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Archive through February 23, 2000

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by all american:
"""And what is this with allowing Jewish scientist access to our most secret laboratories"""

LOL..yea, dude, you tell'em! And what is this with Jews being the wealthiest community in the US??? Isn't that also messed up?? LOL

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"""United States 4, Soviet Union 3. """

Bravo, All deserved it!
get yourself a's a "hockey" talk, of course..

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Russian hygiene (for lucky few):

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"""Russian men smell bad,"""

Dear Ukrainian Girl,

I need your opinion! How about half-Russian - half-Ukranian - how do they smell?..tell us all about it - the smell of Russians is a new topic of this board, ever since you entered..also how do Russian Jews smell? Did you ever smell a Chechen? Moldavane, do those people smell good?
I agree with you - all bad-smelling people should be deported from Ukraine! Lard smells good though, it could replace a tooth paste - just chew on it..Did you know that Ukrainian language is the second most melodic language in Europe, failing short only of Italian language? I guess they don't call it "Teliacha Mova" for nothing, after all..


..don't you just love Taras Shevchenko(I mean it)?

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Is it Ukrainian or Polish? "Pan" is definitely from Polish language...

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What a great way to start a day. I just skipped two pages worth of balalaika's and abdullah's posts. I am sure everyone else did to. I wonder why they bother posting that junk. Probably it makes them feel good, you know, as if they actually did something for mujahideen. Heh. Just keep on yapping!

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per you post at 12:33pm (almost right above),I had no idea you were searching for pictures of NAKED Russian men taking a shower!
Seriousely, are you a guy or a girl? You never revealed it before, so I just honestly want to know.

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Remember dead Bosnian mercenary I was talking about? His name is Mesud Jajich (Dzhadzhich), any relation to our doggy bosna?

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what u think,isn't always what it is -"Pani","Panachi" is Ukrainian, "Panove" is Polish.

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Basaev lost his walking-dog, err, man. "Mr." Tukhaev, Basaev's helper, was captured along with 16 other terrorists in one of the mountain villages. Doggy-bosna, I think you should submit your resume!

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Did you guys know that..

..Yandarbiyev Is Expelled From Pakistan

Pakistani authorities demanded that Chechen emissary Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev leave the territory of their country. The radio broadcasting company Echo of Moscow, referring to Tarik Altaf, a representative of the Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reports that Yandarbiyev's visa has expired.
Yandarbiyev was informed about this decision on Sunday evening when he was in the city of Peshavar. ITAR-TASS news agency referred to one of Yandarbiyev's assistants: "we have been told to pack our luggage and leave Pakistan immediately."

According to NTV broadcasting company, Yandarbiyev confirmed the fact of his expulsion. Most likely, he will go to Dubai (the United Arab Emirates) where his wife and children are now living, and afterwards he may move to Afganistan or another Muslim country. Yandarbiyev stated that he will refrain from any comments until he meets in person with Pakistani officials in Islamabad.

It is worth noting that Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, who had been appointed the Chechen ambassador in Afganistan, arrived in Pakistan in late January "in order to discuss possibilities for establishing good contacts between the peoples of both our countries." Pakistan Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar stated that Yandarbiyev is staying in Pakistan as a private person.

Before leaving for Pakistan, the Chechen delegation headed by Yandarbiyev had been staying in Afganistan for more than a month. In Afganistan, the delegation moved that Chechnya would be recognized by Taliban's leaders and an "embassy of Ichkeria" was opened in Kabul.

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On your propaganda abaut the alleged extradiction of Yandarbieff here is a good counter-measure:

Çåëèìõàí ßíäàðáèåâ íàõîäèòñÿ â Ïàêèñòàíå

Íàø êîððåñïîíäåíò ïåðåäàåò èç Èñëàìàáàäà î òîì, ÷òî ýêñ-ïðåçèäåíò ×ÐÈ Çåëèìõàí ßíäàðáèåâ ïî- ïðåæíåìó íàõîäèòñÿ ñ âèçèòîì â Ïàêèñòàíå.

 ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ â ðîññèéñêîé ïðåññå è â íåêîòîðûõ ïàêèñòàíñêèõ ãàçåòàõ áûëè ðàñïðîñòðàíåíû ñëóõè î òîì, ÷òî, ÿêîáû, ïàêèñòàíñêèå âëàñòè ïðåäëîæèëè ßíäàðáèåâó ïîêèíóòü ñòðàíó.

Ñàì Çåëèìõàí ßíäàðáèåâ çàÿâèë, ÷òî â ñëó÷àè îôèöèàëüíîãî çàÿâëåíèÿ Ïàêèñòàíà îí áåç ïðîáëåì ïîêèíåò òåððèòîðèþ ýòîé ñòðàíû. Îäíàêî, êàê ñòàëî èçâåñòíî íàøåìó êîððåñïîíäåíòó, ìèíèñòð èíîñòðàííûõ äåë Ïàêèñòàíà îïðîâåðã ñëóõè î òîì, ÷òî âûñîêîïîñòàâëåííîìó ÷å÷åíñêîìó ïîëèòèêó áûëî ïðåäëîæåíî óåõàòü. Ïàêèñòàíñêèé ìèíèñòð çàÿâèë, ÷òî ó ßíäàðáèåâà êîí÷èëñÿ ñðîê âèçû, íî, ïî åãî æåëàíèþ, âèçà ìîæåò áûòü ïðîäëåíà â ëþáîé ìîìåíò.


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I am just wondering what is your definition of propaganda? Please, please tell me what it is????Kavkaz-Center is not propaganda??? Ok then, I'll find a non-Russian side confirming my side of story , and you, my non-propaganding "friend", find something non-related to "kavkaz", "qoqaz" and other's, OK then?

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Di, is possibly propaganda if Yandarbieff is get expelled. Otherwise it is still more trusted (although NOT ALWAYS) than your ITAR-TASS (which plays too much of Putin's tune)

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I am just keeping up with my PROMISE to you
I trully hope that ABC News is not a Russian-influenced News Agency in your paranoid (no offence) mind..ENJOY THE FOLLOWING:

WIRE:02/22/2000 16:56:00 ET
Pakistan says Chechen official must leave soon

ISLAMABAD, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Pakistan confirmed on Tuesday it had asked a prominent Chechen official seeking to raise funds for militants fighting Russian troops in the breakaway region to leave the country immediately, saying his visa had expired.
Foreign Ministry official Inamul Haq told a news conference Zalimkhan Yandarbiyev, whose presence in Pakistan has annoyed Russia, had been told to leave because a visa issued to him by Pakistan's consulate-general in Dubai had expired "some time ago."

Asked if Yandarbiyev, a former acting president of Chechnya, had left the country, Haq said: "Till now he may have not left, but he has been asked to expedite his departure."

Yandarbiyev, who came to Pakistan after opening a Chechen embassy in neighbouring Afghanistan last month, has been addressing Moslem prayer meetings in the northwestern town of Peshawar seeking to raise funds for the Chechen cause.

An aide to Yandarbiyev told Reuters in Peshawar on Monday that they had been ordered to cease all their activities and leave the country.

Russia criticised Pakistan earlier this month for allowing Yandarbiyev to stay on its territory, accusing him of spreading anti-Russian propaganda.

On Sunday the Foreign Ministry denied local media reports that Yandarhbiyev had met Pakistani military ruler General Pervez Musharraf, Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar and other officials and had received assurances of support for the Chechen cause.

Yandarbiyev was acting Chechen president between the death of separatist leader Dzhokhar Dudayev in April 1996 and an election in January 1997 won by Aslan Maskhadov.

here's the link for you


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