All is well with me and T.G.I.F.. Last party was in Geneva..Going to St. Moritz for weekend. The Camel Nuts Gazzette was ready to go yesterday, but with last nights tensions thought it best for things to calm down and release edition next Monday.
To x:
No, I don't believe that "...war will always be...for Mohammed, for Marx, for oil, for Napoleon, for Hitler, for the Empire(roman,french,english,american )for....etc..It is ABSURD but it is human....."
Just as it would be absurd today to believe that the state of Michigan would go to war with the state of Illinois, when socialism has triumphed and nation-states are no more, then wars will will be no more. To believe that wars will always be is to believe that nation-states will always be, and this pre-supposes that the profit system can go on indefinitely, which I believe is an impossibility. So long as the productive forces are unable to expand without running headlong into national interests (including those of interpenetrated nations), wars fought between imperialist rivals, nation-states defending themselves against imperialism, and between oppressed nations expressing themselves in ethnic slaughter, will continue.
Despite the wishes of neo-liberal globalists who don't hesitate to call upon the imperialists to intervene in national upheavels, imperialism cannot solve the national question because imperialism EXACERBATES national tensions, raising passions to the boiling point. This is why the situation in Kosovo is, today, worse than it was before the imperialist invasion.
Imperialists, in pursuit of their insatiable appetite for profits, are driven to war as flies are drawn to feces.
Just a thought:
If "russians" wanted to kill all chechenes, when we would not have humanitarian problem in Dagestan and Ingush republics.
"""Plus before this conflict it was widely reported in the media Chechens were infultrating neboring areas ans kidnappings. """
..but as soon conflict started the blame-Ruskies-process has begun..look Gonzo, I am not saying that Russia's media is much more independed(neutural), but I saw Russian pro-sites and con-sites..but when it comes to US media - NEGATIVE ONLY, k?
Dimitri, I not sure what you mean. Yahoo.com it has links to Moscow times , Chechen times, web sites on both sides.
Vas. American media did report the loss of a couple un-maned aircraft along with the stealth plus battle dammage on an F-16 and A-10...so how many planes were shot down by the Serbs? If you listened to them anywhere from 40-60 including a B-2, rubish. Sorry not convinced . If you have more fine.
To x:
Isn't it strange that I had to write: "...as flies are drawn to feces," because I could not use the word "shi-," without the censoring software generating four stars, but I was able to type the words: "war" and "kill" without the software kicking in. I can post a picture of a young child who has been maimed by a cluster bomb without fear that the police are going to be knocking on my door, but should I post a picture that falls under the heading of "child pornography," then I'd best expect to be arrested. Strange, huh?
To: Michaelfromseattle
hi there..gotta off-topic question for ya(I am just curious) - a few weeks ago I read a pretty interesting article in "Spin" magazine, it was about anarchists in Washington State - how they "paraded" in Seattle, where their "headquarters" are(I think it was Tacoma) how they tried to trash "NikeTown", etc. I actually saw the pic of a guy on the top of the roof of NikeTown trying to kick some letters(of the word "NikeTown") off that roof..guess what kinda shoes he was wearing? Yea, you better believe it - he had a pair of Nike's on..LOL..
So my question to you is - that Anarchist movement, how big is it in the State of Washington? Anything you can tell me about that will be greately appriciated.
Gonz, I am talking about Reuters news - I will post the link for ya.
Vas. About that American Battleship my memory is a little fuzzy on that one. "Off by 100 miles" Can't buy it. Anyway I think the last time a US battleship fired in combat was the Gulf War since they all are retired now. Do you think the US should not have taken action in Bosnia? Do you think it was a bad thing? Hell the UN sat arround for three years as that war raged.
Glad to join the melee. First off I'd like to comment on the espionage issue. We Americans know that at any given time your phone line could be wired or tapped. We are educated enough to know that anything said should not be incriminating, especailly when the information was taken without proper authorization. I need two shares from the stock could mean anything, get it.
Secondly, the media can be censored even here in the US, but that is why we have the internet for broader access to news without listening to the BS that the government releases. Most news agencies here act Independently without fear of reprisal or dissappearing. Russians are more likely to believe the BS their government spoon feeds them because of limited access to the net.
Thirdly, all races have shown a level of barbarity especially during times of conflict. To single out any one race is very ethno-centric and not very accurate. Racism comes in many different forms and shapes, it's best not to assume anything.
Dimitri, Oke doke...I think thoes anarchists were from Eugeen. Anyway just a buch of spoiled kids who didn't get spanked by there parrents enougth when the were kids.
I know what your dream is...When I was younger (1967,68,69,..) I was a student at University of Toulouse (France): the city was control by the communist Party and most students were communists..Like everyone of my generation, I have read Marx,Trotsky,Hegel,Lenin...I know your ideas and your feelings about them....but you must admit that the end of the 20 century din't go that way...It was a great dream of justice,equality,reason ...I will never see that dream come true ...but I don't know the futur...I hope your will avoid some new Stalin if you want your dream to realise...
yeap, Eugene defenitely rings the bell(thanks)..they did look pretty stupid, covered masks and all..I had a good laugh, but I bet, the people who live there did not find that barbarism so funny...
Lobo...Didn't that group sing "Me and You and a dog named Boo."
About news:
I think it does not make sence to agrue about news. All news organization have been biased toward one issue or other. In general news are reported by humans, who are biased based on thier upbringing, enviroment, political or econmical connections. So in order to get full picture it is wise to look on all sides and then take a arithmetical average.
my 2c