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Archive through February 27, 2000

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Turk this is what you posted to which I replied .Now read carefully where it says KOSOVO and then look at your reply.By Turk ( - on Saturday, February 26, 2000 - 06:11 pm:

I agree with you on the credibility of Stratfor. I am not going to dispute with you on the number of people being killed. To me one person is too many. If to you a few hundred is ok, I can not argue against you. That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. 2.---Srebrenica is not in KOSOVO

>>>It is important to note that a sizable number of people who resided in Kosovo before the war are now said to be unaccounted for – 17,000, according to U.S. officials. However, the methodology for arriving at this number is unclear. According to NATO, many records were destroyed by the Serbs. Certainly, no census has been conducted in Kosovo since the end of the war. Thus, it is completely unclear where the specific number of 17,000 comes from. There are undoubtedly many missing, but it is unclear whether these people are dead, in Serbian prisons – official estimates vary widely SO WHO THE HOLLOW HEAD MORON you contradict your self in one posting

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ABfoolah why you look really pissed No wonder you mother threw you out--- HAVING A BAD DAY?

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anyone wondering why corpses mutilated well here is what it looks like after getting hit by shell

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enjoyed "Analize this" much"?

it shows.

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You all people suck and have double standards. you talk about russian atrocities and forget about chechen atrocities that have been going on for the last 200 years

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as a matter of fact i did.


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Did ya know that Billy Crystal is a Russian Jew?


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What are you doing up, so early on Sunday morning, anyway?


P.S. haven't been following Heider's news lately..what's going on with him?

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it looks good on you....heh...

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yeah, i mean, why waste energy on some bootboy using someone else's machine. did you borrow it or steal it?

'heil hitler' my buttocks.
like you'd ever back up such trashtalk
in real life.
but oh, how exciting it is to do it here, eh?

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Kissie is in La La Land. It must feel pretty good.

Relativity. It is a concept you should contemplate. Sure you can perceive NATO's outcome in Serbia as "Assembled a steam boiler with a malfunctioning safety valve". But isn't it better than the alternative? There is no perfect society - a blue print for all to follow. Even the Mighty U.S. has its share of problems - yet people from all over the world wish to migrate there. It's all relative my dear. Its fair to say you don't live in Serbia so as a bystander it would be simple to shrug of the progress made. But question the individuals & families who lived through the poverty, hunger, and misery that war inevitably bring with it and you will have a much different perspective to that of your ignorance. Comprende.

But as you were so gracious as to give a 'Fair follow up' allow me to extend the same to you; Yugoslavia never happened. There was never a conflict! No shells lobbed into busy market places. The take over of Serbernicia NEVER happened. No Death camps existed, the human abuses were all concocted to entertain the masses as Clinton was busy with his ever worldly Cigar adventures. Feel better now. LMAO.

Oh yeah, thanks for clarifying the "You are not an expert thing" … I for one was most disappointed by this revelation. LOL.

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i don't give a •••• about any jew on this planet. and anyway, he's a good actor, so why shlould i care. my real consern are CIGANI. that's what is worrying me most.

haider is , i don't know, he said some bullshit about other countries and now i think he's on a trial with EU. but anyway, he's good. i like him.


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ohaya, kisako!

bs by fake nazis notwithstanding....
the greetings of the dawn for you!

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Kissie is in La La Land. It must feel pretty good.
* No, I'm not in the States.
Relativity. It is a concept you should contemplate.
* Einstein expert?
But isn't it better than the alternative?
* Before, or after Albright? And which one?
Even the Mighty U.S. has its share of problems - yet people from all over the world wish to migrate there.
* Never been no desire on my part. As to others - let them.
But question the individuals & families who lived through the poverty, hunger, and misery that war inevitably bring with it and you will have a much different perspective to that of your ignorance.
* I'll quote one person who said "US is known for poking into piles of sh.. and wonder why all stinks around them". Are You one of them to add a different perspective to my alledged ignorance?
But as you were so gracious as to give a 'Fair follow up' allow me to extend the same to you; Yugoslavia never happened. There was never a conflict! No shells lobbed into busy market places. The take over of Serbernicia NEVER happened. No Death camps existed, the human abuses were all concocted to entertain the masses as Clinton was busy with his ever worldly Cigar adventures. Feel better now. LMAO.
* I simply acted on fair - didn't know You're a pervert enough to pervert everything. Change the location - it might of help.
Oh yeah, thanks for clarifying the "You are not an expert thing" _ I for one was most disappointed by this revelation. LOL.
* Yes? Well, I'm not an expert in "relative" BS like You. Add a LOL?
P.S. BTH, have You found proof?

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