19:23]
And the spirit of Allah came upon Turkl.. And he too STRIPPED OFF HIS
CLOTHES, and he too prophesied before Samuel and lay NAKED all the day
and all the night.

[2 Sam. 6:20]
David DANCES NAKED before the people and before the FAKE Prophet.

[Exo. 15:20]
And so his sister Mariam the Prophetess dances, she took a tremble and
dances with the women.


[Judg. 14:19]
And the spirit of God came upon IGOR and he killed thirty Mullahs.

[Judg. 15:5]
And he burned up the shocks and the standing grain as well as the olive

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y Lzhye Dimitri ( - on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 - 11:52 pm subhum

your life based on lieing and you will die with lieing, what a waste.

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Where is transexual smelly mary,

got aids yet? go to zombi, boris the alchoholic bustard, who will be in hell any days.

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By igor ( - on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 - 09:58 pm:

Where are you little fagot subhuman, preist lover?

Now ready for chips. Beg some money tomorrow and buy some medicine for hamaroid.

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Posts: 230

Russian troops accused of torture

Sunday, 20 February, 2000 BBC

Some refugees arriving in Ingushetia say they have been abused by Russian troops
New allegations of human rights abuses by Russian troops in Chechnya are emerging as Moscow says it is bringing the war to a close.

The Kremlin has denied claims of beatings and torture at the Chernokozovo prison camp in northern Chechnya but new testimony has come from several former prisoners interviewed by the BBC.

They say that prisoners in Chernokozovo were routinely tortured - some even with gas.

Our correspondent on the Chechen border, Orla Guerin, says the allegations are growing as more former prisoners from Chernokozovo arrive.

A number have now crossed the border into Ingushetia where they have gone into hiding.

Life in the refugee camps is hard
Several have told the BBC that they were warned to keep quiet about the regime in the camp or they would be tracked down and punished.

One man now being treated in hospital said he had been beaten repeatedly on the kidneys, liver and head.

Another who seemed hardly able to move, said that he had spent 10 days in hell in Chernokozovo. He also said he had been beaten around the liver and kidneys and on the soles of his feet. He too has undergone medical treatment since his release.

The man, a 35-year-old from near Grozny, said that he and a group of 30 others had been tortured with gas.

He said the prison guards had asked them if they wanted to smoke. Then they released the gas into their cell through the hole in the door.

The Russians evacuate another casualty
"We couldn't breathe and there was foam coming from everyone's nose and mouth," he said.

A woman who spent 10 days in the camp said she heard terrible cries at night. "I don't know what the guards were doing" she said "but the screams were unbearable".

Our correspondent says none of the claims can be independently verified and in spite of growing international concern about human rights abuses, Chernokozovo remains closed to the outside world.

The US and Russia clashed publicly over human rights at the end of last week after US State Department spokesman James Rubin called on the Russian authorities to investigate claims of civilian killings.

But in response, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Mr Rubin of "information terrorism".

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