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Archive through February 25, 2000

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I watched the video,it was great.How do you know they were not dead bandits or Chechens killed in war.They have to bury the dead.I hope the do withold the money,Russia can do with out it(arms business booming).I especially liked the part in the video where they put the Chechen prisoner in a little room with about 20 guys and no windows.Now they will know how hostages felt.Do not expect sympathy for this shite from me.

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I was in Macedonia last November, and my impression is that fighting there is not likely (though the Skopje airport was real shitty).

Estimable Member
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An interesting little piece---

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Balalaika just curious,what is your background (Nationality) it will make it easier to understand your stand on issues.

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PUTIN'S views on Chechnya after the war.Seem like noble ideas

Naturally, there are forces in Chechnya, who can be cooperated and negotiated with, said Acting President of Russia Vladimir Putin. He was commenting on his statement that at present the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya had entered its political phase.

"We have never set ourselves the aim of settling political issues by military means. We must and certainly will bring the military operation to an end. We shall destroy or crush the terrorists," stressed the head of state, speaking live on the Petersburg radio station Baltika on February 24. Putin stressed at the same time that "we shall settle all issues, whether social, economic or political, with the peaceful residents, with the Chechen people, which we shall do only by peaceful means and at a negotiating table." Today there is a "big arsenal of various political instruments for settling any disputable issues in the process of negotiations," went on the Acting President, adding that there are many ways of solving problems open to this or that people within the Russian Federation." Vladimir Putin stressed that there "are many means and ways of settling problems connected with the establishment of autonomous units within the Russian Federation, that will be "acceptable for all," said Putin.

"The Russian army is not fighting the Chechen people," said Putin. He recalled that "the problem became particularly acute when the territory of the Chechen Republic began to be used as a bridgehead for attacking Russia," "which turned into fertile ground for the flourishing of bandits and terrorists." "It became quite obvious for us," went on the head of state, "that, if we abandon that territory and leave it absolutely without control, we shall be making a big mistake and, above all, before the Chechen people, because they have become hostages of bandits and terrorists." Vladimir Putin stated that there are "very many problems in Chechnya now - social, religious and political." We have never set the task of enslaving in any way the Chechen people. We do not want and do not have the right to corner the people, putting them into the position of a vanquished nation," said the Acting President.

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Ukraine should pay RUSSIA with LAND!

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balalaika is ukrainian, she likes salo.

Noble Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1518 need an adress for this clown.

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>>> balalaika is ukrainian, she likes salo

Oh, real? Before making my verdict, would you please explain what is "salo".

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Ñåãîäíÿ â Ðîññèþ ïðèåçæàþò ýêñïåðòû êîìèòåòà Åâðîïåéñêîãî ñîþçà ïî ïðåäóïðåæäåíèþ ïûòîê.  êîíöå ôåâðàëÿ îíè ïëàíèðóþò ïîñåòèòü ×å÷íþ è, â ÷àñòíîñòè, ñëåäñòâåííûé èçîëÿòîð â ïîñåëêå ×åðíîêîçîâî, ãäå ïî îôèöèàëüíûì äàííûì ñîäåðæèòñÿ 78 ÷åëîâåê

Estimable Member
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Posts: 128

Don't forget to mention that you are coming from Venik's Aviation Page and you can also
drag-and-drop the "Estonian Neo-Nazism" graphics from this page into your e-mail message. Don't
close your eyes on this: public indifference is exactly how the Third Reich came about. The Baltics
is a particularly volatile area in the world, with both Russians and Americans competing for
influence in the post-Soviet power vacuum. If we allow Baltic neo-nazis to gain western support,
there is no telling how far things will go. Eventually, we or our children may end paying for our
indifference with blood.

July 5, 1999

As yet I have been unable to find a clear report about the so-called injustice, Dimitri is on about. The above website is dubious to say the least.
This guy incites hatred, "sorry human-being" would be a good discription of him, although some of our Russian friends regard him as the font of all knowledge.

>I am going to give you ONE LAST ARGUMENT, and >then you can got to sleep, just answer before you >do..JUST CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING and after you're >done, reply to
>tion/nws001/bbc003.htm" TARGET="_top">>MCM/082499/aviation/nws001/bbc003.htm

>THIS WAS MY LAST QUESTION TO YOU, so ANSWER ME >after you're done reading it!!!

Stop telling me what to do, you little prick,
if you hadn't jumped in with both feet and in capitals, I might have felt inclined to listen to you. Furthermore, if you are the same Dimitri, you should know that I don't accept something just cause someone says so- also I don't feel the need to play yesman, just 'cause I may sometimes have a laugh with people.
Re :Fred le dinque, I may be wrong, maybe he was tired, but it wasn't the changing IP,but the changing attitude that struck me. Not to mention the fact that I have never noticed him struggle with English in the past.
You, if you are in fact the same person as in Dec, I obviously overestimated, or else this consortium business has gone to your head.
You managed to drive the most rational of all contributors, Suleyman, from the board with your antics. I'll go if and when I want to, not when some egomaniac puppy dog says I should.
Its obvious that people have pandered to your ego telling you what you want to hear...........
Tell me why were you pretending to be Kissie the other day? You were soon found out though, hehe.
Go do what you do best............

Estimable Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 128

>By me, who else ( - on Thursday, >February 24, 2000 - 01:19 pm:
> >tm
> >tm
>There is obviously nothing in Western Media, so >the above links are in Russian. Follow more links >from there.
>P.S. They are going to put in jail 150 more >(soviet) partisans who faught NAZI.

I went back to the original sites, these are unfortunately in Russian. If anyone other than Dimitri can tell me (nicely!) what it says or knows of a simular report in English, German, French or Spanish- I would be grateful.

Reputable Member
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 384

Kissie, did ya get my answer to your inquiry?
I've posted the link for ya:

* Yes, Dimitry, thanks. The link material gave some to laugh about. Will, probably, post it later.

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