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Archive through February 23, 2000

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Di, "News source" is not important to verify the truth. ...
* You kicked Yourself.
I wonder why so much favor to Mr. Cook?.. IMHO, to demonstrate who has athe real LEVERAGE over Russia, regardless your pride .
* In case of, heh, leverage Govt. officials are invited.

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But the weather sucks! Can't keep the blips going straight. LOL

Now I know how the Soviets enjoyed themselves in the 60's and 70's but without the missiles. 😉

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Dimitri, I see what you are trying to say "Cuba" but radar instalations in Norway is nothing new. I read that for the missle defence system they could put a radar in England. Of course to do so the English will request that the system protects England also. I think Russia has nothing to fear from the US if the US were to build this system. Reason #1 the US would never launch a nuke strike on Russia. Second the missle defence system would never be able to shot down all of Russias missles if launched (it takes just one nuke to ruin your day)

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One more point why the Russians have nothing to fear by the US building a missle defence system. (It would not be effective at all against sub launched rockets on boats just off the US shore.

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Isn't this nice to know RIGHT before an election? Y'all have fun now, ya hear!

Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin's suggestion last week that only his office can "guarantee" the rights and freedoms of all Russian citizens betrays a serious lack of understanding on his part both of what freedom is and of how it can be defended in a democratic society.

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yeap, and the only price we paid to Cubans for such accommodations was rye! Pretty good deal, huh?
BTW Cuban cigars used to cost 1 Ruble when I was groing up..

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We, the US, does something the Russians can't stand, i.e. Kosovo but they want to play a part in the peackeeping.
* Some, heh, "peacekeeping". Anyways, playing part means staying in the land.
Then Russia turns around and does something the US and other countries condemn, i.e. scorched earth policy in Chechnya and ...
* Within its borderline, within. Not a country, with which the US and other countries don't even have a border with. scorched earth..., dear Bones, WDR, You know what "scorched" means. It's not applicable.

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Hell, there's been a radar installation in Iceland for years and no one was bitching and that one was an early warning radar site. Nice Dome too!

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you're right -it ain't nothin'deadly..the difference in this case(in my humble opinion)would be the fact that US wants to install this particular one only 40km from the Russian border..which means better surveillance - the closer, the better..

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Dimitri, at the same time the US has satalites that can read a newspaper on earth from outter space. The bottom line is Norway can decide what they want and don't want built on their land.

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by Gonzo:
""""The bottom line is Norway can decide what they want and don't want built on their land.

C'mon, Gonz, it kinda like saying: "Cuba can decide what they want and don't want built on their land."
The big dawgs have to decide first, dontcha think so?

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Besides, I don't believe Norway has will final voice in all of this..formally, maybe, but in real life..

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To: Dimitri
Zdorov mujik. Ya vchera na balalaiku trace sdelal. Chuvixa iz Yaponii okazyvaetsya. Ya dumayu etim mojno ob'yasnit' ee "racional'nyi" sklad uma. 🙂 Tak chto ne trat' na nee vremya, kakovy glaza, takov i um.

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I meant "has final voice", of course..

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Kissie, with all due respect, you're so full of •••• you better hit the head!

By Kissie ( - on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 - 03:36 pm:

We, the US, does something the Russians can't stand, i.e. Kosovo but they want to play a part in the peackeeping.
* Some, heh, "peacekeeping". Anyways, playing part means staying in the land.
**Yep, peacekeeping. I wonder who's keeping the ethnic Albanians from kicking the crap outta the Serbs right now. Peacekeepers? Or should we just step aside and have a pint?

Then Russia turns around and does something the US and other countries condemn, i.e. scorched earth policy in Chechnya and ...
* Within its borderline, within. Not a country, with which the US and other countries don't even have a border with.
**Do they need one to condemn you? hmmm.....

scorched earth..., dear Bones, WDR, You know what "scorched" means. It's not applicable.
** Yeah, I guess you're right...I mean if you don't count shelling most villages to ashes, looting, raping and those precious "filtration camps". It's no wonder Russia doesn't want outside inspectors/journalist in. You can't clean that much carnage up overnight now can ya? Got Vodka?

Russia won't even come clean on their casualty numbers because it'll hurt Putin. SAD...

Dear Kissie, Denial isn't a river!

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