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Archive through February 25, 2000

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Speaking of ignorance..........

>By igor ( - on Thursday, February >24, 2000 - 02:06 pm:
>Their time is coming soon too.All them bastards >who think they are going to kick sand in Russia's >face better wake up cause Putin is not like >Yeltsin. He will stand up for Russia
>and its interests.The Russian bear is waking up.

>By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, >February 24, 2000 - 02:09 pm:

>Baltic "republics"(i.e. Lithuania, Latvia and >Estonia) are taking Nazism where no Nazi has been >before..

>By Dimitri ( - on Thursday, >February 24, 2000 - 02:16 pm:

>BTW, about Yeltsin..I am kinda proud of the guy - >in the same Latvian article they mentioned that >he angrily refused to accept Latvian medal of >Three Stars..good for him..I
>mean it.

These are the rational arguements, I was so rudely ordered to answer??????????
All that hate on the basis of one article??????

It seems to me that certain Russians, such as Venik, have designs on reclaiming the Baltic States for mother Russia.
I reiterate the statement I made some months ago at the start of the Chechen conflict:
"The first step in war propaganda, is to demonise the opponent."

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Y "B" poevilse brat...mozjet eto abd?

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Igor -

Shtatovskae compania...pomoemy carolina...skorei vsevo y nix tam proxy serevr stoit...tak shto tvoi clown mozjet bit' gde ygodno...a mozjet u v caroline sidit..

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>>>By Dimitri ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 01:34 am:

From "fake" Dimitri to ignorant Kim:

On 2/21/00 Latvian Supreme court sentesed Russian WWII partizan who was fighting Nazis and local politzai (jandarms) for 6 years of prison, and there's another 150 Russians, waiting for the Court desision. And you, Kimmie, act like there's nothing wrong with it..>>>

By borrowing from Armenian+. SO WHAT!!!

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>>>>By KA ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 04:54 am:

Speaking of ignorance..........

I reiterate the statement I made some months ago at the start of the Chechen conflict:
"The first step in war propaganda, is to demonise the opponent."
Kim >>>>>

With Russia and her stupid supporters, you don't even have to try. They are naturally demonic, and they don't even bother to hide it. I don't think even Chinese, whom Boris was so eagerly seeking support from, trust and like Russians.

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Senate Republican leader Trent Lott of Mississippi said the bill should strengthen the reformers while warning Iran's Islamic fundamentalist old guard ...
* As always the US expects any "reformer" to look "Westwards". Whatever the reformists - they would be fools to ruin what they have in their country at hand for a carrot because of naive "clear messages".
The bill also stipulates that the US should not make payments to help the Russians build the International Space Station, unless Russia clearly shows that it is opposing proliferation to Iran.
* It is a joint project - it's not easy just to declare so.
BTH, China conducts talks about acquisition of the MIR station.

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Thank-you Turk,
I prefer to fight my own battles, though.
Find your own material to insult the Russians with.
That wasn't really my aim.

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Check your email.
Out of context, or what.


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>>>>By igor ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 02:52 am:

PUTIN'S views on Chechnya after the war.... before the Chechen people, because they have become hostages of bandits and terrorists.">>>>

Does Putin believe in his own propaganda?

He likes Chechens so much that he is exterminating them!

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>>>By KA ( - on Friday, February 25, 2000 - 06:46 am:

Thank-you Turk,
I prefer to fight my own battles, though.
Find your own material to insult the Russians with.
That wasn't really my aim.
KA >>>

I know you are a big girl. So fight your own battles, why should I care.

In terms of insulting Russians, no I wasn't. Just stating the obvious.

And a last point, I am not in a mood to receive kindly advice from goofs who think that they can tell me what I can or can't do.

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Ah, enthusiastish Turk!

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Glad we understand each other.

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ohaya, k-san!

thank you for the sendings. i will share the fractal mutate, heh.

i appreciate the thought you've put in the other piece. on the whole, more than i've ever done. twas intiguing to see an entirely different angle. i'll have a few comments.
the greetings of the almost-dawn for you!

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kim, luv,
wassup w/the edge?

is this trip really neccessary?

c'mon, y'all...

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All of the Central Asian states fear a rise of Islam-inspired terrorism.

Ok, attach a term like "terrorist" or "terrorism", and then safely ignore all the suffering of real people. Obviously, once you labelled them as terrorist, you can go and murder them, use vacuum bombs against them, whatever.

The problem is, these people have real grievences and aspirations. Just because you call them terrorist, they won't disappear. And doesn't matter how many times you attempt silencing them with widespread state terrorism, as long as their issues are not properly addressed they will keep coming back on you.

In fact all of the Central Asian states (and Russia) fear the rise of ISLAM. But fear won't help. Islam is on the rise, and nothing can prevent it.

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