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Archive through February 25, 2000

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To: Drake
They even can't take a dump right unles there's an instruction on how to poop and how to flush

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Do you want the negatives? Cause otherwise you will argue that I downloaded it from somewhere.. I have no point to prove here Igor. It is not important. Would have to scan in the negatives for you, but why waste time. Never mind then.

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Quake:AgeOfEmpire rules as well as Might and Magic

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Then why did you bother answering Quake?

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I hear Q3 is awesome and also HalfLife 😉 Hmmm.

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when in doubt, ask Mr. Yahoo or Mr. Excite or Miss HotBot


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Sorry Quake you are new guy just giving you a hard time.Breaking your cherry so to speak,welcome to the board.

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>By Dimitri ( - on Friday, >February 25, 2000 - 05:26 pm:
>To: Michaelfromseattle

>hi there..gotta off-topic question for ya(I am >just curious) - a few weeks ago I read a pretty >interesting article in "Spin" magazine, it was >about anarchists in Washington State - how they "paraded" in Seattle, where >their "headquarters" are(I think it was Tacoma) >how they tried to trash "NikeTown", etc. I >actually saw the pic of a guy on the top of the >roof of NikeTown trying to kick some letters(of >the word "NikeTown") off that roof..guess what >kinda shoes he was wearing? Yea, you better >believe it - he had a pair of Nike's on..LOL..
>So my question to you is - that Anarchist >movement, how big is it in the State of >Washington? Anything you can tell me about that >will be greately appriciated.

I wish I could answer that question but I honestly don't know. I suppose that their being anarchists and therefore hostile to organization, would complicate any efforts to accurately arrive at any figure.

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To let you know that you may be mistaken. Like I said, let's drop it, It's not an important issue. Planes crash and war planes get shot down. It this plane was such a treasure the US would have never deployed them to a nimor conflict like Kosovo. Have a good weekend all. Later!

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Killing individual person as in Quake is against my morals :). hm... On the other hand it is o.k. to wipe out whole civilization (do not deal if individual)as in AoE or Civilization call to Power (although Civ2 is better in some case)

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My day is over as well
Nice weekend to yal

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Moscow And Beijing Opposed To U.S. Space-Based ABM Project

GENEVA, Feb 25, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia and China Thursday denounced U.S. plans to deploy anti-ballistic missiles (ABMs) in space as part of its anti-missile defense system, in violation of the 1972 ABM Treaty.

"If the United States implemented its unilateral plans on national missile defense, the ABM Treaty would be destroyed," said Vasily Sidorov, Russian ambassador to the UN Disarmament Conference.

The treaty, signed by Russia and the United States, limits each country to just one ABM system.

Sidorov reiterated Russia's commitment to the ABM Treaty, the preservation of which he said "corresponds to US interests as well, especially in the context of the non-ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by the US Senate."

Sidorov also said Russia supported China's proposal to create a special committee within the disarmament conference to address the problem.

For Chinese ambassador Hu Xiado, a violation of the ABM Treaty by the United States would "not only undermine global and regional strategic balance and stability, obstruct or even reverse the nuclear disarmament process, but also open the door to the weaponization of outer space."

Britain and France, two nuclear powers officially allied to the United States, have never hidden their opposition in principle to U.S. plans. ((c) 2000 Agence France Presse)

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>>>MOSCOW (Reuters) - Video footage of Russian soldiers piling bodies of bound Chechen men into a mass grave put Moscow under intense pressure Friday to answer charges its troops had committed atrocities in the rebellious province.>>>

I can't believe these Russians. They must be believing that they are the only smart ones. How else you can explain all these stupid excuses, like only the feet of the soldiers were filmed, they might as well be Chechen fighters burying their dead, etc.

I saw the full footage on TV. It was clearly showing Russian soldiers, It even showed some Russian soldiers expressing their distaste on what's happening to civilians. Clearly some mass murderers in Russian uniforms are in rampage, and other Russian soldiers who managed to keep their humanity are not very happy to be part of this violance.

Whatever you might think of war, it is worst when an army gives a free reign to mass murderers to satisfy their sadistic thirst.

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"By x ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 05:40 pm:

I know what your dream is...When I was younger (1967,68,69,..) I was a student at University of Toulouse (France): the city was control by the communist Party and most students were communists..Like everyone of my generation, I have read Marx,Trotsky,Hegel,Lenin...I know your ideas and your feelings about them....but you must admit that the end of the 20 century din't go that way...It was a great dream of justice,equality,reason ...I will never see that dream come true ...but I don't know the futur...I hope your will avoid some new Stalin if you want your dream to realise..."

Reply: Stalinism found its roots within an atmosphere of economic isolation similar to the embargos against Iraq and Cuba. Capitualting to this pressure, Stalin formulated the reactionary doctrine of "Socialism in One Country," a "justification" for abandoning Lenin's international communist program in favor of seeking "peaceful co-existance" with imperialism. The myth of the "Death of Communism" is just that, a myth, for communism never existed. The Stalinists claimed the USSR to be communist, and so did the bourgeois media. But those who recognized that the Soviet Union had degenerated into a bureaucratically deformed workers state in which the Stalinists were forced by their own selfish interests to ride the fence between the interests of the working class and the interests of the capitalists (neither a healthy workers state nor a bourgeois state would have any use for a tired old Stalinist bureaucrat), did not see the collapse of the USSR as the "Death of Comminism," but, rather, as "The Death of Stalinism."

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>>>By igor ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 08:24 pm:

Moscow Blasts Senate's Iran Nuclear Bill >>>

This only highlights how unimportant Russia is in the eyes of American legislators. I can't imagine a similar action from Russia towards USA, which will make USA feel threatened. Most likely it will be a joke, like a mouse roared to the mountain.

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