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Archive through February 25, 2000

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Ok, guys, I am Out(but never Down:)))maybe for a couple of hours, maybe till the weekend, depending on the load of work, so..
Vasil', Gonzo and others - it's been fun, enjoy the weekend.
ta ta..

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Are you really that ignorant? How do you think I know about these fact? I've already suggested you to come out of your news isolation and watch foreign news on the International channel.
Btw, I'm finally starting to understand why the government allows such news to be watched by its brainwashed public - because they are not in English, therefore they are not important. How many true real Americans (not immigrants and alike) can fluently speak another language? Probably only 5% of the population against 90% in Europe. I'll give you a credit my little dumb American in that.

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What is very interesting about these message boards is that everyone seems to be pounding each other about lame sh*t. To kill and commit crime against it's own kind is very human. It has always happened and every single ethnic group has done it through out the history of human kind. The American Indians have done it against other tribes, The Africans have killed each other for ages. The Germans, Russians, Turks, Serbs, Bosnians, French, Americans, Brits, Japanese, Chinese, Italians, Jues, Arabs, need I go on? Arguing who did what to whom and when is pointless because everyone has done sh*t like this at some point. What we can do is to stop accusing each other and move on with our lives trying to make the best of it. Except that it would not be human. In that case I think someone should do this planet a favor and weed out the herd, before we all kill each other and screw it all up for every other living thing on Earth.

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To: Dima
Bud' zdorov bratan

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By Kissie ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 04:53 pm:
The German journalists name is Frank Hoefling and it said in the news story he shot the footage...did something change?
* Something changed. The original (from another location) was shot in the Hi8 format, then encoded to another one and handed over to Hoefling.

YES! Kissie you must be right! only crafty two faced Jews like you tell the truth!

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To: Igor
I can't seem to open this URL:
Is there a mirror site or something? - nice one. Even though a few facts may be questionable but the rest seems very convincing.

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Human Rights Watch has also received information on the execution of a family of five, including a pregnant woman and a one-year-old child. Russian soldiers apparently killed them in Oktyabrski district of Grozny on February 5, and tried to burn their bodies. Their names are also listed below.

The Aldi District Executions:
Akhmed Abalkhanov (75)
Rakhaash Akhmadova (71)
Musa Akhmadov (age unknown)
Ziyardi Akhmerzoyev (44)
Aindi Azuyev (80)
Shamkhan Baigiriyev (32)
Sultan Dzabrailov (50+)
Vakha Dzhambekov Betersultanovich (52)
Akhmed Eldarbiev (75)
Ramzan Ekmurzayev (35)
Alvi Ganayev (61)
Aslambek Ganayev (32)
Salambek Ganayev (39)
Magomet Gaitayev (76)
Koka Gerikhanova (45)
Ali Hadjimuradov Germanovich (58)
Sultan Idigov (52)
Vakha Khakimov (50)
Umar Kudozov (47)
Musa Kudozov (42)
Zina Labazaneva (50+)
Saalam Makhamadov (59)
Abdul Makhamadov (55)
Umar Musayev (77)
Yakub Musayev (51)
Suleiman Musayev (27)
Abdurakhman Musayev (49)
Yusup Musayev (49)
Avalu Sugaipov Saudiyevich (49)
Abdurakhman Tasuyev (20)
Sultan Temirov Said-Achmedovich (48)
Hanpasha Yakhyayev Sultanovich (45)
Mussa Yakhyayev (43)
Aimani (family name and age unknown)

The Staropromyslovski District Executions:
Magomet Goigov (31)
Risvan Taimaskhanov (22)
Khamid Khashiev (45)
Shema Inderbiyeva (32)
Sheiman Inderbiyeva (33)
Aslan Tungoyev (appr. 60)
Zina Tungoyeva (appr. 60)
Mussa Gutsigov (45)
Ali Yansurkayev (70)
Rumisa Yansurkayeva (appr. 30)
Adem Shamilov (over 60)
Lioma Shamilov (appr. 30)
An unidentified body

The Oktyabrski District Executions:
Hass-Magomet Estimirov (67)
Hozh-Akhmed Estimirov (33)
Toita Estimirova (28)
Hassan Estimirov (1)
An unidentified uncle of the Estimirov family (appr. 65)

For Further Information:
In Moscow: Peter Bouckaert + 7 901 497 9071
or Malcolm Hawkes + 7 095 250 6852
In New York: Diederik Lohman +1 212 216 1265 or +1 914 830 4948
In Brussels: Jean-Paul Marthoz +32 2 732 2009

Russians have disgraced themsleves. They are not fit to be recognized as members of the human race

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Ahh, the smell of rotten Chechens in the ditch... oh no, it's only a canadian bacon gone bad...

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Igor, I couldn't open it ether. The one about NATO planes, very well packaged. Lets see 61 air-craft, 30 uav , and 286 cruse missles. US< BRITISH, French, Belgian, Danish aircraft. And still yet no prof. That guy deffanatey had an ax to grind. I loved the "if you don't believe it you are in denial" stuff. Instead of letting the reader form his own conclusions. So now to keep this conspiracy theory going NATO would have to make sure all the family , frends, ground crews, others not talk about why ther pilot husband doesn't show up at poker night with the boys. Uh long vacation. Just a bunch of bunk. I be back after the weekend and take that web site apart in an argumentative sence not in some cyber way after the weekend when I have more time . Untill then goodnight all.

PS Admit it you like having me arround it spices up the conversation

the little American with a big stick

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The Russians have disgraced themselves before, murdering their own people (Stalin - 20 million), murdering other Slavic nationalities, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, etc. The Germans have disgraced themselves - killing jews and everyone else, the turks - invading half of Europe, can't even name all the Balkan conflicts, Arabs and Jews seem to be having problems since a few thousand years ago, African tribes are slaughtering each other as we speak, the Brits, Dutch, French, Italians have been killing people and stealing the wealth of their colonies like there was no tomorrow.

What is the point of all this? If this is for the sake of arguing about something than sh*t, let the games begin. Otherwise we should maybe stop throwing crap at each other.

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And what do you have against jewish people?
Did they drink all your water too?

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Vasiliy the site does not open right now for about 2 weeks .I thought it was just me.Bremya had the photographer of that video which was shot on FEB 14 on the program.In the interview he said that the reason that the bodies were buried was because they stunk like shite (they must have shited their pants BOSNA) so what do you think they do with dead stiffs especially smelly bandit ones.As far as the prisoner he had a freshly fired AK47 and also was freshly shaved so he ended up where he belonged.Also in video it does not show anything but feet of soldiers burying daed so how do you know it is not Chechens burying their dead.Also when they are dragging corpse you do not see faces of soldiers.The German reporter can not even say where footage shot because he did not shoot it.

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Gonzo there were more than 3 pictures of Nato aircraft.The main thing is Russia got your Stealth technology for FREE, got that buddy.

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You are absolutly right.
I don't know how long it will take humankind to stop killing each other, maybe never. This is a crazy world.


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