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Archive through February 27, 2000

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I am glad we agree on this. I also think that even death of 1 person is too much, but
does not that mean that the current killing and kick out of house serbs and other minority, must be stoped? Do not you think that now it is albanians who must be stoped from ethnic cleanzing? What do you think we should do? Bomb kosovo-albanians? Bomb nato (since they are responsible for stopping killing and enforcing justuce? Or is there different justice for serbs and albanians?


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see you all

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I agree with your statement on judging others can be a difficult, if not impossible task, since it might not be possible to get all the facts to judge from a distance. And your example about a large family in Kenya (doesn't matter which country) was a good one.

However when people are killed, their cities were turned to rubble, it is too difficult to sit idle. Call me naive, but all the evidence both in ex-Yugoslavia, and in Chechnia are pointing to gross human right violations, and war crimes.

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Turk where is the proof or just more of your yapping

"Serbia is drowning in the bload of all those innocent civilians they killed by tens of thousands".

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>>>It is important to note that a sizable number of people who resided in Kosovo before the war are now said to be unaccounted for – 17,000, according to U.S. officials. However, the methodology for arriving at this number is unclear. According to NATO, many records were destroyed by the Serbs. Certainly, no census has been conducted in Kosovo since the end of the war. Thus, it is completely unclear where the specific number of 17,000 comes from. There are undoubtedly many missing, but it is unclear whether these people are dead, in Serbian prisons – official estimates vary widely – or whether they have taken refuge in other countries.>>>

TRY looking for them in KLA. After war all those men who supposedly were missing rose from the dead as they will in Chechnya.

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>>>By drake ( - on Saturday, February 26, 2000 - 06:24 pm:

I am glad we agree on this. I also think that even death of 1 person is too much, but
does not that mean that the current killing and kick out of house serbs and other minority, must be stoped? Do not you think that now it is albanians who must be stoped from ethnic cleanzing? What do you think we should do? Bomb kosovo-albanians? Bomb nato (since they are responsible for stopping killing and enforcing justuce? Or is there different justice for serbs and albanians? >>>

As far as I can see, Milosevic's provokators provoked ethnic hatred, caused wars, and then left behind poor Serbians to fend of themselves, while they were safely back to Belgrade. This seems to be the pattern in the whole Yugoslavian tragedy.

Of course it is not right what is happening to Serbians after the reversal on the battle fields.

I have seen in TV stories of many wonderful Serbians, as well as Albanians helping each other even during the worst time. The war brings the best as well as the worst out of people. The trick is to ensure that all those monsters, regardless of ethnic origin are brought to justice as quick as possible.

If history is any guidance, this wound will also heal, and Serbs and Albanians will eventually live side by side peacefully. The removal and trial of Milosevic, and establishment of a democratic Serbian regime will greatly assist in this healing process. The new regime needs to negotiate with the Albanian regime (doesn't matter KLA or not) a solution to all issues, including granting of independence to Kosovo. In return they should receive guarantee of minority rights for Serbs, including return of refugees back to their homes.

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>>>By igor ( - on Saturday, February 26, 2000 - 06:40 pm:
Turk where is the proof or just more of your yapping

"Serbia is drowning in the bload of all those innocent civilians they killed by tens of thousands". >>>>

Does Srebrenica rings a bell in your hollow head?

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Drake, K(L)A (lol)

Russia joining Nato: It would be great. But too early now.
There are still too many conflicts of interrest.
Mayby in a century or a half of a century.
(Who knows? With the internet everything is going faster...)

In Kosovo, it's not a problem to know if Nato should or shouldn't have intervene in Kososvo but what they want to do with it.
I think it was not a bad thing to react against Milo but the policy that follows is wrong.
We should redraw the boundaries and settle realistic legal basis.
They think that letting everything like that, will bring stablity. They goof. They are on the wrong way.

They should give some land to Albania, some land to Serbia, some land eventualy to Greece or another country if necessary; with Macedonia too if it can't be stable, let the people settle on the side of the border they prefer and stop with this ethnic cleansing paranoia. I mean to make it natural.
(but here again the EC should have some common power of decision. That's also not granted.)

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Maybe Russians aren't the best trained soldiers but they managed to kill lots of Chechens.

Thank you Russia!

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I agreee with your last post. Milosevic is a criminal and a crook.

I don't agree on "mounting evidences of atrocitiesd commited by russian in Chechenya."
There are too light.

Wow many killed in Kosovo?

From Serbian officials: 1500 civilians killed by Nato

From Nato: about 11 000 civilians by serbs.
and few hundreds serb civilians by nato bombings.

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By Armenian+
"Maybe Russians aren't the best trained soldiers but they managed to kill lots of Chechens."

Do you make a difference between chechens population and rebel fighters?

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good morrow. as i see it, we should rename this story board to kosovo-albania-yugoslavia etc. now that war is over( not really) in chechnya, new war is in sight. let them kill each other, why should i care, if serbians are killing albanians for centuries. not my problem, until the conflict get bigger. first, people there create war, and then after a while, when they get tired of it, they request help and tell bullshit about how bad it is there. now everybody sees their suffering, whole world is helping them. so they became quiet for a while. now, when they have everything again, they start war all over again. your all messages are very beautiful, carying, i'm glad that all of you care about those people who suffer. i think, that most of them would like milosevic assasinated. he is responsible for most of it happening in kosovo.
but who wouldn't do thing he did, if your country would be breaking apart. albanians are responsible too, and in great part. they settled kosovo, and they want to take it away from serbia. well, •••• em. so you see, nobody is really bad, and nobody is really good. depends on what side are you on. i say •••• em.


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The population supporting slavery deserved to be punished.

One example. One good friend of my father spent 15 years working for Chechens as a slave in 70-ties and 80-ties. He was working in the mountain village without any hope of escape. Any attempt to get thorough the mountains would lead to a certain death because the POPULATION was supporting slavery. Any escapee was caught by the POPULATION and severely punished.

How this guy could get in such ordeal? He was invited by Chechen to spent his vacation there and earn some money helping villagers with a crop.

I did not make this story up.

In the USSR, it was politically incorrect to expose any incidents of racial nature. Even for the Soviet Union it was never possible to put an end to such Chechen POPULATION practices.

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By SLOVAK 88 ( -

later on:
"your all messages are very beautiful, carying, i'm glad that all of you care about those people who suffer. "

Good, but you contradict yourself Slovak88!

(but it's not the first time: first "Slovak", then "Heil Hitler". Hmm, no compatible...)

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you saw me writing something, and you figured it out. and that's why you are who you are.


PS. if you think you're making me dumb, wake up and forget about that dream. you are shitting your pants, my friend, YES YOU ARE !!
YOU !!

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