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Archive through February 28, 2000

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No more Serbs in the village of Klobukar
February 26, 2000

No more Serbs in the village of Klobukar

Belgrade, February 25th (Beta) - An old Serb woman Mitra Vasic was brutally murdered with a wooden stake in her home, near Novo Brdo.

Amateur radio operators said, quoting the Church People's Council in Gnjilane, that the woman, Mitra Vasic, aged 65, was murdered with a wooden stake driven through her middle and pinned to the floor in her home where she had lived all alone.

The murderers, believed to be ethnic Albanian extremists, then set fire to the house. The body would have burned completely had not an international KFOR force helicopter patrol seen the smoke and saved the body of the old woman. According to the Church People's Council, the murder took place on February 9th, and the body of the woman is still in the morgue of the hospital in Gnjilane.

The crime was confirmed by the representative of Novo Brdo community, Srboljub Maksimovic. According to him, contact has been made with the sister of the murdered woman, who lives in the village of Tomanac near Kosovska Kamenica.

Mitra Vasic was the last Serb inhabitant of her village, which had had an ethnically mixed population before NATO's aggression on Yugoslavia last spring. All 73 Serb families were driven out of the village last summer, and their homes torched.
I think it is time to start retaliate against this Muslim shite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chechen Escape Bid Foiled
Federal forces thwart a daring Chechen bid to evacuate a wounded commander.

By Alexander Voronin in Mozdok (CRS No. 20, 25-Feb-00)

An attempt by Chechen rebel leaders to escape into neighbouring Georgia has reportedly been foiled by Russian paratrooper supported by devastating fire from Mi-24 helicopter gunships.

Federal military sources claim that the clash was part of a bid to evacuate wounded warlord Shamil Basaev from the embattled republic. Basaev who had his right foot amputated after the retreat from Grozny is now thought to be suffering from gangrene. Other reports state that a shrapnel wound to the head has permanently damaged his eyesight.

In a bid to secure a safe passage for Basaev, around 300 rebels commanded by Emir Khattab are said to have attacked a border-guard unit near the village of Omi-chu, 10 kilometres from the Georgian frontier. The separatists raked federal positions with heavy-machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars.

The border-guards promptly radioed in reinforcements and Mi-24 helicopters dropped 600 elite paratroopers near the settlement. At least one gunship was shot down during the operation and a Mi-8 transport helicopter badly damaged but the Russians claim to have killed 80 rebel fighters in the ensuing firefight.

According to Russian intelligence sources, separatists now hope to smuggle Basaev from the village of Roshni-Chu into Ingushetia where a Tu-134 belonging to Chechen-owned Askhab airlines is waiting for him at Magas airfield.

Moscow is also trying hard to write Khattab out of the picture - probably prematurely. On February 21, the federal press centre quoted the Jordanian-born Wahhabi militant as saying that Allah had come to him in a dream and "ordered his warriors to return home". It is thought Khattab's lieutenant, Arbi Baraev, is preparing a secure base for the remnants of the feared Islamic Regiment in the Akhmet region of Georgia.

The Chechen high command has denied these reports, claiming that Khattab is busy planning guerrilla raids on Russian garrisons at Starie Atagi, Shali and Serzhen-Yurt.

But the Russian generals have never been slow to report the deaths of Chechen rebel soldiers. On Tuesday, the federal press centre announced that Interior Ministry troops had discovered the body of Salman Raduev, 32, one of Chechnya's great military legends.

Raduev was leader of the elite Presidential Berets before taking command of Dzhokhar Dudaev's army between April 1996 and June 1997. He led the notorious hostage-taking expedition to Kizlyar in January 1996, then miraculously escaped capture during the ensuing debacle with elite Alpha commandos at Pervomaiskoe.

Russia's Federal Security Service believes that Raduev was killed by his own men as the result of a blood feud. There have been five attempts on his life over the past three years, one resulting in a serious head wound.

Meanwhile, the Russian generals unleashed a fresh wave of bombing raids against Shatoy, in the Argun Gorge, which they say is the last bastion of rebel resistance in Southern Chechnya. The offensive is being orchestrated by General Mukhriddin Ashurov, an expert in mountain fighting, who succeeded in seizing the key position of Duba-Yurt on Saturday.

Over 150 airstrikes were launched against Shatoy on Tuesday, with 13 ground-to-ground rockets ripping through the town centre. This was followed by severe fighting around Khal-Kela on Thursday, when rebel positions were hit by Igla ("Needle") and Strela ("Arrow") rocket systems.

The separatists claim to have shot down five helicopter gunships in the Argun Gorge over the past five days, with 40 Russian Special Forces troops killed in Khal-Kela alone.

On Thursday, Moscow reacted angrily to reports from a Spanish news agency that 33 Russian soldiers had been killed by friendly fire in the Argun Gorge. An EFE correspondent claimed that a federal armoured column had mistakenly been hit by Uragan rockets on the night of February 22. Both Russian and Chechen sources report that the armoured personnel carriers were in fact ambushed by rebel fighters.

Alexander Voronin is a correspondent for Moskovsky Komsomolets.

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It really suckss that Russians can't really bomb Chechen terrorists anymore. Too many Russian troops all around.

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Madeleine Albright Is Being Urged To Run for President of Czech Republic

Too funny. They forgot to mention that she cursed like a sailor when she was mistaken for a cleaning lady. Good thing it was not a Serb, otherwise US would nuke Yugoslavia.

Kam cert nemuze, posle starou babu.

Where the devil cannot go he will send an old hag.

An old Czech proverb.

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Gonzo wrote:
By Gonzo ( - on Monday, February 21, 2000 - 06:39 pm:
jisbond, I like USAs democracy too but enforcing some type of world law. I got to back at
that. No way, our guys already do too much overseas. well time to go later all

To Gonzo:
When there is one law there is one people. All for one and one for all brotherhood! it's great!
There will no longer be our guys and your guys type of talk.

Also Remember that democracy with out virtuous laws did not do much for Jesus at his trial and in front to tens of thousands of his own people. They all voted wrongly against Jesus who was innocent from the beginning. Democracy alone is not absolute.


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From: Russian Crisis Messages posted at:

Subject: "American democracy but with Islamic Laws"

Gonzo wrote:
By Gonzo ( - on Monday, February 21, 2000 - 06:39 pm:
jisbond, I like USAs democracy too but enforcing some type of world law. I got to back at
that. No way. our guys already do too much overseas. well time to go later all

To Gonzo:
When there is one law there is one people. all for one and one for all brotherhood. There will no longer be our guys and your guys type of talk.

Also Remember that democracy with out virtuous laws did not do much for Jesus at his trial and in front to tens of thousands of his own people. They all voted wrongly against Jesus who was innocent from the beginning. Democracy alone is not absolute.


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Topic starter Lets see if Europeans buy the BS this time around.

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23 ôåâðàëÿ 2000 ãîäà ñòàëî Äíåì. Çàùèòíèêà îòå÷åñòâà îò ÷å÷åíñêîãî íàðîäà âî èìÿ ñóùåñòâîâàíèÿ äðóãèõ íàðîäîâ â Ðîññèè. Êàê áû è ïðåäóïðåæäåíèå îäíîâðåìåííî: ó íàñ ñèëüíàÿ àðìèÿ —ïîñìîòðèòå â òåëåâèçîð, ñêîëüêî ãåðîåâ.

Ïàòðèîòè÷åñêèå ñþæåòû: Äóìà, çàìåðøàÿ â ìèíóòå ìîë÷àíèÿ. Ñ÷àñòëèâûå ôåäåðàëüíûå ñîëäàòû íà ïåðåäîâîé. Ñ÷àñòëèâûå ôåäåðàëüíûå ñîëäàòû â ãîñïèòàëå. Ñ÷àñòëèâûå è ãîðäûå ìàòåðè ôåäåðàëüíûõ ñîëäàò ñî ñëåçàìè ñ÷àñòüÿ íà ãëàçàõ. Ó íàðîäà ñ âëàñòüþ îáùèé ïðàçäíèê — âîéíà.

È íå áûëî ðåïîðòàæà î ðÿäîâîì Ëåâàøîâå. Åãî, ðàíåííîãî ïðè øòóðìå Ãðîçíîãî, çàðàçèëè âðà÷è ãåïàòèòîì Á., è òåïåðü îí óìèðàåò â ïèòåðñêîì ãîñïèòàëå îò îáûêíîâåííîé æåëòóõè. À åñëè âûæèâåò, òî îñòàíåòñÿ èíâàëèäîì. À ìàòü çàëåçëà â äîëãè, ÷òîáû õîòü ðàç âçãëÿíóòü íà ñûíà, íåò äåíåã äàæå íà ïîñûëêó. Íå áûëî ðåïîðòàæà î ñåìüå êîíòðàêòíèêà — æåíå è ãîäîâàëîì ñûíå, êîòîðûå ãîëîäàþò è áîìæóþò, ïîòîìó ÷òî íå ìîãóò ïîëó÷èòü â âîåíêîìàòå çàðïëàòó ìóæà-ñîëäàòà. Îí, ñîáñòâåííî, è âîåâàòü-òî ïîøåë íå çà îòå÷åñòâî, à ÷òîáû ñåìüþ ïðîêîðìèòü. Íåò ðåïîðòàæà è î ïðèçûâíèêå Þæàêîâå, äåçåðòèðîâàâøåì èç ×å÷íè, êóäà èõ îòïðàâèëè ÿêîáû íà êàðòîøêó. Îí íå õîòåë óìèðàòü çà îòå÷åñòâî — íå ãåðîé. Åãî ïîéìàëè, òåïåðü îí â øòðàôáàòå.

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The site of Chechen rebels has been substantially renovated. Now it has information in variaous languages.

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"1921 - Russia and Afghanistan signed a treaty of friendship providing political and financial aid for the Afghans."

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""I will not be deterred in my efforts to force peace on this region," Albright said. "Hillary and I have staked our reputations on the war against Kosovo, and I am not about to let the resourcefulness of a few Serbs get in my way."


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Absolutely correct, Albright is on crack "resourcefulness of a few Serbs get in my way" - no such thing exists. LMAO.

Oh by the way are they able to cross bridges yet?LOL

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>>>By Kisako ( - on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 11:45 am:

By All American ( - on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 10:19 am:
A tape clearly showing Russian Servicemen dumping gagged bodies into a ditch.
* All concocted to entertain the masses as Clinton was busy with his ever worldly Cigar adventures. >>>

Since when Kissie become Kisako? Damn you many-faced creature, you are so ashamed of what you are, you can't even come forward with your sex and nationality, and stick with your own assumed ID.

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All American,
about Your Mighty U.S., Cigar typed beginning with capitals - Your Emirates aytolla/mullah/imam/whoever must have told You to pray facing Makkah - not Washington, and moreover not, Allah forbid(!) a Cigar. Heh.
P.S. Do You smoke Camel?

Turk, and what do You smoke?

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