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Archive through February 25, 2000

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thought so..

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"It's not that often you face something fresh in Russia"

Oh yes we do, something always happens in Russia, it's nothing like boring western life.

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I am sorry, but you a pure case idiot if you think that I am a fake
Once, again, idiot, read the link about certain estonian organization:

..and then open your mouth..
and, damn it, take that pijama off, ya shoulda washed it last night - damn you STINKA!

"fake" Dimitri

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oh, Kim, look at my IP!!!oh my goodness! It's new again! I must be fake!

Na, it is just you, Kim, being dumb as...Kim..
READ THE LINK, you sorry human-being.

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So, Dimitri, let's do it separately. First I'll insult you intelligence, next you and finally wish you peace. Let's go, I hope you'll like it better that way.

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What do we get if we crossbreed Dimitri with a sick puppy?

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Another Dimitri.

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Let peace be always with you.

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From "fake" Dimitri to ignorant Kim:

On 2/21/00 Latvian Supreme court sentesed Russian WWII partizan who was fighting Nazis and local politzai (jandarms) for 6 years of prison, and there's another 150 Russians, waiting for the Court desision. And you, Kimmie, act like there's nothing wrong with it..Just like EU.
That would make your blabbering here tonight worth shite. Just like you, babe.
Just REMEMBER -you will not get away on this board with your stupid ignorance - I am going to keep on confronting you till you're outta here for good, or till' you come clean and answer my question..If you remember "old" Dimitri - I never gave up tob any sort of BS, whether it comes your sorry arse, or anyone else..Well, the "new" Dimitri has not change, So YOU, my dear, either will talk about Latvian Court matter, or it will be obvious that you are a damn good THIS understood?

"peace to ya"....LOL
UP YOURS, kimmie..
*english expression*

P.S.Good night and don't drull on that pillow..the least you can do is keep your mouth shut when sleepin'

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no Revor, it's still me..don't show any signs of "Kimmeria" now, just think..real hard..wanna hint? People use different workstations(because they can't stay at work forever). But they NEVER change the their writing style...

Hope that helps...

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I "peace" you to, Rev..

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allow me to start FIRST - you ••••••• ass •••• your mom, you ••••••• ••••!

your turn..

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By Revor:"""What do we get if we crossbreed Dimitri with a sick puppy"""

that would be either - "sickRavor" or puppyDimitri"...

peez to you, Rev..

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I thought you wanted to play? No?
Ohh...good night/morning then..

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The Russian army is facing fresh accusations that its soldiers have committed serious war crimes in Chechnya.

Video footage shot by a German journalist shows bodies of men believed to be Chechen fighters in a mass grave.

Many of them had been mutilated. Some were wrapped in barbed wire. Soldiers are seen throwing one body into the grave from a tank and dragging another behind a truck.

The images are already prompting renewed calls for a full international investigation into all the allegations of recent months.

"The Russian government has said consistently that our reports of summary executions and other abuses were lies," Human Rights Watch spokeswoman Minky Worden told BBC News Online.

With evidence like this there should be no more pussyfooting around by the international community

Human Rights Watch spokeswoman
"They just can't argue with this footage. It is entirely consistent with what our investigators have found from talking to refugees on the Chechen border.

"With evidence like this, there really should be no more pussyfooting around by the international community."

Ms Worden said economic sanctions such as the withholding of loan payments from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund should now be imposed.

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