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Archive through February 28, 2000

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>>>By Kisako ( - on Monday, February 28, 2000 - 05:34 am:

Turk, and what do You smoke? >>>

I don't smoke.

I bet you smoke grass. That explains why your statements are always so fuzzy.

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By Turk:
... you can't even come forward with your sex ...
* Why should I? And on board? No-o, You and All American are doing a quite nice job of it turning the board into pornsite coming forward with your sex masturbating all round.

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All American,
since You abuse LMAO, there should be nothing left to ride a camel on, I advise You change LMAOs and LOLs to, say, LMCO - Laughing My Camel Off, or Laughing My Crude Off

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>>>By Kisako ( - on Monday, February 28, 2000 - 06:07 am:

By Turk:
... you can't even come forward with your sex ...
* Why should I? And on board? No-o, You and All American are doing a quite nice job of it turning the board into pornsite coming forward with your sex masturbating all round. >>>

You are hitting below the belt! It was very tasteless. Despite my dislike of your posts, I wasn't expecting this from you.

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I bet you smoke grass. That explains why your statements are always so fuzzy.
* Turk, it's Your computer monitor. Dump it and buy a new one.

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Monsieur LeDinque,

"Kosovo...We should redraw the boundaries and settle realistic legal basis."
- What legal basis? The entire action flouted international law.

#The point is that, as you said, the militarily superior determine the "Law"- but it ain't always the "good guys" that win.

No basis in international law for "redrawing boundaries" Boundaries exists to be redrawn. That's called History.
# Well yes OK, but then there seems little point in talking about laws, does there? The idea of the United Nations ,and previously the league of Nations, all these international bodies, is to find ways of solving international disputes, without resorting to war. Unfortunately they rely on international concensus. International law is woefully inadequate + has no teeth so to speak.
(Check out the UN charter on the Web, and European human rights law, AND WEEP!!!)
When Nato went it alone in Kosovo, the last remnants of legality were swept aside. What ever is decided now will be based on military advantage.

"_ You mean the EU, currently squabling about what currency it should use and who can and can't eat what?????? Think again. "

my dear Kim? You are what you eat! - i was talking about beef actually-
#I mean that the EU has internal problems they can't seem to solve, which in comparison with Kosovo are trivial.

It was created to avoid war in Europe and it worked. In the Yougoslavia case, it would apply perfectly if ever there were some political will.
# Actually it was created for economic purposes, the original Coal and steel agreements between Germany, France and the Benelux was about preventing Germany rearming.

The EU or EC concept is good but they lack political will.
# The dilema faced by the EU at the moment is whether to deapen or expand- New members will mean fundamentally restructuring the current EU structures and financial agreements. This may take some time...........
The countries that have been accepted so far, have had to completely restructure their economies,legal and political structures, banking systems etc. - and show a reasonable level of stability. (The EU is not about to invite an ongoing war to join it.)

Question: What happened to the idea of forming local economic/free trade Areas in central and eastern europe?


PS: Those quotes were taken from Igor's post directly above. sorry

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But Russia want to be a partner of Nato. Of course not a membre but some oficials (not me) put the question of Russia joining Nato.
But why not in a far future?


Russia ddoes in fact already have a partnership with Nato.
It has its very own special agreement under the
PFP -plan (partnership for peace- see Nato website)
Unfortunately, every time that Nato and Russia disagree, Nato threatens to withdraw it.
I guess the RF have decided this is just another means of control.
Which of course it is.

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y It ain't over... ( - on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 04:03 pm:

OH, hi there Johnie!!!!
The cold war ain't over perhaps????????????

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According to the head of the 'Special Administration of the State-committee of Defence of the ChRI', Abu Movsayev, the Chechen side has gathered information on the secret concentration camp for Chechens near Mozdok (North Ossetia). He says detainees of this camp are killed in biological and chemical experiments. A top-secret group of scientists from Moscow is said to work there, whose task is to develop bacteriological, biological, and chemical weapons. Not one single prisoner has left the concentration camp alive.
About 300 Chechens are said to be kept in the camp. The detainees are periodically poisoned with colourless and odourless aerosols in hermetically sealed chambers. The victims of these experiments are burnt in special mobile crematoriums.

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You are hitting below the belt!

* Schmock!

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to force peace on this region," Albright said.

Hate to quote URN, but Ye, gods!!!!!!!!
(and that from an Atheist!)
"force peace" - Albright the OXYMORON.

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Hi, Kim.

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By Turk ( - on Monday, February 28, 2000 - 05:51 am:

Here is a post from KISSIE
By Turk ( - on Monday, February 28, 2000 - 05:51 am:

>>>By Kissie ( - on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 09:56 am:>>>

And here another post from KISAKO

>>>By Kisako ( - on Sunday, February 27, 2000 - 10:00 am:>>>

What is this? I can understand a new dress, but what is with the new name?

Are you trying to be more attractive with a different name? Don't bother, it won't work.

#Just an in-joke, Turk, please don't feel excluded.
He, Kissie-sempai
(L'menexe, OK I wasn't going to use other spelling- red rag to a load of bull)

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Heard, that two Russian servicemen of KFOR had been decorated with US Army medals for rescueing a wounded American, that ran on his car onto a mine. Those two ran across that mine field, got him quick, but the poor one died in hospital.
Woah! Sempai?

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According to the nose of the 'Very Special Administration of Hashish Freedom of the State-committee of Bullsh.t of the ChRIUndBS', Abu Movsayev Bin Hashish, the Chechen side has smoked information on the secret re-concentration camp of drugs near Mozdok (North Ossetia). He says monopolists of this camp smoke their heads off. A top-secret group of scientists from Afghanistan is said to work there, whose task is to develop bacteriological-, biological-, and chemical-grade hashish. Not one single smoker has left the concentration camp on his free will. About 300 smokers are said to be testing in the camp. The scientists are periodically experimenting with colourless and odourless hashish-compound aerosols in hermetically sealed chambers. The smokes of these experiments are burnt in special mobile nargilas.

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