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Archive through February 25, 2000

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the "Iron"-Lady indeed..

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BRUSSELS, Belgium, Feb. 24 — NATO’s secretary-general issued a tough warning Thursday to “troublemakers” of any ethnic group in Kosovo, while the alliance’s governing council studied a request to deploy additional forces.

hmm..first they create them "troublemakers", then then they fight them..."peacekeepers" my arse.

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This recent video footage by a German journalist shows how barbaric this Slavic race really is. We have witnessed this barbarity in Bosnia and Kosovo by the inhuman Serbs--this applies to only those who supported the genocide by War Criminal Milesovic. We are now witnessing it a second time in Chechnya, with double the ferocity. WE MUST PUT AN END TO THIS ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS HATRED THAT IS TAKING PLACE IN CHECHNYA!

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So, that Babitzky's alive in Makhachkala, the Dagestan capital, and talked with his wife over the phone.

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To: John
Is that what you get taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago? Must be a really good place to spend all my scholarship at with losers like yourself. Go take some classes on "Effect of the media on the brainless American public"

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I find it interesting when people point to the media in the US for leading to a concolusion that someone has. In countries such as the Former USSR and other countries today have state owned media outlets which tend to toe the government line which makes people in thoes countries tend to think the media outlets in their countries tell them half-trues. While in the US we have 5 major networks, upteen news cable outlets, 1000's of newspapers etc. none of which are owned by the government. Hell the media in the US likes to point out when the US government screws up, it is good for rateings.

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This recent video footage by a German journalist ...
* Is BS. That German admitted himself he didn't shoot it.

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Where does it say that? The German journalists name is Frank Hoefling and it said in the news story he shot the footage...did something change?

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yes, Andrei is alive..

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"""Hell the media in the US likes to point out when the US government screws up, it is good for rateings. """

I agree. But when it comes to Russia, I do see a lot of team-work - Washington-Post, NBC, Reuters(especially), NY Times, you name it..hidden negativity, that what I honestly sense..

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You go man. You tell them
ALL those slavs, I mean they ALL are terrorists and killers, I think we should initiate a peace mission to bomb all the Slavic countries into the stone age, then we will help all previously "oppressed" to organize, arm and put them in charge. This will solve all the problems.

P.S. "ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS HATRED THAT IS TAKING PLACE IN CHECHNYA" - hmm..sounds great, but is this what actually is going on?


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By Australiensiska krokodiljaegare ( - on Thursday, February 24, 2000 - 07:53 pm:
How interesting to see that Armenians seem to be as thick headed and subhuman as the Russians. I guess that the "absolut alcoholic" Armenian would also like Armenia to rejoin the Russian Federation.

This pathetic guy is totally DESPERATE to belong with the Russians -He epitomizes the portrayal of a dumb but shifty Armenian - He and his kind lack decency, education and morals.

I am sure he is planning to fly himself and his crooked family to Moscow, so thay can all lick Russian arses together

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To: Gonzo
I've lived in the US for quite a while to know what kind of an "independent" American media really is. During the Kosovo conflict there was a huge difference between news coverage by US media (all your 5 major networks were showing the same footages most probably after going through the government censorship) and for instance Italian and German medias. You can do yourself a favor and watch the International channel once in a while to compare the US media that you so proudly present and news from some other countries. Besides it's not too late to learn a couple of more languages and finally get yourself educated.

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To: Gonzo
I've lived in the US for quite a while to know what kind of an "independent" American media really is. During the Kosovo conflict there was a huge difference between news coverage by US media (all your 5 major networks were showing the same footages most probably after going through the government censorship) and for instance Italian and German medias. You can do yourself a favor and watch the International channel once in a while to compare the US media that you so proudly present and news from some other countries. Besides it's not too late to learn a couple of more languages and finally get yourself educated.

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S E R B =Savage Evil Rapist Bastard

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