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Archive through February 23, 2000

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eto tochno - ona y nas "secretami polna" - ona is bivshego Soiuza, no seichas v Iaponii oshivaetsa..spasibo za sovet, bratan..

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good news for Russia

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That missile defence joke of the day can cover something else, since US scientists are not clintons and bushes Jr.
Acting Russian President Vladimir Putin's suggestion last week that only his office can "guarantee" the rights and freedoms of all Russian citizens ...
* Why not? So far, ordinary citizens haven't seen any BS declarations, - he promised to raise pensions and did it (not much, though, but still), RF Army gets paid the "backlogged" dues in full, hi-tec defence industry, neglected to absurdity, were visited personally. When this guy sleeps?
... what freedom is and of how it can be defended in a democratic society.
* Ruining a country is not freedom to be defended.

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Kissie etot B----s on dyrak nechego ne ponimayet tolko blah blah blah

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Hmmm....I wonder if an "acting" president is the same or RULE the same as an "elected" one? I wonder if that's the reason why he backpeddled on the Vodka tax. Think maybe?

We'll soon see.

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However Washington's concern was again dismissed by Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev in a military newspaper interview published Wednesday.

"We frequently turn to the West for guidance, including the United States. They keep to tough, principled positions and do not forgive terrorists a thing," Sergeyev said.

"But for some reason they urge us to engage in some sort of endless negotiations (with Chechen leaders)," he said. "Who are we to negotiate with?" ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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Igor, on ne dyrak, no sil'no pro-americanski nastroenniy..I rassyjzdaet po "cherno-belomy", tipa - "vi vse potzi - odin Ia vicont de Bragelon", tak chto on esche tot litzimer..

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Kissie, with all due respect, you're so full of .... you better hit the head!
* Advise You to undergo additional tests on the remaining radiation of Your active service.
Yep, peacekeeping. I wonder who's keeping the ethnic Albanians from kicking the crap outta the Serbs right now.
* Too much pride hurts. US stepped inside right after the KLA was on the verge of wiping. You created the greater Albania gangsters' paradise and now demand Europeans to boost up their "police" presence there, - they don't want to eat the mess cooked by you. SFOR nearby confesses, there are certain parts they don't want to go in, - they have mujaheed training bases.
Do they need one to condemn you? hmmm....
* No problem. You can go about condemning anyone.
Russia won't even come clean on their casualty numbers because it'll hurt Putin. SAD..
* Russia goes in and fights. You can attribute 13 Serb tanks to the pride of the Pentagon. (Discount the rubber ones.) Your marines failed the city capture on test missions. The US Army history goes with avoiding cities, or bombing them to ashes, RF Army can't follow the example.
Yeah, I guess you're right...I mean if you don't count shelling most villages to ashes, looting, raping and those precious "filtration camps". It's no wonder Russia doesn't want outside inspectors/journalist in. You can't clean that much carnage up overnight now can ya? Got Vodka?
* That Got Vodka? I'll keep in mind. Thanks a lot. Problem is, Russians need vodka, but you get drunk with CNN and presidential BS alone.

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I've got your blah, blah, blah right here, want some? You don't even have the nads to say out in the open. Pathetic AND it's the internet!

O, real intelligent too, "B---s." Well I see you finally made it past the spelling bee, well the B & S anyways.

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IF this keeps up it will not be long before Serb and Russians go to Kosovo

Rising Concern’ In Russia Over Kosovo Situation

MOSCOW, Feb 23, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia expressed Tuesday its "rising concern" over the situation in Kosovo and particularly over the number of refugees from the ethnically torn northern town of Kosovska Mitrovica.

The statement, from the foreign ministry, came one day after soldiers with the international peacekeeping force KFOR were forced to use tear gas to drive back thousands of Kosovar Albanians intent on crossing into the Serbian-dominated north of Mitrovica.

Ethnic violence in the town has risen steadily over recent weeks and Mitrovica is now seen as a flashpoint for violence between Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority, the Serbs, and the peacekeepers.

"It is particularly worrying that the Albanian extremists, who want to see all the non-Albanian population evicted from Kosovo, don't even stop short of confrontation with the peacekeeping force and international organizations," the foreign ministry said.

It added that 16,000 refugees from Mitrovica had been registered in the last week and called for political dialogue to define Kosovo's status within Yugoslavia.

Russia repeatedly denounced the 11-week NATO bombardment of Yugoslav troops who were conducting a military offensive against ethnic Albanian separatists in Kosovo, and Moscow shown sympathy towards the regime of Serbia, but eventually took part in the NATO-led peacekeeping force in the province. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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c'mon, man, you're changing argument as you go along - first Putin was no good, period. Then you're said he's only good'till elected. This isn't very consistant of you, and sounds very one-sided("balalaika" style) it so important for you to have a last word in the argument?

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* That Got Vodka? I'll keep in mind. Thanks a lot. Problem is, Russians need vodka, but you get drunk with CNN and presidential BS alone.

**Alcoholics normally do need their choice of drink and as far as CNN goes, you might take a look at my last couple post, damn if they didn't come from Russia Today.

As if Putin speaks total truth! Ha

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Dima eto dyrak on znaet kak na nervi deictvovat

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per your HYPOCRITICAL (no offence) comment about Russia Today, HERE'S MY ANSWER TO YOU:

>Copyright (c) 2000 RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio FreeEurope/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.<

RussiaToday was born in DC..oh my goodness, my gracious!

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I never said, "first Putin was no good, period." and second as you very well know, a politician will tell and do anything to get elected. We can only hope they do as they say.

And that goes for ANY politician.

Last word? Just responding to others as they respond to me. That's one sided? And who said I was anti-Russian?

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