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Archive through February 27, 2000

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* By the Grace of Allah, the Mujahideen have launched a series of lightning attacks against the enemy in Shatoi. The attacks
have left the Russian forces dazed and confused; Russian forces do not know when and from where the Mujahideen will launch
their attacks, and often end-up bombing their own units in the ensuing confusion.

* Mujahideen sources confirm that the enemy inadvertently bombarded one of their own Special Forces units, killing 31 of its
members. Friendly-fire attacks are common place amongst Russian units whose indiscriminate attacks often claim the lives of
their own men, in addition to countless civilians.

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Yea, you're right - I stole the machine. Swell guess.

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..and your point is? I just don't want to jump to conclusions befor you tell me -' tit' for what 'tat'?
As you know assumptions are very dangerous things on this board..

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aw c'mon, man, did it
like i was describing you?
it was for mr 88.
like i have to TELL you that?

wazzup witchoo, man?
expecting an attack from me?

are we not cool?

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Dear L-chan,
we're HELLA cool, and I mean it - I just thought you were making a joke ( you know me with my different IP's'n all, lol)..
gomen.. once again

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Poor poeple:

"of civilians -- predominantly
women -- who are making wool socks and uniforms for the guerrillas, raising money to buy weapons ... "

They are already poor and the little money they have, they give it to buy weapons.
The weapons will be used against russians who will respond in sending more troops and bombing even more villages.
And for what? To be under the charia law. To be a Kuwait colony. To have the oil sucked out by over rich sheiks. Or to became a taliban province.
Don't these women see how they are misled?


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"Russia joining Nato:- They don't want to join!"
That's a good reason to think it's too early.

* It's a good reason to think that in current state of events Russia will never join NATO. And it's not even early - it's a capital stop.
It's a conflict between albanians and serbs.
* Internally speaking.
US decided to ally with albanians.
* Just like that? For the fun of it.
If a war flout international war, it's the least.
* So, when tanks would roll into Lithuania, it wouldn't matter much.
But in peace time there should be legal basis upon the issue of the war.
* There is/was one.
The winner have to decide of these legal basis.
* US? NATO? Russia? China? Whichever would roll its tanks in faster?
The problem now, is that the winner (nato) is not doing that.
* The "problem"?... - Your stupidity.

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Could you post the link or the ref on this stuff.

"...: to join his enclave to the rest of Serbia, and to make
the Ibar the frontier with a Kosovo which all Albanians believe must
become independent. "

I just wanted to say that Poland and Russia are playing a cat and mouse tit-for-tat game with each other.
I wonder what they gonna do as soon as no diplomat will be left on any side...
I think it hide a old-old traditional animosity between Poland and Russia rather than a position on the chechen conflict.
I don't see what political/economical advantage they could have from supporting the rebels execpt to please the west and tease the East.

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To Ain't Over

By the Grace of Allah the Allmighty:
"...Russian forces do not know when and from where the Mujahideen will launch
their attacks,..."
...while the Brave Mujahideen knows exactely and all the time when and where will come the attack of the ennemy from:


see also (it was for you)
FLD ( - on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 05:22 pm:

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I see..good point on mutual dislikes between those two..
BTW I gotta link for you on how Cossacks(!) "replied" to this Polish act - yesterday, about 20-30 of them , drove to a Moscow's Polish embassy, threw a couple of boxes of fresh eggs at the embassy windows, went back to their busses and...left. Now, that my friend, was peacefull, humorius and "right to the point" kinda spitting, no screaming(i.e. "go back to Poland" type) just showing them how not-serioucely they are taking those me one-sided, if you wish, but I just luved that "responce".

Here's the link(unfortunately it's in Russian, but I know you speak the language, so..) - #1

..if you will need more detailed translation, I can defenitely help.

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"Russia joining Nato:- "
"Russia will never join NATO. "
Of course not. Now this sentence is far out of the context I wrote it in.
But Russia want to be a partner of Nato. Of course not a membre but some oficials (not me) put the question of Russia joining Nato.
But why not in a far future?

"US decided to ally with albanians.
* Just like that? For the fun of it. "
Perfectly! For the fun to be everywhere. To be near theyr dear Middle East. You USA is a funny country where everybody do everything just for fun.

"* So, when tanks would roll into Lithuania, it wouldn't matter much. "
No, because the whole Europe will be ablaze then and nukes will be hot to be ignited.

"* The "problem"?... - Your stupidity. "
Ha, I forgot: On this board we ought to insult everybody we don't fuly agree with. The most common insult on this board is


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Thanks for this link. Unfortunately I don't understand russian enough to be able to read an article. I should take my dictionary and translate a word in each sentence practicaly.
But I can imagine how it is.
Not very serious but a lot of susceptibility.

On the other hand, it can cover another less avowable reason (mafia style business or so). But Ias I see the guys, they would even not need it.

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NOW here is the biggest joke yet

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How Nato was sucked into Kosovo conflict

Startling new revelations show how Kosovo rebels and American leaders manipulated a Serb massacre to push US allies into action, says Allan Little, who has interviewed the key players

By Allan Little

WHEN news of a massacre in the Kosovan village of Racak reached Washington, Madeleine Albright’s reaction was immediate.

"Spring has come early," the US Secretary of State told Sandy Berger, the National Security Adviser, after hearing that the corpses of 45 ethnic Albanians had been found following an attack by Serb forces. Ms Albright, the West’s most influential anti-Serb hawk, was quick to grasp that the atrocity could be used with great effect to stiffen international resolve against President Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia.

But only now has a detailed new investigation revealed how Ms Albright and the leaders of the rebel Kosovo Liberation Army took such dramatic advantage of the "Racak effect".

"It was the kind of event we wanted to avoid," she told me recently. "But the fact that it had happened meant that it had to be a galvanising event and we had to move the Allies as rapidly as we could."

Ms Albright was not alone in turning the Serb atrocity into a tactical advantage. Hashim Thaci, the young guerrilla who emerged as the KLA leader, had also begun to think of international opinion as potentially the strongest weapon in his otherwise ineffective armoury. The rebels had already provoked Serbian retaliation, targeting police and military patrols in hit-and-run ambushes, then melting back into the civilian population. At Racak, the week before the massacre, the rebels killed four Serb policemen. The response was predictable. "We knew full well that any armed action we undertook would trigger a ruthless retaliation by Serbs against our people," Mr Thaci has now admitted. "We knew we were endangering civilian lives, too, a great number of lives."

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Passage from previous article

Talks were held at Rambouillet, near Paris, last February. For the Europeans, they ended in failure because the Serbs would not accept a Nato peacekeeping force. But for the Americans they ended in success, precisely because they were so managed that they paved the way for war.

"Obviously, publicly, we had to make clear that we were seeking an agreement, but privately we knew the chances of the Serbs agreeing were quite small," the State Department spokesman James Rubin now concedes. "The other acceptable outcome," he says of the US fallback position, "was to create clarity where previously there had been ambiguity . . . That meant the Kosovan Albanians agreeing to the package and the Serbs not agreeing to the package."

For Ms Albright, Rambouillet was a triumph.

She had used the impetus created by the Racak massacre to persuade the allies to agree to force. When Hashim Thaci signed the document the Serbs had rejected, the interests of a small guerrilla band finally converged with those of the world’s biggest military power. Two months later, both were at war against a common enemy

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