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Archive through February 25, 2000

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There's one happy Russian good for him Slava Rocciya

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There's one happy Russian good for him Slava Rocciya.

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The best joke of them all is that the Serbs reported that the Stealth figher almost etirely was made of wood supposedly to better deflect radar arrays. And that flying pile of fire wood costs some $20 million. he-he

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Oleg Bayovski shot the film in Urus Marten.He is photographer for Isvestia

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Igor: This Stealth technology is not really new anymore. I am sure Russia had their spies on this for a long time. First time I saw the stealth fighter 3 feet away from me way at an air show in 1990. Anyway, I think the US will survive this loss, not a big deal.

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First Nato said holocaust in Kosovo =lies.Then they are saying Milosovic is behind Albanians killing and kidnapping Serbs=more lies.Now think about how ludicrous this statement is.Sers are getting attacked and it is their fault.

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To: Igor
Strangly enough I've noticed, once the Russians made it clear that they won't stop extermenation of Chechen terrorists until the last one of them is dead, all latest news have been about some civilians supposedly killed by Russian troops. Didn't Chechens only recently were saying that some of their fighters go as plainclosed civilians during daylight and only strike the Russians from the back at night. No wonder there were some corpses wearing civilian cloth. Man, this whole media propaganda doesn't make any sence anymore.

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. First time I saw the stealth fighter 3 feet away from me way at an air show in 1990. Anyway, I think the US will survive this loss, not a big deal.
Quake I say you are full of it because reporters could not see it in hanger so what makes you so special.

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Vasiliiy they also have bitches who cry on queue.Remember how they all cried in Kosovo,how they all lost their men,then KLA shows up and so do all missing men.

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Why does media, then referring to Russia called it fatherland? In russian, if I am not mistaken, it is motherland (rodina) - it is of female sex.
But news keep saying fatherland and fatherland. German (nazi in particular) are using fatherland as a description on their land. In russia it is motherland.
Cheez, could not get even that right. (unless I am mistaken)


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Which reporters? Russian reporters? Sorry dude it is true - still have the photos! 1990 in Anchorage AK. The Thunderbirds were doing the show at the Airforce base. So, think what you want, but your argument fell down from the sky like that wooden stealth fighter. It's all good 🙂

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Moscow Blasts Senate's Iran Nuclear Bill

MOSCOW, Feb 25, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia slammed the US Senate on Friday for trying to punish countries that it considered were aiding Iranian weapons programs, saying the "hypocritical" legislation would harm Russo-US relations.

In a harshly-worded statement, the Russian foreign ministry described as "unacceptable" the Senate bill, which seeks to slap sanctions on countries deemed to be aiding Iran's efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

"Unfortunately it must be noted that American lawmakers yet again have artificially blown up the situation, trying to give their internal legislature extraterritorial character, to apply pressure on other countries through blatantly invented pretexts," the ministry said.

"Such a quasi-imperial approach is unacceptable," the text said, adding that Congress was being "hypocritical in its concerns about nuclear non-proliferation.

"The same Senate, as we all know, recently blocked the ratification of one of the most important international agreements in this field -- the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty," the ministry noted.

The Senate move was "a serious blow for bilateral and international cooperation in the field of non-proliferation and export controls," and would "complicate Russia-American relations" it concluded.

The Iran Non-Proliferation Act, which singles out Moscow as a major culprit, empowers the president to slap sanctions or cut US military aid to countries transferring materials Iran could use to develop nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons or missile technology.

The act would bar Washington from making "extraordinary payments" on the International Space Station it is building with Moscow unless Russia can "demonstrate a sustained commitment" to non-proliferation.

Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is "the single most dangerous thing going on in the world," said Senate Republican Majority Leader Trent Lott, adding that, despite Russian assurances that it would fight the spread of such technology from inside its borders, "it's probably gotten worse."

The US government vehemently criticizes Moscow's cooperation with Tehran, notably a Russian plan to build a nuclear reactor in southern Iran.

Moscow insists its collaboration in no way helps Teheran build nuclear weapons, and has accused Washington of trying to keep Russia out of world markets. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

this part really stands out

"Such a quasi-imperial approach is unacceptable," the text said, adding that Congress was being "hypocritical in its concerns about nuclear non-proliferation.

"The same Senate, as we all know, recently blocked the ratification of one of the most important international agreements in this field -- the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty," the ministry noted.

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Quake is right, stealth fighter was around for some time.
If i am not mistaken it usually takes a decade to design, build and test aircraft of new generation.


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American reporters Quake.Post your photos then.

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The issue is that it was around but that they kept it hidden in hangar and public was not allowed near it.I say he is exaggerating

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