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Archive through February 25, 2000

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Hi Dimitri Darlink...

How's your day been? TGIF right

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Wow they played priety loose with the government cesorship. Showing a bomb from a us plane blowing up a train as it crosses a bridge (not good PR). Showing a line of tractors being blown up (also not good PR). I will stick with english, thank you. Spent 3 months backpacking arround europe with no trouble at all.

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"""I guess that the "absolut alcoholic" Armenian would also like Armenia to rejoin the Russian Federation. """

I think that'd be great. Armenians will benefit by having a powerfull ally and Russians will get unlimited access to Armenian wisdom and Armenian Coniac(BTW the best ever made!)..Those two nations have always been either friendly or neutural to each other..Great proposal, Australiensiska krokodiljaegare !

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OHHH WOW....GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY.....Our favorite well stacked 6'2" pile of fecal matter is back with his nim-rod logic. COME ON LETS AGAIN SHOW HIM OUR APPRECIATION FOR THE TIME HE'S TAKEN OUT FROM HIS BUSY SCHEDULE "playing with himself" TO BE WITH US.

thump..thump..thump..thump..thump.. thump..GO BACON... GO BACON GO...thump..thump..thump..

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Dimitri, Let me ask you thins. If the news media didn't report possible Russian atrocies would it not be presenting both sides of the story?

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To: Gonzo
That's the problem my good man. There were a lot more footages alike apparently not suitable for American public that were never shown on the local TV

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Such as?

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The German journalists name is Frank Hoefling and it said in the news story he shot the footage...did something change?
* Something changed. The original (from another location) was shot in the Hi8 format, then encoded to another one and handed over to Hoefling.

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" how barbaric this Slavic race really is.."

You are a nice newborn kid or a stupid brain or an hypocrite...I don't know which?

First: saying that Slavic race is more barbaric then other race is stupid and racist...You know nothing about History or you want to ignore History...Hitler was a german (not a slavic killer)

Second: you don't remember what anglo-american have done to the black people (who was very peacefull) and to indians

Third: a great part of my wife's family has been killed by turks...a real genocide (near 2 millions deaths and all of them were civilians) :those serial killers were not slavic killers...but real good muslims.

Quadro: this film prove nothing ...except that a lot of poor men with bears are dying ...Are they civilians? We will know latter..but may God have pity for their soul.

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To: Gonzo
A couple of examples just for you Mr. Precise:
A few cluster bombs that were fired from American battleship by mistake into Bosnian town (don't remember the name), a couple hundred miles away from the zone of conflict. Tens of civilians killed and wounded. Mistake indeed. Three ally warplanes shot down by Serbs. American media acknowledge only one - B-117 so far, not including two incidents with chopers.
And there are plenty more but I think that's enough to convince you.

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Hello there, Ms. Mary 😉

you're back..good. Your "dear-friend" CB is back with more "nice" things to say..Day is going gut , zer gut! Too many clients are calling today trying to place a trade at the last moment, before the, I am staying busy..

How's YOUR day going, dear?
Have you finished editing The MAGGAZINE?
Had any parties lately? Wish I was there..I would love to go to England..

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Gonzo, is not WHAT they present, it's HOW they present it..really my friend - go to Yahoo/Reuters
and see how they word it. Reuters doesn't just give ya facts, they try to influence you, so all the negativity would be placed on Russians and NEVER on the Chechen rebels. Please, see it for yourself!

or, I can Copy'n'Paste on of their articles for you. It'd be my pleasure.

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Dimitri, read the news on Yahoo...thats how I got here via a link.

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which one, Gonz?

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Plus before this conflict it was widely reported in the media Chechens were infultrating neboring areas ans kidnappings.

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